My email...

Subject: Another Liberal woke!

Date: August 3, 2023

To: arif.virani@parl.gc.ca

Cc: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

Bcc: Many

So Arif,

Already comfortable in your new chair?

Canadians are actually safe and they only perceive higher crime you say! That's what a misinforming Liberal would say.

You're public safety and you don't know what's going on, do you?

Or, you won’t admit that crime is escalating because you just don't know what to do! Does it need to reach the level of the Middle East before acting? Or, is it your boss’ order to leave alone, things are falling apart nicely!!

Prove me wrong with competent decisions if you're not just another suit on a hanger!



Peace, Order and Good Government

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Thanks for taking action

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We assume he speaks and understands English at least.

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Trudeau has a propensity to appoint visible ,gay and non Canadian born ass kissing completely misinformed about history of Canada individuals.

They can't provide any positive contribution once appointed. VIRANI makes no sense as Justice minister especially when he announces how crime rates are low compared to other jurisdictions. WHAT A CLOWN

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Adolph Justine Castro, Democracy Destroyer

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I've been relentlessly sharing your reports with my online liberal gaslighters who tend to show up on every post without fail to mock conservative thought, 😂 good times.

I've spent 25yrs in law enforcement as either a Probation Officer in the community, a Correctional Officer inside the federal prison, and a Parole Officer in the prison and in the community. My job was to asses risk to the public and present that analysis with a recommendation to the Board when inmates applied for Parole. I never supported the early release of offenders. And the Board agreed with my 99.9% of the time. My recommendations were always in concordance with the Board members, except for one, in 20 years. That was my contribution to society. Public Safety is paramount. That was my mandate. I kept Canadians safe. Trudeau only talks about it and his Ministers lie for him. I know for a fact that they are lying 🤥.

I remember when Harper promised to be tough on crime. And he was. It was the best period of my career, where the federal government finally had my back with real legislation that went a long way to keeping Canadians safe. Like Harper or not, that man made a real difference.

Then when Trudeau got in, he reversed good legislation and made Canadians not safe. Trudeau steadily continues to make Canadians not safe. I see it in case work, the courts, the police, in the streets in front of my house, and at the beaches and parks, and our downtown. Trudeau is full of shit💩

He has an agenda plain and simple. His goal is to literally use the public to tear itself to pieces. And it's working. Whatever his puppet Ministers say is really in line with Trudeau's Post Nation State agenda. You can't have a Post Nation State until you destroy the Nation. Everything feels broken because it is. I'm hoping that Pierre Poilievre is using that slogan because it's true and not because he knows we see it.

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Lord do I hate this punk Trudy

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So why does Trudy go light on criminals?

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Big picture? I think it's part of the agenda to turn CAD🇨🇦 into that Post Nation State that he promised. You can't get to Post Nation without destroying the current Nation. Obviously high crime breaks communities, destroys the social fabric. The chaos that ensues brings a big response from law and order. The government can justify a police state response and the dumb dumbs will hail them as saviors.

My personal assumption? Trudeau is a criminal thinker (criminal thinking), he's a criminal himself. He's antisocial. Criminals are antisocial. There's no cure for that. Rehabilitation may help some, but ot depends on the individual. You can't cure greed, lack of empathy, psychopathy.

I believe Trudeau is the greatest risk to public safety I've ever seen, because of his ability to affect laws, because of his policies. He's a multi level threat. Like Hitler was. He's a threat to Canadian society, domestically and via his international influences, evil friends.

In my opinion, Trudeau is a degenerate unredeemable threat. He lacks basic human qualities that most people use to bring community together, to foster family and religious beliefs.

He's antisocial.

Criminals by definition are antisocial.

So he is a natural born criminal. That's how he sees the world.

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Create chaos then come in to the rescue pretending to save us from everything dangerous they created in the first place.Fool people into believing that the new oppressive rules you just put in place are for our protection ,since the government cares so much for the welfare of it's citizens.People will be less reticent to accept the new control measures if they are introduced in such a fashion.Many are easily manipulated in that way.

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A communist tactic for sure

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We pretty much have a police statw now, since covid, they dipped their toes in the waters of tyranny and loved it.

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When one considers who is in charge and where our tax dollars are going......the blatant connection to Ismaili Islam......and who controls it........methinks our failed nation state is now in Dhimmi status.....

A betrayal of the highest order!

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I wonder how much influence the Aga Khan has had on our policies. We know WEF has, and the UN.

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Justin practically worships at his feet, therefore there has to he a reason, and per usual, it isn't to help Old Stock Canucks

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Trudy installed for that purpose

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I have followed the "Most Wanted", lists of multiple police forces in Canada and some European Countries. The facts are disturbing. The majority of wanted criminals are most often immigrants to the jurisdictions, where they are "Wanted"! Thank you Trudeau Senior & Junior for your perverted promotion of "Multi - Criminalism"!

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Trudeau for transition to jail cell

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I watched the swearing in ceremony of the shuffled cabinet on the CTVs 24 hour news channel and it was an eye opener, Trudeau embraced each appointee and gazed into their eyes, a nauseating performance in my view, who in this wide world of ours does this kind of thing. The choices he made didn’t surprise me and I think it will spell disaster, our only hope is that he will be defeated in the next election and the sooner that happens the greater our chances.

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Oh I've seen him do that gazing half hug thing. It's so fake yet sickening at the same time. It's almost like he's saying "do my bidding, you owe me".

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Makes me puke

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Brad...these new liberal appointees couldn't organize a 2 car funeral.

Oh, i forgot they don't have funerals where they come from...just wrap them up and dump them in a river.

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Why does Justin always have that same CREEPY SMILE on his face when he is staring at a member of his Cabinet?


And why do they always seem so nervous?


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Just wait , when Trudeau stops all those monthly supplement cheques when the kitty is dry than you will see crime spike.

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Aug 13, 2023
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YES ... I live in Virani's riding.


He sends out monthly newletters.


He never forgets to kiss the butts of every minority.... LGBTQ2S+, Black, Indigenous, Muslim.


I do not recall ever seeing him interacting with an Old Stock Canadian group ... not once in 7 years.


About a third of his constituents, those in the northern half of High Park fit that description.


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Of course. These types...Virani, Hussen, Zahid, Khalid and the rest are religious ethnocentrics.

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