The Charter of Rights and Freedoms landed in Ottawa as though it was a marvel of Canadian progressive egalitarianism and would resolve the ever present problems which didn’t exist in Canada ; but were manufactured intentionally to create the conditions which would justify the Charter.

Except as soon as the thing was operative; the door was opened to circumvent parliament and make the Supreme Court the arbiter of rights distribution.

Ever so suddenly French was made mandatory in all the manifold departments of government in Canada. Bilingualism and biculturalism became the nations watchword. If you were not bilingual; suddenly you were ineligible to fill any truly important and influential position, especially within the parliamentary precincts.

Of course this meant for the most part English speaking participants in Ottawa were defenestrated. It was indeed a Quiet Revolution! Parliament Hill was not stormed by armed revolutionists, but instead by political legerdemain. It is an instrument designed to redistribute power in Canada. It was a Constitutional Amendment. Few people understood its portend.

In effect it effectively destroyed Canadas’ Constitution and its locus of decision

making. The Prime Minister is no longer accountable. The Liberal party is pretty much exclusively dedicated to being the power behind the throne and maintaining its power forever. That power is Quebec power, i.e. Laurentian Elite power.

As far as representative government; parliament only nominally represents Canadians. Nowadays it is a means of obtaining a life time pension for sitting members of parliament. Can one really expect any parliamentarian to risk an exceedingly rich lifetime benefit. Hang in for a mere six years and you are fixed for life.

There are dozens of ways to earn more than the base salary as a member of parliament; the formulae are transparent but it is still money for old rope. The details are manifold; but no doubt every elected member of parliament has his, or her eyes on the main chance.

Debate in parliament is a clown show. Nothing is debated. People shout and clap and mouth the usual epithets they later deny. The reality is that the noise camouflages the real decision makers; and they are not the elected members. The Prime Minister has plenty of power if he is a Liberal. But he is only a mouthpiece! The real action takes place behind the scenes. Often important legislation is merely rubber stamped. Governments appropriate more and more power by tabling legislation which has ramifications few members of parliament are equipped to dissect. More and more one detects legislation which affords the government more and more power — which is discovered if and when a plaintiff gets to court. Rights are confiscated by legislation passed without fanfare.

Media in Canada was destroyed by the Chrétien government. Certainly Conrad Black’s National Post was intentionally destroyed. Conrad Black imagined he could take on the establishment; Jean Chrétien saw to it the post was defenestrated as was Conrad Black.

The Post passed into the hands of Izzy Asper after which the majority interest of Post Media was sold to a New Jersey company. Post Media has become controlled opposition. When the terms of debate are are carefully circumscribed by the government; by generously supporting media to the tune of $1 billion dollars; how can one expect media to report negatively on their owners? Media in Canada supports the establishment; an establishment which hardly has everyday Canadians interests in mind.

I have no idea what the reach of the Cultural Action Party of Canada is, but it is better I think to help inform people interested enough to seek a countervailing opinion than write in the comments below main stream media reportage.

It is exceedingly difficult for most people to deconstruct the zeitgeist promulgated throughout the entire social stack; but many of the accepted givens are lies and intentional obfuscations. Most people rake around in the cold coals of the received when the seek to shed light on that which is intentionally obscured. It is very difficult to think against the grain. But we must do that.

Doing so is often disturbing. The instruments conceived over centuries to hold powerful interests to account are not doing so any more. Informed people are dangerous to the establishment — the establishment, opaque as it is, is more dangerous to you than you can imagine.

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As percentages rise so will eventual pushback. Maybe not in my lifetime but it’s got the makings of a religious war written all over it.

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Exactly Trudope’s goal. Wish people would get their heads out of the sand!!!

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

We have core identity and it’s not Trudope and his tribe!!!

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Brad your writing has always been on point and continues.


Maybe take a look at Gab!




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It seems that we here in Canada are spread out to thinly across the country not like the EU or the US which enables this tyrant.

We need premiers to take control of their provinces and remove the excess of a federal government and the waste of tax payers monies.

After all what have the Fed’s done for Canada in the past 10-15 years.

Take note-


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