Jul 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

You know its real propaganda when you are not allowed to criticize the government..

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This is forthcoming as long as Bast-Turd remains PM

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RemovedJul 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg
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...just think of who you are not allowed to criticize

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Well said Mr. Salzberg, it will be interesting to watch this unfold. I don’t understand why Trudeau , if he has any pride left, doesn’t follow the example of his liked minded colleagues, the New Zealand P.M and the Dutch Premier?

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Trudeau has pride? I actually think the toad is a major self-loather. He hates Canadian heritage because he hates his own personal heritage, of the Cuban variety, per Fidel Castro fatherhood.

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Do you really think Trudeau loathes himself at all? I don't think he does. I think he is a hollow psychopath who mimics human behavior only to play us all and gain over us. That's how he gets his thrills, by pissing on our legs and telling us it's raining. He really thinks we're stupid and he's superior. In reality he's not superior. He's such a laughing stock, that which he doesn't even see, because he can't see past his own big lying đŸ¤¥ nose.

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But I wish Trudeau would just step down and disappear forever.

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Of course they'll move "heaven and earth" for Trudeau now. He's 100% sold out the entire country for them. Pay to play scam. Treason. They're going to do what they have to do to keep him in that position. So we'll never get rid of him. And he will shove us over the cliff.

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Trudeau's a psychopath. He doesn't have "pride" or "shame". Trudeau has an agenda, he craves power like every other psychopath does.

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Correctional Services of Canada still uses the Hares revised pcl checklist.

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Every human being has some level of narcissism.

People with unusually high traits in narcissism aren't necessarily psychopaths. But Psychopaths definitely have high levels of narcissism.

We won't ever know for sure if Trudeau is a psychopath until he is assessed. He could very well be a psychopath. I would be surprised of he wasn't.

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RemovedJul 18, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg
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And that he's a hot steaming pos đŸ’©.

The forum wouldn't have gotten anywhere without him. That's how bad he really is. He let them in. He's the worst.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

This made my blood boil and sent a chill of ice cold fear through me all at the same time.

If that is the law (cited legal code in the CCC) on hate in Canada now, then we are all going to jail. Trudeau's changed the criminal code of Canada ahead of this issue. So he isn't just lying to 40 million Canadians, he gaslighting Canadians and Americans.

Trudeau quietly changes the law in the criminal code to some very arbitrary language that fits every scenario, puts (social Infrastructure) funding in place to train and mentor school board officials, teachers, municipal and provincial governments, who then implement this agenda, and then he blames right wing in the USA? And calls Canadians haters?

This is gaslighting 101 and Trudeau's a psychopath!

I'd like to see exactly what that Muslim man who's facing charges for "hate crimes" against "the community" was charged with. What exactly did this man say? And what was the context? I have no doubt he probably said something along the same lines as everyone else who is outraged by the gay porn being taught to our underage kids.

And while Conservative Party members likely believe the way we do, they can't touch this with a 10 foot pole before the election. Because it's such a contrived toxic time bomb like the abortion debate was for Andrew Scheer when he wore that "albatross around his neck" and lost everything. It's going to be nearly impossible for Pierre Poilievre to deal with this without getting it all over himself.

We are screwed!

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Good chance the issue will be used to screw the Conservatives. It's the mudia way

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Whoops! He probably objected to offensive behaviour against his religious rights and the Sharia. When two powerful forces clash. What are you going to do with that one, Trudeau? More bromides and fly out of the country!

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Trudeau's handlers will figure out how to bury the Muslim-LGBT conflict. Hell, if they can overcome Chinese election interference, why couldn't they overcome this.

In reality, they're no better-- and no different-- than Mao's China or Stalin's Soviet Union.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Brad...I'm convinced Trudeau & his future cell mate Jughead are griffters.

They both know their days are numbered and playing from Clinton ,Obama, Biden handbook by loading their foundations with pay to play funds...and all his associates have also been pigs at the cash trough.

Don't they realise all these dollars will evaporate because once BRIC nations dump USD for gold back currency Canada won't be invited to the club just like France.NO GOLD NO CLUB.

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Muslim communities in Canada should be applauded for not drinking the Trudeau Trudeau coolaid. There fortunate that their religion won't comprise on gender assignment .

It's unfortunate old stock population have capitulated and won't stand up to this liberal tyranny be allowing Judaism, Christianity be modified by gender association.

Where is Jughead? Isnt he a Muslim ? Why isn't he supporting his community?

Trudeau & Jughead are becoming religious misfits and think the LBGTQ & sometimes Y are large enough to carry votes to victory are insane.

I tip my hat to Mahoud for his religous conviction which is more i can say for our existing none of my business constituents who obviously work for all branches of government.

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It may be inappropriate to say or outdated but I always thought that Gays and Lesbians were people that couldn't get laid so they come out as the opposite sex!

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As a member of the quiet minority (white, anglo-saxon senior) I want to thank the muslims for standing up to what is right for Canada.

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As a Roman Catholic, I agree. Leave our children alone. God determines our gender. To say differently, is saying God made a mistake. Love the sinner, hate the sin. As an adult, you do you, but leave the children alone. And keep your clothes on. How come all those naked grinding guys were not charged under the Criminal Code for indecent exposure đŸ¤” #CommunistCanada

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If hatred can be openly defined as any thought or act contrary to anything else......then we truly have sunk into anarchy!

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I read that " Trudeau" has been placed on Iran's Supreme Leader's Ali Khamenei religious list. There's this one thing you don't do is to " Disrespect The Koran" , we can only hope and pray that it is not true. ( '_'_ ).

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deletedJul 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg
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The list appears endless..

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