May 25Liked by Brad Salzberg

Thank you for another great piece. You are one of a very few writers who speaks the truth about the state of our country.

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Appreciated, wish it were under better circumstances

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May 25Liked by Brad Salzberg

It is about time some countries are recognizing what uncontrolled immigration can do to a democratic country.

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May 25Liked by Brad Salzberg

Except the very woke Marcon, but the wake up call is a little too late in other countries, especially ours!

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Which is exactly what Sockboy did at his coronation. The difference is, he intended to do (and ultimately did) it.

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With so many years of immigration and underground extremists, it's hard to believe they could succeed. Good luck and stay safe.

I wonder if Canadian leaders would have the courage to imitate!

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Those that benefit by it will never lift a finger to stop it.

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They would have to start by WANTING to.

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The Netherlands - a country that has always thanked Canadian soldiers for freeing them from the Nazis. Won't it be interesting when Trudeau refuses to be interviewed by their state media...

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NEVER answers questions he doesn't like when interviewed anyway,so what's the point.

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Auslander Raus




It is not just a song … EXTRACT


“Ultimately, the actions of the German state and media have backfired. In a great example of the Streisand Effect playing out right before our eyes, Ausländer raus! has become the cry of the unheard. All over Germany, and thanks to social media, all over the world, full-throated and joyous chants of Ausländer raus! are the response to decades of oppression, persecution, and lies. It is years of frustration finally unleashed. If for some it was just a bit of fun to sing ‘‘foreigners out’’, for many, many more, it is now a genuine rallying cry. Wir Schaffen Das, meet Ausländer Raus.


Action, meet reaction. Did they really think they could ethnically cleanse entire nations of Europeans, subject them to the horrors of rape gangs and terror attacks, reduce them to hated minorities in their own cities, and there wouldn’t be a backlash? “




Remember the tune, you will be hearing more of it.




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