Jun 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Third world immigration be it the downtrodden or the monied will bring third world problems of: corruption, violence by gun or knife, sexual abuse, abuse by class or gender, high inflation due to political corruption and poverty. We see the problems Canada is importing already and trudeau is asking cdns to embrace it. trudeau and his clowns don't care, they are insulated with guards & weapons we can't have, with laws that protect them not us and privileges granted to the few and not the many. Immigration for any country must be thoughtful and measured for the success of those we invited in and for those that care for the new citizens until they themselves become sufficient enough to be able to care for others.

Canada is broken.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau doesn't care about any of that.

He has an agenda. He's on a mission.

He's a traitor.

He's the pied piper of the NewWorldOrder, the OneWorldGov't, bringing the Nation to its knees for the big corporate overthrow, the fire-sale.

Trudeau said at the very beginning that Canadians are inherently racist.

He said that Canada will become a "Post Nation State" under his leadership, and that "you won't recognize Canada when I'm finished with it". And mainstream media was silent.

No questions were asked about what Trudeau meant when he said it and how it would impact individual Canadians, rights, freedoms, our culture (that started with corporations replacing Merry Christmas with Happy Holidays). Trudeau was put in the PMO to overthrow the Nation and move it's entrails into the NewWorldOrder OneWorldGov't corporate authoritarian facist ownership of the Globalists.

The war with Ukraine is about Ukraine's mobilization into this geopolitical realignment of countries.

It's about the creation of two major opposing teams. The Post Nations (USA, CAD, Ukraine, France, Germany, others) versus the BRICS (Brazil Russia India China SouthAfrica, with more signing on).

That's what Trudeau's doing, it's been a long term goal by WEF UN WHO corporate autocrat Globalist elites. We are merely pons in this treasonous game of chess and Trudeau's the Queen.

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I agree with you, Canada will one day be classified as a third world country, we definitely are seeing the beginning of this. I’m very glad I don’t live in a town or city and feel safe for now in my rural neighbourhood surrounded by old stock families.

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I'm living in town, about 8 blocks from main street. We have a population of 54,000 and we have about 100 homeless people with some smoking meth across the street in front of my house. When I look out my window it looks like a zombie apocalypse

🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♀️

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Brad lets not forget about the 0% Mortgage and 0% down payment being offered to Muslims from the bank of Islam or Saudi Arabia, since 2018!...

There is NO WAY families of the OLD STOCK Canadians can compete with that, even if the parents helped them out, they can't get 0% anything in Canada!

Even Trudeau wants something for his participation, into this 100 million Immigrant problem!!!

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Privilege for Justine's chosen

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That's disgusting! That really pisses me off. We're being killed with interest rates and taxes! My property taxes went up $500 from last year 😒

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Not incompetence. He is extremely competent in his holy work of destroying our economy and culture. Oh, and making us poor. That’s really important for the goals of our Liberal government. Remember, Liberals are psychopaths who hate us.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Yes, all deliberate. It's an agenda, his Post Nation State scheme. If the public really knew the whole truth they'd revolt.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

They have their plan and hope it will blows up in their face and when they get here and no filtration from other countries it will go against them once they see how incompetent or liars they are

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

My 40yr old daughter was trying to buy a house but every time she was beat out by people from Toronto, they'd out bid her, buy the house and rent it out. That's what's happening in my small city of 54,000. Homes around mine that were owned by families who mowed their laws have sold and are now all rentals. They're not all bad people but they don't take pride in their property and the landlord lives 4 hours south, Toronto.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

It depends what the measure of success means. It's been quite successful for the Liberal Party agenda. The current state of home ownership and that of the availabilityof rentals is a reflection of Trudeau's Post Nation State agenda.

Real Canadians can't compete and we're being pushed out of the housing market, to the point of homelessness.

Trudeau wants the Nation State to fail so he can replace it with his utopian vision. His NewWorldOrder OneWorldGov't whatever you want to call it, it is one big drop in class (Equity) for real Canadians and a leg up for Trudeau's favorite classes from 3rd world shit-hole countries.

The goal is to wipe us out, replace us, put us at the bottom (Equity).

Trudeau's immigration scheme was always about taking sovereign rights, ownership rights away from real Canadians, a redistributing that wealth, that is just a scheme to destroy the middle class of real Canadians.

Trudeau uses division to tear this country apart. So this is classic Trudeau dystopia.

It was lies and propaganda (his name, his hair) that put him into the PMO and kept him there.

Trudeau doesn't represent real Canadians and he never intended to.

He swore an Oath to uphold Canadian values, laws, traditions, cultures and he simply lied. He knew he was lying. He knew he was coming in with an agenda and he knew who his bosses were, what side his bread is buttered on. What Trudeau is doing is nothing short of treason. Trudeau is the pied piper for WEF UN WHO, the Globalist Neoliberal agenda. He's carrying out his duties to shift Canada out of Nationalism and into the geopolitical realignment that will be owned by corporate authoritarian psychopaths.

Everything Trudeau says and does is part of the agenda, the theft of our country.

Ukraine is a willing participant of the shift to the NewWorldOrder OneWorldGov't. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain by it.

The corporate autocrats and traitors in elected government are trying to build a new world order. They are competing with the BRICS (Brazil Russia India China South Africa) nations and more countries are joining every day. That's why the USA is at (proxy) war with Russia. Because Putin doesn't want to play NewWorldOrder OneWorldGov't with the USA and NATO. Because if he does, he knows the USA would gain real power over Russia. Putin isn't willing to hand Russia over to (Deep State Democrats - CIA FBI Military Industrial Complex) the USA. But Trudeau is willing to hand Canada over to the USA and the corporate autocrat elites.

The home ownership rights of real Canadians is one small part of the big agenda.

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And don’t forget his socks🤣🤣🤣

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Oh ya! I forgot about that 😅

I'd love to get him socks with the little turd print💩 all over them! I think they'd be really cute 😁

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Pierre the wolrd war 2 draft dodger and who destroyed the Wests economy and had them ready to separate for 40 years and Justin are basically part of a Satanic cult which has done everything in their power to destroy Christianity in Canada. SIngh is just as bad as Trudeau and has supported him in taking the Cross off of the Crown. He was rewarded with massive amounts of immigration from the Punjab .When l got out of high school in Canada Christianity was about 97%. We are about 62% under the lord of the 🪰 Justin has shut down all European imagratation almost to zero especially if they are Christian. The Moslem religion is number 2 in Canada. The Prime Ministers job is to defend the Christian Faith under our constitution. Failure to do so is punishable as Sedition. Who ever said he was a Catholic. Brad should get a petition and send it to the Pope and have him excommunicated for crimes against Christianity. There are about 4 million decent loyalist Prussian/ Christians in Canada. We have fought for the Crown evan in the war of 1812. We are tired of those 2 Lord of the 🪰 trying to kick us out of Canada. We will put the Cross back in the Crown and take back our country. PS. my dad was a Korean War Veteran God bless all Canadian Veterans.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

The concept of dual citizenship is divisive! No one can serve two masters!

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Dozens of dual citizens in Parliament.

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Brad ..your walking on thin ice once you target anther one of Trudeaus misfits. Liberal party under Justin was deliberately formed, financed and in return provided with instructions to bankrupt, dissolve our Confederation.

Old stock Irish, Scottish. Anglo, Jews. western & eastern Europeans and not forget our first nations built this country without government handouts, subsidies and incentives to live here. They came as true refugees with only the clothes on their backs and worked their asses off until they collapsed in all segments of our economy.

Now, miscreants like Hussen or should i say Hustler is quietly changing our population with people who only interested in taking whatever Liberals handout and when it ends, all will rally in the streets calling all us old stock citizens racists insensitive white supremacists.

Trudeau intentionally gave these positions of immense importance to these misfits, however like all politicians when the SHTF they will turn on each other when we turn off the money tap.


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Nothing more satisfying than watching liberals eat their own. It doesn't happen often though.

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Where to these people come from????

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Everywhere. China, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, Columbia, Middle East, Ukraine, India, etc. And with Roxham Road left open for so long I'm not sure if these people were properly vetted. The USA is literally being invaded at the Mexico border by people who come from all over the world. These people aren't vetted. Those people are making their way into Canada. That's where the fentanyl is coming from. People are overdosing, dropping like flies here in my small (54,000)city. Fentanyl comes from China, to Mexico, then the cartels bring it throughout the USA and into Canada. Child sex trafficking is at record highs. Cartels traffic in drugs, guns, and child sex. All Trudeau had to do was close the border at Roxham Road. And refused until the Premiers of Quebec and Ontario started complaining because we don't have the resources to sustain such levels of illegal immigration.

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Funny and accurate when ypu say Fire-Sale,

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Ken we need to put our property taxes into an account and until Trudo smartens up and doesn’t make us communist of China then we release the money until he gets rid of some of these cronies in parliament. We have no choice.

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We don't pay property taxes to Federal Government. They are paid to your Municipal Government, who divide them between the school board, region and the rest to keep Municipal Government running. The only thing you could avoid paying that hits the Federal Government is if you owe Income Tax.

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It's becoming a case of reverse discrimination directly aimed at Caucasian Canadians!! This gov't has been turning this country into another Banana Republic!! Wages being driven down by immigrants that will work for less, have seen situations where union jobs were lost in favor of a company completely staffed by immigrants?? This leads to driving down wages and eliminating good paying jobs.

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