May 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Here we go. Brad, how is your blood pressure? because mine is high right now. This really irks me to no end. As an anglo in Quebec, I have been discriminated my entire adult life with jobs especially. The muslim immigrants are getting all the good job placements and barely speak either language. I know, my old neighbours were gifted $25k a year, go to school, housing and jobs at Air Canada. They currently bought a very expensive home and car. We can’t even compare our humble status to theirs. They surpassed us in 15 years here, in every way and I was born here. It’s incredible when the govt gives you more money than you ever had, to start life in Canada.

It truly turns my stomach that Canadians born here cannot be “allowed” to earn a living, impediments at every turn, while outsiders get this royal treatment so they spread the word, vote Liberal, and reproduce all while getting bought and paid to vote through “donations”. They make the worst customer service agents. They are brutal. No empathy, tough, and extra difficult on minor issues. They do not please or help customers. This has been my every experience. It’s in their dna. JT would call this a “phobia”. Its not believe me. It’s an observation being voiced right here- first time. Some cultures, we westerners can never interact with because we are too different in every way. No harmony. I worked with muslim men. It wasn’t so easy as sexual harassment was a daily event for me. They bragged about their powers, control over the lesser species- women. Some were nice, but as soon as their “bros” show up they changed. We are the same as an animal. Not a respectable human. So expect to be treated as such in near future.

This country is going to heck so fast. Two years is too much to wait for an election. Reversing all this is going to take a massive undertaking and they will oppose it in HOC every chance.

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I think we can guess that that $768,000 grant will guarantee that the Canadian Council of Muslim Women WON'T find that the biggest barrier to Muslim women employment is Muslim culture itself? (This is of course assuming that Muslim women ARE underemployed compared to various other demographic groups.)

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just more money for the camel jockeys, nig nogs and golliwogs, chinks, dinks, spooks & gooks but certainly nada, zip, diddly squat for white anglo saxons. What else can you expect from this card carrying communist blackfaced turd.

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This is the land of 'milk and honey', so flock they do!

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