Apr 11, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I read that Trudeaus recently appointed Rapporteur was involved in setting up the Pierre Trudeau foundation, just another interesting piece of the puzzle.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Brad. Let me add to other miscreants related to Justins band of grifters. Sara Coyne has a brother Andrew Coyne who ironically is a regular commentator on CBC network...talk about biased.

My prediction is that they're (Trudeau Trustees/Board of Directors) jumping off like rats off the sinking ship.

Don't expect a drastic change in Ottawa in next elections for they're all colluding and conjuring up a coup to make sure our crime minister will survive to complete the WEF/Soros plan as planned. Poilievre is popular now; however, my theory is that his ego will become his nemesis and promises will bite him in the butt.

When politicians smell money it's like a shark smells blood and nothing will stop until its all gone.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I just read the top members of Pierre Trudeau Foundation were leaving , probably under Justin's orders. The Foundation stated the it had returned $ 2000.00 in the stated questionable donations and that Justin Trudeau had broken off all ties to the Foundation in 2015 . Must be a late April Fools Joke.

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Just curious re subscription to the Woke watch Canada site why do you request payment in US funds? Canadian money not good enough?

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

As I previously quoted...Mr. Johnson is Mr, Ruleau in disguise. Can you just imagine paying this has been $1400 /day + expenses + consultants+ unrestricted access to top secret files it's insane.

Not one party is making any credible attempt to block, challenge or expose this corruption because they're also in the back room....I rest my prediction.

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Bananas should grow in Canada.......

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Caught on yet one more thing! SMH

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There is so much shit going on and stinking up the gvt that now, those that believed the lies don't want to hear anything, truth or possibilities, that anyone has to say. They are still waiting for things to go back to "normal".

Canada is banana republic with beach front property full of Canadians with their heads so deep in the sands that they don't mind dying there.

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Alberta , Paster Derek Reimer 36 years old spent Easter in jail for protesting against Drag Queen story events for children, This is the third time he has been arrested. Trudeau is one sick cookie.

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This is the best news we have heard, the rats are out! hopefully. I you think about it the lockdowns/restrictions mirror communism any how. Who thought there was a virus, it was communism coming into our 'democratic' country. It is bewildering that it happened, but I guess you can't say never. Communism is the ultimate sign that God is being removed from our very country and God allows this to happen. Removal of the laws of God have repercussions, and as we see with China it came at our doorstep! I really hope God is delivering us for this wrath of atheisms and removal of our God and His Laws in Canada. I really hope people understand this!

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