Jun 9Liked by Brad Salzberg

Bill Rymer wrote...

Treason is a capital offense infinitely more heinous than what could be defined as normal criminality. Even a MOB boss would dispatch one of his closest dons for betraying the Family. Yet our government is rife with foreign interference.

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As mentioned, I find it "mind-blowing" that seemingly normal Liberal MPs-- backbenchers and such[ not the 3rd world contingent] can stand and applaud at the end of statements from True-Dope, Leblanc and others. To me, this has reached a point of being treasonous in itself.

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They've seen what happened to anyone that dares to challenge the boss, two in particular. One, especially, has decided to learn the easy way, and she's still in the caucus.

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Jun 9Liked by Brad Salzberg

i have a dream, to see the rcmp, and csis come together and arrest the not the mention above politicians, bankrupt canada, and start over, this way we find out who the destroyers of canada are. it would be interesting to see those two get together and force it on them to divulge the names. as i have said.i have a dream

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There's talk that one is a a Richmond BC MP

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Jun 9Liked by Brad Salzberg

There is some good news from Europe . The Globalists are loosing power, it's election time in Europe. The Liberal President of France has has lost the support of the people and has shut down the Parliament and is calling for an election in which he will lose. The same is happening in Germany and many other EU countries and soon it will be in the United Kingdom. The reporter said that Trump will win over the Globalist Biden and the the Canadian Conservatives will win over the ( Canadian PM Justin Castro Trudeau ) lol. lol.

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Good news that Canadian media are going light on

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The Swedes are celebrating EU Election results with the German song AUSLANDER RAUS (Foreigners Out).


You will often see people in German beer gardens raising their RIGHT FIST while this song is being played. Some of the more politically correct ones will use their left arm.


• In France far right-of-centre Marine Le Pen is ahead of Macron.

• In Germany the right-of-centre AfD party is now in second place.

• In Canada the Conservative anti-immigration policies are VERY POPULAR.








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and...it appears.....they are all protected.......by their own Judges, Prosecutors.... and the RCMP......

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Jun 9Liked by Brad Salzberg

Just keep telling people that China owns Trudeau……and Canada. So sad and makes me so angry. We could! Be the most wealthy country in the world. What to do? Voting is our only power. And we all know that is useless. NDP bend over so Liberals stay in power.

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Jun 9Liked by Brad Salzberg

We have to make sure the NDP and Liberals are reduced to dust in the next election so even if they form another ‘agreement’ it won’t matter.

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So agree. And remember Dominion!

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Dominion? As in voting machines? News flash - Canada doesn't use voting machines in Federal elections. Trudeau and the NDP must go, but these deluded conspiracy theories must also stop. Good god...

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Oh, I’m so sorry for my mistake. How about then. Corruption and how votes are counted or not counted?

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When could just name the space in front of the House of Commons 'Tianamen'...it's not like the invoking the Emergency Act without any consultation comes with any punishment

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The Swedes are celebrating EU Election results with the German song AUSLANDER RAUS (Foreigners Out).


You will often see people in German beer gardens raising their RIGHT FIST while this song is being played. Some of the more politically correct ones will use their left arm.


• In France far right-of-centre Marine Le Pen is ahead of Macron.

• In Germany the right-of-centre AfD party is now in second place.

• In Canada the Conservative anti-immigration policies are VERY POPULAR.








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