Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

If I moved to a new country and did not like the history or the cultural ways of the new society I would just move back to where I came from. One has to be very arrogant to even suggest to people who have lived here for generations that changes need to be made .It's my house so I'll chose how to decorate it. Meanwhile ,MYOB.

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The goal has nothing to do with moving back, or even not liking. The goal is to TAKE OVER.

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Then even more reason for us to push back as much as we can.Step # 1 GET RID OF THIS GOVERNMENT!!!!! All of them.

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I recently heard an interview with a Muslim, he said it’s only a matter of time, 2060, was the timeframe he stated when the Muslims will take over our country and enact Sharia Law, that is believable and good luck to non Muslims

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The Liberals facilitate this, the bastards

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Besides, arrogance is Liberalism and its multicultural woke viccicitudes

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Lived in mexico for 4 years learnt to speak Spanish & flew the Mexican flag out of respect some days I feel like moving back there they like us more than we do

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

I am a 75 year old woman and I have been watching this beautiful country being destroyed by this woke garbage. At one time Canada was a safe haven for people that wanted a better life and if they worked hard they could be or do what ever they wanted. If this continues there will be no safe haven for anyone. It is time to stand up and say enough is enough you do not like It get the hell out.

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It certainly is, but in this regard, patriots have a problem: when we push back, government and their media puppets label us racists. Also, the assault is pre-meditated, in which the new commie regime has infused woke trash politics into every major institution, thus making it extemely difficult to fight back. Thus far, we are losing this battle.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

I understand what you are saying. Racists and racism has been used to destroy so much. I believe this is a buzz word that people are so afraid of. I do agree with you that this assault is pre-meditated. Yes we are losing the battlle but we have not lost the war yet. This woman will keep talking with her grandchildren nieces and nephews and will pray that a bit of what I am saying will sink in. They already think I am a bit of a rebel because I would not take the jab because things did not make sense to me some of come and said they now understand why I didn’t

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Racism is post-modern communist weaponry pushed by Trudeau and Singh

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

History teaches us either civil war or civil disobedience movement are the only options available. We can all talk and whinge out here but action speaks louder than words. People like Pastor Artur Pavlowski are true patriots. They talk the talk and walk the walk. Did that alleged hag saviour of Alberta give pardon to him? As for me, I am not going to opt for any of these options as I have been backstabbed by fellow Canadians during covid lockdowns. I will buy a nice piece of true property in other part of the world and move on. This place is cursed and socialism sucks.

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But Trudeau wants rebellion, so he can crackdown and cancel a potential Conservative victory in 2025.

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Conservatives too are slave owners like Liberals. A victory for either of these parties still means slavery for us. Again, we can connect, whinge and talk to release our stress. But I am not a house slave but a field slave and I will not settle anything less than freedom. Liberty or death. Simple as that.

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Yes he does.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

Actually, a couple of new anthems will be needed when the West separates.

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The West shouldn't put up with this shyte, and neither should Anglophones.

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Nobody should.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

In our dreams. The clowns of the east that migrated to the west for cheap housing will ensure this is not possible via mob rule democracy. It will be the same wine in a new bottle if it ever happens. A libertarian state and society is the only way to go.

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Remarkable responses from the brain trust 🥱. ...but seriously, why would anyone in their right mind wish to stay in Canada , working their ass off for a bunch of ungrateful , elitist politicians who by way of theft , Foundations and off shore accounts do not have the best interest of Canadians as their first priority.

Out of control immigration , a slow erosion of our rights and freedoms as they take everything from us. You expletive Liberals can have the misery you are creating. Obviously you haven’t learned anything from Greece, Venezuela or other places.”

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Trudy wants Canada to transition to a 3rd world country

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Pierrre as well albeit slower than our beloved Emperor. The hunger games must go on.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

That’s why I invest overseas where my assets won’t be ceased without due legal process by our emperor.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

I've got it!

(now, where can I send the invoice? To Khan herself?)

"Hey ya ya ya ya Hey ya ya ay ya Hey ya ya ya"

- repeated with a single drum beat over and over and over...

We heard it all weekend at the nearby hosted Pow Wow.

It's catchy for about 30 seconds, then gets old really quickly...after an hour and a half, its more like torture. But at least all the new immigrants will know the words! ;)

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

When I came to Canada with my parents when I was six yrs old and I couldn't wait to get my citizenship....I LOVE our anthem and this country.... I was not pleases when they changed the words a few years ago from, " “True patriot love in all of thy sons command” to “in all of us command.” ....I knew this was a slippery slope and would probably not end well.. I still sing it with the original lyrics.... I am a proud Canadian and this country will be the hill I die on... I want Canada to be the country I adopted and that gave me the anthem that still gives me goosebumps, every time I sing or hear it..... ❤🍁

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Canadians should be proud of our anthem. But the Liberals want pride to apply only to Muslims Sikhs and Gays.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

She is correct. Canada is no longer a free and native land. Canadians can no longer own anything so it is definitely not free, and the influx of both legals and illegals is changing the complexion of Canada to brown.

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Ours is a neo-communist society, headed toward the REAL THING.

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I don’t believe it is too late. We have a window of opportunity coming from the Right.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

Whines about our anthem… praises the US anthem… which is basically a war chant. Is that the kind of “vital message” she thinks an anthem should convey about a country? Maybe the US could squeeze in a couple lines about how it’s the only country to drop nukes on an unsuspecting population. Like it or not, this country’s history is British and French… the people who founded and built it. Anthems aren’t designed to pay homage to the conquered. Nah… this fool needs to stfu.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Adores the Pakistani anthem

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Sure… what’s not to love? With the highest rate of cousin marriages on the planet at 65%… and, the subsequent deformities and low IQ offspring that those marriages produce…

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I realize that Billionaires are behind mass immigration World Wide, after all immigrants equals cheap labor . If I were PM , the first thing I would do , stop immigration , if your illegal , not working , commit a crime , your being Deported period. Canada has no housing for them , our Heath System is over burdened . What makes my hair stand up on the back of my head is that some immigrants brings their culture and illegal system with them , they have no intention of blending into Canadian society and learning either French or English , their here for free handouts. No work , you on a ship leaving Canada.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

That’s the beauty of democracy where mobs rule the roost. You won’t find such crap in private domains like Monaco, Vatican City, UAE, Bahrain and so on. I am for monarchy and private domains. No one takes a rental car for detailing. The worst is yet to come for anyone that doesn’t believe in libertarianism in Canada.

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Why is Nadia Khan still in Canada ?? Could someone please supply her with a one way ticket to wherever she came from . Hopefully all family members will follow .

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I seen on this video in Toronto , there were Palestinians chanting this is my street and Canadian across the street singing OH! Canada. WHF , is there no law and order in Canada?

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

I am afraid not. I feel insecure when I see a police car pass by me. I feel like I am in a third world country. Did anyone notice more overseas beggars on our street corners lately?

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no law from mr. lgbtq himself.

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Bet you they would have been singing a much different tune if they'd heard "in all of us command."

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The only thing I might suggest changing is “We stand on guard for thee” … as the vast majority of recent interlopers will NOT “stand on guard” but, instead, will hightail it to their country of origin and/or fight against Canadians in favour of the countries they left.

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Heck why not? We have a prime minister who hightails it the minute things get a bit dicey.Run Trudeau run......just don't run in the next election please.

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We get the point - we’re Conservatives-we’ve been around for a long time…a recognize rallying calls

But why so verbose?




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No idea what you are getting at.

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do those things win elections in today's world though?

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