The Supper part and the Castle of Blood and Marie’s head and the Silver horse all made me sick. The degenerates of the world are creeping out of the shadows for all to see. They should crawl back to their dens.

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It's a disgrace of the highest order. Let's see them close the ceremonies with a mockery of Islam to even up the score.

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Remember January 7th 2015 when a group of Islamic Fundamentalists firebombed the offices of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo because they had published cartoons depicting the prophet Mohamed.If I remember well some people were killed and there were major threats of backlash all over the world.Permission and approval to desecrate one's religion only works one way .Ask Trudeau and Macron for an explanation as to why that is.

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that i would love to see, macron and trudeau on the run with the skinny rolex bringing up the rear.

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The threat of a wider war is growing …




ERDOGAN Threatens To Invade Israel


When Erdogan announced that it was considering building a Naval Base in CYPRUS, he was signaling that he understood that Turkey’s days in NATO were numbered.




Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday appeared to threaten to invade Israel in support of the Palestinians, and to put an end to the nearly 10-month-old war Israel is fighting against Hamas in Gaza.


Turkey must be “very strong so that Israel can’t do these things to the Palestinians,” the Turkish leader said of the war. “Just as we entered [Nagorno-]Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we might do the same to them. There is nothing we can’t do. We must only be strong.”


The remarks, delivered at a party meeting in Rize, were the latest in a series of inflammatory statements he has issued about Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the months following the October 7 Hamas terror onslaught, and subsequent war in Gaza.


In 2020, Turkey, under Erdoğan’s direction, provided military support to Azerbaijan during a 44-day conflict sparked by a land dispute with Armenia and the breakaway territory of Artsakh, or the republic of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Turkish military did not intervene directly, and instead provided assistance, which included the deployment of Syrian mercenaries and a supply of drones.


As a member of NATO, which includes the US, Canada, the UK, Germany and other close allies of Israel, Erdogan would almost certainly face heavy opposition if he attempted to take military action over the war in Gaza.




ISRAEL and GREECE Sign Mutual Defense Treaty




The announcement follows a meeting in Cyprus on Friday between the UAE, Greek, Cypriot and Israeli foreign ministers, who agreed to deepen cooperation.


Erdogan: “We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these things to Palestine. Just as we entered Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we might do the same to them. There is nothing we cannot do. Only we must be strong. “




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That's the Point B to the gallows.

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Jul 28Liked by Brad Salzberg

Christians have become tolerant to a fault. Time to quit turning the other cheek.

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Must organize politcally in Canada

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In other words, stop being a religion and start being a sect.

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that might work, provided the numbers were great enough

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Jul 28Liked by Brad Salzberg

Everyone keeps saying “ wait till next year when Trudeau is voted out and things will go back to normal”!!! What a crock!! What kind of simpletons believe that Trudeau and his buddy Q tip have any intention of giving up power? To anyone? The question I have is when is the revolution going to start ? The longer it is put off the stronger these freaks are going to become!!

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Jul 28Liked by Brad Salzberg

Does the fallout of the Freedom Convoy hold no meaning for you?

What's your suggestion for rallying and mobilizing a sparse population spread out over a wide tract of land? Especially when a single time zone has more voters than all of the others put together?

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Anglophones must organize politically.

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Is a start.

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Jul 28Liked by Brad Salzberg

You're in France with the unelected Macron.What did you expect.?

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Jul 28Liked by Brad Salzberg

Maybe you could help the situation. In this article you should have been referring to as the transgender movement and left LGB out of the picture. Lgbt have nothing to do with the will of LGB people, only the other letters.

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Its the LGBT crew that refuse to break out transgender from the rest, which I agree should occur

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Jul 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

I’m trying. The thing is most gay people are not in involved with LGBT promotion or activities. We’re just people that want to live our lives in quiet peace. Unfortunately, the small minority of freaks make us all look like we’re nuts

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Author

The Muslims argue the same is true of their tribal religion, which CAP would question in totality.

Plus, the freaks are organized and have money, and that must come from somewhere

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The Deviil has been active since the beginning of time and he will stay untill he decemds into the Hell!

Maake no mistake, Muslim is NOT a religion. It is a Sect.

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Both Jolly and the IOC got exactly what they wanted.

He was looking solely to be talked about, and no publicity is bad to anyone with that identical mindset. Especially not that apostle with the hanging nuts.

The IOC are continuing to fatten their coffers while plucking another pigeon of a city and leaving them with the headaches and the bills.

If the IOC beats a path to your door, answer them with tar, feathers, kerosene, and a blowtorch.

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The LGBTQ2S group are becoming totally disgusting, who do they think they are, they are destroying all respect for them!

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Good. Let them do themselves in. There was no respect to start with, just tolerance. We are OUT of tolerance. DONE.

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that is coming fast and furious

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deletedJul 28
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He's an idiot

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I would add the word “useful” in front of the word “idiot” to describe Jolly.

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