May 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

Lesson is like mice entering your home. One rodent gets in and very soon, they are in ever corner, nook and cranny. Very difficult to remove them all. That one rodent is the path for many rodents. The Trudeau deal is appointments. Get one foot in the door and boom, a cluster of Trans and WEF Ideologists then has all Govt positions infiltrated overnight. The corruption is also instantaneous, self interest is not about duty of common interests. The removal means a total fumigation, it's annoying short term yet there is no other option. G7 govts are fully diseased, they have been bought.

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Aka Marxism

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We have a literal rat infestation as I speak!

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It looks like we have had a corrupted government for years. You can not serve the people, when you serve the interest of big business. There is clearly a bias in one's decisions, if they serve big business. The policies will favor business and the rich and lead to a great upheaval. The WEF should not be the decision maker plain and simple. I think governments across many countries have abused their authority. In many cases, this abuse of power is criminal.

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Trudeau serves China, Punjab, Islam, WEF, WHO, United Nations.

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May 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

Whoever owns the media controls the country.Sadly funded by the taxpayers getting screwed.

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Except for the first two words.

Proof? Harper refused to play ball, and they rained their lightning bolts down on him with all their fury. Trudeau fed them some taxpayer cash, and they went right into the goalie net for him.

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I'm one of those "old school" Canadians. One of the ones that is a second generation Canadian and son f former German U-boat prisoner captured in the Gulf of St Lawrence during WWII, but lets go back before that. Canada has welcomed visitors, even the enemy since right after the 1rst world war WW I, a practice which they continued after WW II. At that time and in those years it was a very different world by all aspects. Out of all the generations of civilization here in Canada the best years were during the 1950's, 60's, 70's, & 80's, then things started to change drastically. My childhood was way, way more different than kids today who have cell phones and game boys. We actually got to use things like motorbikes, hammers and saws and nails, sharp knives, axes, BB guns and Pellet guns, for being great squirrel hunters and those kinds of things from very early ages. We'd build ground forts with stolen construction materials (sometimes they'd give us the pieces to build our forts or push cart go-carts. We'd build tree forts and stands 50 ft off the ground, we'd have ropes to swing across from one for to the other, all shit that most parents nowa days (my kids included) would have heart attacks. I remember the first time I let my grandson handle the throttle of my Big Red 250.... man was he a little speed demon, both of us had hands on the handlebars and the throttle but I'd let him let her rip on the straights and he'd just laugh hysterically. It was better than the X. We'd have to tune up our bikes every spring before being allowed to ride them, and you had a bike for years in those days. That was life as an "OLD TIMER" like me, I feel sorry for kids today, can't even leave the house by themselves until they are 12 yrs old and even then you worry because the world is full of these weirdo's that keep being let out of jail instead of getting a free trip to Penatanguishene Ontario where they do things to people front lobe areas ( the memory parts) of their brains to slow them dowwwwwwwn! We need morrrrre of that! Lobotomies galore. I heard a rendition that these trans people and cultists are perhaps mentally ill, maybe a frontal lobotomy would help???? Just a thought here, nothing bad intended just trying to help here with some pretty reasonable suggestions. They used it successfully for many years and were shut down, but believe me if you knew the guy before they or yourself wouldn't know it was them. But it was a good but bad place in my opinion. Check it out at https://www.sootoday.com/around-ontario/ontario-horrific-treatment-of-patients-in-penetang-went-unchecked-for-decades-says-lawyer-2537992 I'm a sick person I know but isn't this just a fitting end for both Benedict and SINGE. Lucky for them the place is closed. After they are gone, where will they live? They can't hide in Canada, they will be found and hounded FOREVER

. Enough of my rambling here lets just find a way we can get an election pronto. We cannot let these bastards make it until the qualify for their $130,000 a year "Golden" pensions for life..... imagine that you are set for life on the tax payers dime at 3 X the average workers income sitting on a beach in Mexico, or even moving as an expat to Italy, or south that something like this happens. and I would support catch and release that one time on success. It has to be a for sure for me to offer amnesty, but think about it, not only $130 K per year but also whatever CPP and OAP (the max I bet) they qualify for. But here;s another thing, that from here until the election these MP's from both the liberals and the Social Democrats (Communists) are maybe going to need to have security for each and any one of them. There are a lot of angry people. Those who've lost everything, those who may only have months left to live..... I guess I can only wish and pray to my devil god that it happens soon. But who's gonna pay for Gerretson and Talib's security (2 of the most useless back bencher on the liberal side, waste of oxygen both of them retards!

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Thanks for your comment

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17 months.

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May 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

So, why is it exactly that the Chief of the Defence Staff and the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is hand picked by the Prime Minister?

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To remain complicit?

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May 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

The worst one is the Governor-general.Why is this not an elected position?Same with members of the Senate.Why are they hand-picked by the PM ?We might have a real doozie of a situation because of this should Poilievre be elected as PM in 2025.Because of the numerous senate appointments by Trudeau during his 10 year reign over 90% of the senate will be Liberal senators.He calls them independent but who do you think they feel indebted to after being given a high -paying -do -little -job such as this. (don't forget the fat pension).A conservative government even with a majority won't be able to get anything passed the Senate with this kind of liberal majority.So Trudeau will still be king even if he becomes the leader of the opposition.As for the large number of WEFers in the Canadian cabinet Klaus Schwab prides himself in saying they have infiltrated many of the world's governments cabinets and even speaks of Trudeau as one of his most successful young world leaders.So no surprise about our government's treasonous agenda.We have been sold out to the WEF by people that we elected and are supposed to be working for our best interests.TREASON.TREASON TREASON.

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Can you not think of a better word?Awful seems inadequate.

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May 25·edited May 25Author

True. An awful puppet of Justin Turd-eau

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She's Shmoozing with Benedict who's once again giving away beads and trinkets, and the FN people should be furious with her and her dereliction in having called out the liberals when her people got screwed in the Jodie Wilson Raybolt and all the monies in the Arrive-scam that were misappropriated by a pretender to insider best buddies as opposed to First Nations companies or companies that employed First Nations workers not one but many I'm guessing. It never happened and Mary Simon who has the power has never called out the Benedict government and officials. Her people should be furious with her regardless of being the "First Indigenous Governor General" not accept her treachery, her deceit to her own people. Those hundreds of millions in outside as well as internal contracts should have went to first nations peoples. Not this Mr. Yao of Dalion and connected with GC strategies and is like only1/48th% FN blood.?? I'm asking all FN members to help us force and election through Mary Simon, she has the power in it's entirety, she's the only one with this power and it wouldn't be good for FN to ignore this fact. The liberalNDP coalition is bad for you too! They're keeping the FN in poverty and dependent on free government handouts. If you keep on feeding a man he learns nothing, but if you teach him how to fish he can eat whenever he wants.

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Well said! "When the righteous rule....the people rejoice......When the wicked reign......the people groan....."

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WE should set up a Go Fund Me for Jagmeet 'traitor' Singh..for him, it's all about that golden life long trough swilling pension - SO IF we could promise him that amount up front, in cash, before year end - surely millions of $10 dollar donations, even from the CONservatives, well that would make interesting news. Think Freeland would pull the plug on such a 'fundraiser for democracy'? Pay him to leave the turd to float in his own... 🤔

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I think there is more than the prospect of pension keeping Singh in his position.He seems to very much enjoy his "power" trip.

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Maintain WEF control of Canadastan

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Well, he's delusional, along with the rest of the penetrated....which provincial NDP party folks even want anything to do him? Was it zero? Can he even go to Saskatchewan anymore?? ...the karma train is fueled up and ready to run him out of town

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Lots of gay colors in that photo.

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Manginas everywhere

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Looks like blood spatter to me.Have i been watching too much of Dexter?????

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The swine has over a year to continue destroying Canada. Quebec wants its independence anyway, so why not make a deal with the devil today? The BQ support in a non confidence vote, in return for ridding Canada of Trudeau, and (bonus) a divisive and parasitical 22% of currently Canadian French speakers. Sounds great to me. How about it, PP?

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WEXIT works for me

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The WEF and United Nations have a signed agreement to assist each other in implementation of UN Agenda 2030.

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You write, “…the globalist assault on society, etc.”

The majority of the so called educated class support the assault. It accords with their arrogant assumptions that societies can be run from the top down — paradoxically with little real participation from them. They are passive consumers of the received and their expertise is acquiescence.

Mass education is an oxymoron. Few of this class are truly educated — most certainly not the Prime Minister.

These people know nothing of history and the blunders done by done by similarly ignorant elites in their days. Still the majority of these people disdain acknowledging they have anything to learn from past experience.

….Which makes it doubly problematic; not only are they ignorant about the past, but the past cannot be referenced by analogy because they know nothing of it.

People should understand that our economic problems are nothing new. Imagining the iron laws of economics have ceased to bear on their decision making they have walked society into a minefield. The so called west is bankrupt. Our post Marxist world is rife with its malignant overhang. Fairness and equableness have eaten away the foundations of a true economy and social order. The magnitude of counterparty debt encouraged by the non productive elites is staggering.

Outsourcing one’s productive economy while substituting it for a consuming service economy is sheer madness. Productive citizens are looked down upon as uneducated while those responsible for education our children mock mathematics as generally unnecessary. We have teachers running the curriculum, they do not understand, so would deem the curriculum responsible for the society they inherited as unnecessary.

Society is larded with such drivel. What else is paraphrasing here “….vote for me I’ll give you more money,” but evidence of a lack of education.

Where else in history was it ever normal that by pampering to unprincipled cretins and giving every competitor a medal no matter their ineptitude that the exceptional would be encouraged to emerge?

This notion by itself is writ large in Western society everywhere one looks. Only a society gone to seed would suggest such a thing.

Where are — these educated by multiple choice questions — earning their living today?

Our Prime Minister exemplifies this devolution in what was at one time deference to sensible realities while replacing the sensible with the effervescent

and witless just like him.

He’s not alone — dozens of those in positions of power throughout Canada, and elsewhere in the so called “West” — seem to have been selected by some unaccountable super elite to conduct “…the globalist assault on society.”

And this assault did not begin recently. A diligent study of history can trace this assault at least back to the 18th Century but particularly back to the post WWII era in Canada.

The signs were there when the Pearson government chose red as the only colour on the new flag.

Do Canadians still celebrate Canada Day?

One supposes we will soon be celebrating New World Order Day! I write this without irony or to be funny. Trudeau is a danger to Canada. Canadas elites support the Liberal party and the Liberal party’s willing submission to the New World Order.

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Its more of a calculated, long term assault by global power players,imo

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When these infiltrators find a place and get promoted, they will bring in like minded individuals and eventually take over a department. Others will be marginalized, transfer or quit. They are a cancer...

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Orwell quote…

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears [and genitalia]. It was their final, most essential command.

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Trudeau won’t be going anywhere even if he loses the next election, he owns the Senate and we can blame Harper for that, Trudeau has made sure that he will be able to continue his dictatorship from behind the scenes, he is as corrupt as they come, listen to Conservative Senator Pletts April 9 th address to the Senate, the corruption of this Liberal Government is mind boggling.

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Problem for the Senate is that they're not going to be able to push Poilievre around. The quickest way for any of them to go on the record is to veto or say no in any manner to any bills he or his team put forth.

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