Dec 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Subject: Trudeau Grits finally willing to admit immigration helped spur housing crisis

Date: December 15, 2023

To: sean.fraser@parl.gc.ca

Cc: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, All provincial premiers

How many light bulbs were missing between your ears before you realized it, Sean?

Canadians know you are a slave of the unstable Justin, but were you ready to put your reputation on the line, or is this important for you? What's the next move to condemn Canadians?

What else must be destroyed before the real leaders act? If only the premiers could work together to stop this country's demise!

Incompetence! Irresponsibility! As insane as it is!

Damn it!



The GG is apolitical. Nice lady but not a GG. She has the power to have a serious talk with 'it' but likely won't which is wrong considering the dismal state of the country.

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She will do NOTHING

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

And that is why Trudeau appointed her!

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Globalist Occupational Islamo-Socialist Government.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Methinks this GG is an obvious political appointee.....another minority woman.....from the North....who is milking the taxpayers for all they are worth....These "appointments" have a purpose.....to undermine the position and convince Canadians it is no longer required......

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She was appointed for the purpose of doing exactly what the Liberals tell her to do.

They put out carrot 🥕 called a benefit for First Nations, and being a lady of average intelligence, she bites at it.

Nothing but a Liberal play thing.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Sean Fraser is new to this portfolio and he is getting things done, the problem is Trudeau has done little for 8 years addressing the housing crisis and had housing minsters who also did little, they had more important things on their minds like climate change, the narrow minded inept bunch they have been and continue to be, OUT with the whole lot of them and it can’t be too soon.

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Agree. But, Fraser performed like a Trudeau puppet in his last portfolio as well, like the rest of them.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Not only is there a large portion of the population that is unaware of this transition (thanks to the liberal owned media) but there also is a considerable number of people who look forward to "being looked after" by the government with guaranteed income,dental plan ,pharmacare etc.What they don't realize is that there is a VERY high price to pay for all this,the main one being loss of freedom and autonomy.The plan is to make everyone poor so that more people will welcome the government takeover of our lives.Everyone should read Mao's America-a survivor's warning by Xi Van Fleet to understand how insidious the transition is and how horrible life is under a tyrannical regime filled with oppressive ideologies.

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Right, it's called subterfuge. On the surface the benefit appears, but behind the scenes is the conversion of Canada to an authoritarian state.

Trudeau's "spiritual guides" Mao, Stalin and Castro understood how to use this propaganda technique, and so do Liberal Party strategists.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

How many 87 year old Canadians will be around to get dental care when this first gets rolled out next year . A set of dentures delivered on a plate ? How disingenuous can you get . Non existent real care for the elderly.

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Liberals care nothing about 87 year old white people

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Holy crap , I haven’t had it put like that , and it scares me the crap out of me . Excellent article

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Thanks, now please distribute it to 40 million Canadians, thanks : )

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

..also, this..... when will it stop.....

Breaking: Calling drag queens “Groomers” not protected speech, judge rules

A judge has ruled there’s no evidence drag queens are groomers, and set the stage for defamation lawsuits against anyone who uses the term.


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Liberals care more about drag Queens than economic stability.

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We are living 1984..... apparently it is the Liberals' handbook....

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This is an outrageous, incomprehensible ruling! Surpassed only by today's bizarre news that the anti-Pope Francis has decreed that Catholic priests now have permission to "bless" homosexual couples' "unions."

There is no basis in Catholic doctrine or tradition to support this heretical policy change.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

The Marxists whinge about Colonialism because, by ways of typical psychological projection, they inform and reveal their actual destructive actions.

The Woke Mind Virus is the last colonizer for the Borg Hive Collective.

Order out of Chaos.

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Keeping in mind that Trudeau's hero nations China, Iran, et al were not created by way of colonialism.

This is the ticket the Liberals and Media are using to marginalize whites and destroy democracy

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At the end of the day, these Authoritarian Murder Cultures serve the NeoFeudal plans of the Technocratic Apex Parasites.

Their Depopulation Agenda is becoming rapidly undeniable.

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Just read. A judge has now make it illegal for parents to call DRAG Queens ( Groomers ) in front of children. Now you just call them SICKO'S. Sounds like a Johnny Carlson skit.

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A truly incomprehensible legal ruling!

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Good article. For some of us this is not surprising though, just sad to see. Our mainstream media loudmouths are helping this along nicely. They sometimes look up from their liberal talking points to feign some astonishment ( Andrew Coyne and Paul Wells most notably) only to go back to their leftist mantras and distractions. I find many Canadians who say they are conservative are far from it also since they have been immersed in Canadian socialism since birth.

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RemovedDec 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg
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Truth. They want alternate media dead

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