Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Before reading this article I never considered it could go so far as to become the government in Canada and could change Canada to a completely Muslim country . I figured we could get Trudeau out before that happened. I don't know anymore

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Cindy, your comment is interesting because as you say "before reading the article." If mainstream media were honest with Canadians, THEY would be publishing these ideas, not just little CAP.

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We've gained one tiny opening: "first past the post" actually backfired on the much-revered-within-Libtard-circles Leslie Church. And this was in the heart of the notoriously socialist 416. Now it's a question of figuring out how to deal with the remaining dominoes.

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Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Creeping Shariah is beginning to canter........

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Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

its coming fast., then, that will finish of canada. except, for one person, troops will come to the ground in canada on the orders of donald j. trump. look out quebec and the rest of trudeaus newest canadians, trudeau, since he has no family left, will hide in khans island paradise, unless trump goes and gets him,

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deletedJun 29·edited Jun 29
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Yes! When the US decides they need one or two of our natural resources… well, you know… INCOMING!

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Is our destiny set in stone?

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According to Bible prophecy, I believe we are living in the Last Days.....

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No individuals pushed Canada into it's LAST DAYS like Pierre Trudeau(China) and Justin Castro(Middle East)

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LBP is a study.....working in the Canadian Embassy in WA DC during WWII......the Elizabeth Bentley trial (much redacted) showed a different face...and as PM, the results are telling.....

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deletedJun 29·edited Jun 29
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Keep in mind that if we indulge in public rebellion, Justin will use it to delay/cancel a future election. That's the kind of toad he is.

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Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Yes exactly this! he is delaying our elections further and further. If he could strike WW3 himself to call an EM Act again he will do it. Biden is counting on it so elections get cancelled.

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This I fear may occur.

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trump won,t let him, i do hope that alberta leaves n trump will welcome her with open arms, just think 9 billion will stay in alberta and not quebec. its going to be very interesting,.

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If we have public rebellion the first thing to happen should be a take over of parliament and ousting of Trudeau and cabinet

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deletedJun 29·edited Jun 29
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Then it will be Emergencies Act-time, for which the Truckers Convoy was a warning to whitey.

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Do you understand now why it was so important to bring the NHL back in full force? Bread and a circus and you've just prevented a rebellion.

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Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

There is no such thing as Judeo-Christian values or heritage. Judaism teaches that Christ was a blasphemer and scoundrel… Christianity teaches that Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God. These views are diametrically opposed. The OT is the prophecy… the NT is the prophecy fulfilled. Christians believe the prophecy has been fulfilled via Jesus… Jews do not. Further, Anthony Housefeather championed Canada’s unfortunate acceptance of the IHRA definition of antisemitism… which definitely does NOT point to a situation where Jews are under threat in this Country. On this, we disagree… although I do find the majority of your work to be in line with my own views…

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

Housefather is a coward. Apart from this, you have every right to disagree with my views. I'm not a neo-fascist "Liberal" like Justine.

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Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Agreed… coward… and, I’m not like Justine either… so, I’m happy to continue supporting your work.

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That is appreciated.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

Here we go rant no. 457643356679000…..

Someone we know that still works at the City of Montreal said they allocated rooms so muslims can go pray while the rest work. No one else gets passes like this. It’s become a circus in the work place. Exemptions being made from working to pray on the clock…

Today I went to check my lotto numbers praying for a miracle, and looking at past winners— chinese, muslims, hindus… what???? our lottery is also being won by, non Canadians. Is there anything left?! I know u say its chance based… and I know its rigged to pick the least combination winner. Is it reaching to assume its not a coincidence? maybe they pick by specific demographic districts… this is too coincidental. Maybe its a new way to lobby money. First they came for housing, jobs, business, religion, priority, grants, funding, work spaces are being lost to Canadians and now, even the damn lottery. Public space, classes, even in entertainment ppl lose opportunities. The grantee list for a big art competition came in where Iv participated and there too- the winners are, you guessed it! its no longer about talent or qualifications. That is really crossing the line for me. Iv got nothing left. Not even art.

“No one, not born in France with more than one citizenship cannot hold office anymore”. New law just passed in France. Deportations are going to start there. UK also started or is going to start deportations. Here? pffffftttt we dream about it.

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France appears to be on verge of stopping the accommodations for 6th century religion through a more right leaning government. First round of elections start June 30th

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Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

They have serious issues where entire towns districts are overtaken by certain demographics with own laws, and the UK has the same issues. Police do not even venture there. Only military will be able to intervene after everything is said and done. I hope they return to the France and UK they once were. With peace in the streets and no more dictator type leadership.

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That sucks.

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Jun 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

Catholic]s are still the dominate religion in Canada as of 2023 , now if they would just get out and vote. It's true that Canada's birth rate is down but like any other animal, humans need to have food and shelter before even considering starting a family. This, I am afraid is not going to happen in the near future because of Trudeau giving BILLIONS away. Trudeau just gave 20 BILLION to Ukraine , a Pro-Nazi Government run by a Clown who isn't even the legal PM of Ukraine . This and all the Canadian soldiers who are being killed in Ukraine just for Trudeau to look good as a BIG PLAYER in World Affairs. The sooner Trudeau is gone the BETTER for Canada!

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Christians need to get off their passive butts, get out and vote, as well as form non-profit groups to stand up against the uber-organized "3rd world" contingent. Enough of being pushed around by Trudeau, Singh, Arif Virani and the rest.

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deletedJun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg
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Thanks, but I wish the circumstances weren't so dire. I agree that Justin's preferred religious communities will eventually supersede our "traditional" ones, likely to have already occurred. But some of it is "their own fault"-- Christians are far too passive in this regard, still looking for any one who has the balls to organize politically and stand up to Justin's war on Canadian society.

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Marry, start a family, be active in the community and particularly in their kids' education.

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Good advice… but, it wasn’t Muslims who have been working to upend those values in Western countries.

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It wasn’t Muslims who set about destroying Christian values in Western countries. It wasn’t Muslims who started the whole white supremacy schtick… there were no Muslim Bolsheviks…

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New breed of Bolshevicks partner with Liberals.

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If Christians had done more open praying… we wouldn’t BE in such a mess. We have no one to blame but ourselves. And now, to accept the notion that saying “Christ is King” is antisemitic? smh

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Jun 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

Then it's time to steal the enemy's playbook. They pray in the streets, we pray in the streets. Two can play, right?

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CHRIST IS KING. Arrest me. Iv seen a video of a guy get escorted then arrested for wearing the T-shirt in a mall. He didn’t want to take it off he would have been first 1/2 naked and ppl have all kinds of satanic or derogatory language and gore on t-shirts, but “Christ is King” is banned.

Candace Owens was fired from the Daily Wire for saying it during her last 2 episodes.

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