This Trudeau-Singh partnership has really been the final nail in the coffin for Canada, the two seem to have managed complete control of our country which I fear will continue on into the future, why bother with expensive elections when we know what the likely outcome will be??

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"why bother with expensive elections when we know what the likely outcome will be??"

Exactly, and the WEF/China backed Liberal Party know this. It's why they are using immigration in an attempt to control every federal riding in Canada. When they get there, then there will be NO POINT in federal elections, upon which we transition to a dictatorship. That's the plan.

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WEFers are gonna WEFer......

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How he loves to dress the part. Only ‘costume’ he really ever needs is a clown one! He is a true CLOWN, and not even a funny one!!!

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Sandra Krauss will love this comment.

Jughead Singh doesn't realize he's in a one sided love affair. Justin loyalty is to the independence of Quebec and will throw jughead under the bus once India reads Jolly the facts of life regarding Jugheads treasonous involvement with Caliphate.

Jughead is a sucker and even his own community knows his gameplan .When NDP party experience complete annihilation in next election Jughead will no longer wear a turbin and blend in with old stock Canadians.

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Trudeau looks like a dress-up doll in this picture. I am sure he staged this perverted , kinky , photo shot for this exact reason.

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We know that five Khalistan leaaders have been taken out and I am sure more to come .

When the Khalistan movement threatens India's Ambassadors in Canada India will deal with it.

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IQ80 can do whatever he wants, dress up however he likes and to spend Canadian taxpayers money as he pleases as long as the voting population will keep him the PM. It is not his fault that everything goes down the drain. Canadian voting population apparently loves it so he can be the prime minister for ever.

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Jul 5, 2023
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Wouldn't be a secret if media didn't bury it.

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