wow six years, how time flies...we have been oppressed from this spoiled, elite, rotten soul! and YET WE AS CANADIANS CANNOT remove him like a bad pimple on our face..how do we remove the pus so imbedded in this country. He should be deported, and removed immediately, how can he sleep in a nice cozy bed, have nice meals, and swallow his poached eggs every morning...? how can the people of Canada regain their self respect when this modern day Antoinette remain in office? simple, read the tyrants of the past and how they were removed. "peaceful" doesn't live in the hearts of Trudeau, he doesn't even like his own DNA, which is European, and 'old stock', he cities with Muslims, throws Europeans under the bus..and he is one! THIS guy needs to have his head on a platter!

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I just loved 'puerile politician', as succinct, and apt, an alliteration as there ever was one! Go Brad.

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“That the controllers of Canadian media are not Canadians.” Absolutely correct! They are leaders of ISIL, Antifa, and the likes of groups who instil hate, division, and destruction. They have infiltrated our governments, media, schools, hospitals, etc., When a Physician is not able to treat a dog bite because it’s against their religious laws, we are no longer a Canadian Country

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