Jun 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau won't be elected next election unless he fabricates some criminal charges against Pierre Poilievre to steal the Election like Biden did to Trump. Remember Stalin's Chief Prosecutors famous words , Show Me The Person and I Will Invent The Crime. It is getting so bad in the USA that innocent people are being sent to prison not for any crimes they may have committed but for speaking out against the ruling political party. Trudeau is trying to pass laws that will do the very same thing here in Canada.

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The next election SHOULD be in Oct 2025 but the law allows TRUDY to delay it by as much as a YEAR.


In Feb 2022 Justin did everything he possibly could to trigger Violence. What might his plan be for OCT 2025 ???


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Could well be, imo

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Online Harms Act

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I despise Trudeau and his policies, but the US election wasn't stolen and Trump is a crook.

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Jun 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

All politicians these days are crooks, and yes the US election was stolen just like the last 2 Canadian elections were stolen. Lest to remember that the total number of votes in Canada was Conservative not Liberal, and if there was real democracy in Canada the Jagshiit and Trudeau bed party would not be continuing.

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Conservatives won the popular vote; China rigged 11 seats for the Lie-berals

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Are you replying to me? And if so, tell me where I said otherwise? I mentioned nothing about the Canadian election and was referring to the one south of the boder in response to the first comment.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

THe US elections wasn't stolen to matter what you think. After 64 lunsuccessful lawsuits and numerous recounts by Republican representatives, no less, there was no steal whatsoever. And I''m not talking about the last two Canadian elections FFS. Whataboutism gets you nowhere. And, I too despise the clowns running the show, but that is the way our electoral system works unfortunately. But falling for the lies of the orange lunatic is pitiful.

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Jun 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

that pos is stilking beside his partner in crime singy dingy. talking about singing take a look at the article with bryan adams giving trudeau hell and that thing from quebec pascALE st. onge. what a loser.

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Yeah...even Bryan Adams is slamming the Dictator of Canadastan

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Jun 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

He feels he can get something out of them he'll never be able to get out of us. That's the only reason for it.

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"He" is "Trash"

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Trash with cash.

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Jun 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

The immigrants making more money then the Canadians, is because with Trudeau's help, they own the businesses and Canadian's are the NEW slave work force!!!

Good luck finding a Job for more then Minimum wages, Trudeau has taken care of that!

Canadians need to band together or our kids will have no future, period!!!

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In 2015 Germany agreed to accept in ONE MILLION immigrants. In the following years Angela Merkle frequently used the phrase “We can do this” in reference to that decision.


IRELAND is about to make a similar decision.




Now in 2024 Angela Merkle has recanted. She has stated that she made a mistake and will stop using that phrase. IRELAND needs to catch up with the times.



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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Author

Merkel actually stated flat-out that Multiculturalism was a failure in Germany

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Jun 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Great Article as usual. I wish more people read these articles. I share on Facebook as well.

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As you may know, Comrade Trudy has blocked all news distribution on Facebook.

Working to make Canada a media replica of his hero country China

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I don’t know if you got my message on your last article but it was great. I got your message about being blocked on Facebook. I wish that man would take a long walk off a short pier!

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Importing votes, nothing new...

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