May 26, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

I am astounded by Jagmeet Singh’s irresponsible statement, in my opinion, the word Genocide is being used in the extreme sense, it was not Genocide, many of these children died from T.B and other communicable diseases and were buried at the school site due to many reasons and apparently all had burial markers which have long since deteriorated. Yes, there was atrocious treatment committed by the Catholic and Anglican priests and nuns, why is this not addressed, why is the finger being pointed at the people of Canada, many of whom were not even born. My question is, why don’t the powers that be get some back bone and stand up to this on going issue with the Indigenous community, how many more apologies must be aired to satisfy the Indigenous people. I am not a malicious person and have great sympathy for the wrongs committed but enough is enough, let’s all get on and get along to make Canada a better place.

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Do Jagmeet and Justin feel the same? Do they want to make Canada a better place? Or is the goal some form of national transformation that the general population do not understand. As with most ethnic issues, govt use them as a political weapon to run down our country. The concept of reconciliation is a myth.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Jagmeet Singh does not show respect for Aboriginal peoples when he refers to the missing residential school children as "kids". "Kids" are the children of goats. As you point out, he and his party have lost a good proportion of their seats in the house under his leadership. He is only useful to the dictator Trudeau to prop up his minority government. As for genocide, well the graves have not actually been confirmed that there are actual bodies buried there via excavation, so we will see what happens with that. Is it possible that there could have been wooden markers that may have deteriorated over the years? I'm not completely discounting the whole thing, but I think we need some more actual confirmation before we say that Canadians (as you pointed out - a majority of Liberal government policies) actually perpetrated mass genocide.

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From what I understand, no actual bodies of Aboriginal children have been discovered. I have nothing against Aboriginal communities. It is the usury by govt of historical incidents to brand whitey hateful which I object to. What is the purpose in doing so? Why drag up the dirt in this manner? To what extent has it provided so called healing? Try nothing at all.

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May 27, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau knows and therefore by default Singh knows, that their mass graves genocide story is a complete fabrication. There's no evidence of a mass grave, because it's difficult to identify actual bodies from tree roots. Using the term "mass grave" is disingenuous because there's no evidence to say what it is, an old graveyard? We don't know who, we don't know when these burials happened, we don't know what we're looking at. Until an anthropologist goes in there or a team who investigate genocides, we have no idea what that is. So for Singh to go that much further and hatp on the term "genocide" that's just an outright lie. It's actually illegal for public officials to lie about matters that the public has a right to be informed of. These public servants have a duty to relay the facts. And the only justification for blacking out information is if it jeopardizes an investigation, the safety of persons, or brings harm to the institution. But to make up stories! And use that to justify the burning of churches, to discredit christianity in Canada, to say we are goules so we deserve it is clearly an agenda to divide, target groups, and destroy our country. It's a deliberate tactic. Canadians are under attack.

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022Author

The fact that you are accurate in what you say suggests a sick society, and a sick government to match.

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May 27, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Yes. It's that obvious, sick. Same in the USA, really sick. And I blame poor leadership. Deliberate bad policies to make our society sick and die. That's what they want. You can't Reset anything without killing it first. We know they're succeeding because we can see the sickness.

We have got to get these globalists out of government in CAD and USA.

This isn't a game. It's not something that will just blow over. This is an ongoing deliberate deterioration of our society.

Some American Senators and Members of Congress are catching on. There are Republican talk show hosts and Fox News hosts who know exactly what is going on. They're pointing regular fingers at Trudeau. And of course there are government officials in CAD who know exactly what's going on with WEF, like Derek Sloan, Barber, Pierre Polivier and I'm hoping there are enough people who can turn this around. Now that covid isn't front and center anymore, several big unions are going after the federal government over vaccine mandates. And there are so many people suing unions for not standing up for their members. And there's a real visceral hatred for Singh and Trudeau. The public is figuring ot out, everyone knows about WEF, globalists, shadow governments. So there's a shred of hope.

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A shred of hope is better than none at all. Woke Liberal Globalism is the sickness, Covid is a by product.

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Trudeau can't lie to Canadians as effectively if we have the internet.

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I watched the Five tonight on Fox and they talked about the WEF elite who said he's developing a carbon footprint tracker for the plebs. They mocked that guy. We all know now what their plans are, to put us through a period of using no fossil fuels, they say it will be painful, but not painful for them. The kitty's out of the bag. That's huge for us. Knowledge is power. That's why Trudeau wants to censor us. Because we have been able to communicate their ghoulish plans on line, to catch on too quickly, before Trudeau was ready. Plus we hate his guts and we share that sentiment on line.

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May 27, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Read todays national with its long article on the subject. This has already been hashed out and settled with $$. Many are not graves at all. It's BS to whip up frenzy and divide Canadians. It's white elites lying to other whites, the Indigenous know the truth and have said so but it doesn't match the agenda of Trudeau. Such blatant lies fr4om the PM's office is despicable.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Jagmeet Singh is an opportunist who is leveraging his professional victimhood teachings to change the narrative to continual goals that are unachievable that will be the reason to extract assets and income off those not aware and voting for them. The point is to create division, claim victimhood so everyone is divided and looks at someone besides failed politicians as the reason. Canada has grown deeply into dystopia every year since 2015 with no end in sight. Society will be divided with only Rich and everyone else. NDP voters will get a dose of reality this summer and fall that they have been played.

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Professional victimhood is what it is. It's a blight on our society when communities complete for who is the most hard done by. Islam are brilliant at this one, while LBGT seem to have borrowed their techniques.

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Native bands and leaders tell the real story. Singh, Trudeau and the butts-kissing Media invent lies & BS. Not one arrest regarding the destroyed churches. Orders from the PMO? Probably.


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Not Charest. Never never never

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