Sep 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

Note a MAJOR problem here with what is referred to in psychiatric terms as projection .Trudeau is constantly criticizing and wrongly accusing his political opponents of EXACTLY what he himself is guilty of doing.This guy lives with a delusional picture of a virtuous infallible self that is FAR from what the reality truly is. Narcissistic traits undoubtedly.

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The roots of his behaviour are founded in authoritarian governance. Whether left of right, totalitarianism indulges in this form of doublespeak, as referenced by writer George Orwell, and as applied by, for example, J.Goebbles, propaganda minister.

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Blame his mother.

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Right you are .Some people just don't know how to raise kids so they become responsible adults.I have reviewed pictures of the two of them together and she absolutely looks like she idolizes him.Seems mutual.No wonder he thinks so highly of himself.

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Sep 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

Holy boys, he attacked Legault? The white Premier of the very province that will make or break him in the federal election?

Ladies and gentlemen, sockboy has just shot himself in the foot.

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Sep 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

The Bloc may well be our biggest threat going forward and Blanchet could well wield his power even more until the next election, the man has no interest or regard for the rest of Canada, he has admitted that he will support Trudeau in exchange for Quebec demands, should be interesting how this all plays out until the next election.

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Sep 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

Since when is government by extortion legal?

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Sep 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

hey brad, we all knew this was coming along time ago.

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Insightful Canadians did.

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The few that exist.

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Sep 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

I saw a video/voice recording from years ago where Trudeau's wife was telling him to grow up , stop drinking /partying and take your job seriously .Trudeau's remark was really revealing , he actually thinks he is some kind of GOD born to rule over ordinary humans . He is one sick cracker that is for sure.

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i always said the french will either help us or kill us, i still say lets have a national vote, yes or no, to have quebec sign on to be canadian, well ta ta. have fun in your own country.

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No help for English Canada. Quebec is set up to retain its traditional culture, language and heritage. English Canada is being set up for its eventual demise

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English Quebec, rather.

I'm a stranger here, in this place called Earth...

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Yes I agree and am well aware, the convoy was a huge threat. That was very clear. Brainwashing long before I was born. It is far from over.

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As Rocco Galati has said there aren't much for choices in the spectrum of Canadian political parties. They are all the same wearing different jerseys. Incompetence along with a form of government structured not for the people has shown 60 years of arguing , battling and the blame game has resulted nothing of any substance accomplished by government other than to rape Canadians , selling off the countries natural resources, taxing the working class into poverty, opening the doors to unchecked and unneeded immigration, dismantling health care along with industry while recently playing along with the new world order agenda killing & injuring it's citizens with the latest biowarfare. Trudeau should have been at the very least jailed long ago , hung for treason is appropriate, and he is by far not the only one. How quickly people forget of the scandals of previous Prime Ministers. They all walk away unscathed very rich and well taken care of. This is not some Trudeau phenomenon, only difference is it is in our faces blatantly pushed because they know how stupid and brainwashed the majority of the country's citizens are.

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Brainwashing has been going on for years.

Why do you think "bread and a circus" was restored in its entirety once the Freedom Convoy had their moment?

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