Jul 5Liked by Brad Salzberg

When turdeau brought in the Syrian refugees, as a humanitarian, he said: I am personnaly responsible for all the Syrians that come to Canada. Well, should he be serving jail time with the Syrian refugee that raped & murdered Marissa Chen in Vancouver? He has gone radio silence on that. As well should he personnaly pay for the dental expenses & and lost wages for the woman assaulted by Syrian thugs?

Pink washing is the ugly mob's way of white washing the truth.

Our enemy is not within us but in Ottawa & Davos.

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he did say that, and when questioned by a CTV journalist on the Marrisa Shen case, he let out nervous laugh and deferred to the RCMP.

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chicken hit as usual, he doesn,t have the balls to answer questions he will pay dearly for what he has done to the old canada.

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Should pay with life in prison

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or start the exile to his uncles island.

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Why haven’t there been any arrests? It all out there for everyone to see? Are the police even investigating? We have seen the keffiyeh draped Middle Eastern thugs engage in criminal hate, violence and destruction on our streets and universities with impunity while Trudeau barely lets out a peep of criticism. Trudeau, the sanctimonious wimp claiming there is no room for hatred and racism in Canada but does nothing when it smacks him in the face. Is he “taking his marching orders” from his Liberal Muslim Caucus and the Hamas representative from Gaza?

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Jul 5Liked by Brad Salzberg

I am constantly g😳b smacked at how low Trudeau and his side-kick Singh have brought this Country. They are destroying it.

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There's no bottom to it, that's why the two political partners extended Trudeau's leadership until the last possible moment. Part of this is to pass the Online Hate Act, the purpose of which is to stamp out "islamophobia" on the internet. No condemnation permitted.

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The goal is to get to the bottom and hand the land ,formerly known as Canada, to the BIS & IMF. These world financial organizations are salivating at getting their hands on cdn resources, it will be more profitable than any African country colonization.

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Yes, and the intrusion of UNDRIP, (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.) B.C.’s NDP is already hiving off giant tracts of land and ceding it to Indigenous claimants with Trudeau’s blessing. Maybe that’s the BIS/IMF back door in.

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And when in history have deals with "the gvt" ever turned out in the indigenous peoples best interest. The UN is the new "I'm from the UN and I'm here to help you".

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its already destroyed.

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Jul 5Liked by Brad Salzberg

"Queers for Palestine" makes as much sense as "Hookers for Virginity!"

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A more apt metaphor would be Cattle for Arby's or Chickens for KFC.

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Killer Fuckn Chicken

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Ya, it's up there isn't it...along with peoplekind, fiscal guardrails and DEI - which I believe to be Directly Educating Idiots...but I could be mistaken on that. Didn't Earn It also works quite well.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Brad Salzberg

When you only need 1 hand to count the number of Liberal MPs in Alberta - you can understand why it is the fastest growing province and the turd has been told to stay away from the Calgary Stampede because both Katie Telford and Gerald Butts KNOW it would be a public relations nightmare. They would have to find a secure location, fill it with liberal/NE Calgary new residents/711 owners and car wash attendants wearing turbans before the turd could even consider attending. You can expect he flies right on by and goes to Tofino for some waves among other places visited by the rich and famous....all on your dime folks! Sunny Ways 😁😜

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I know, it is the worst piece of Legislation I have ever seen. It has made news around the world and made Canadians a laughingstock. Retroactive ability to track down online ‘hate’ comments directed at minorities, gender disturbed, and probably nasty memes about HIM. The CRTC said they would not enforce it until after the election. Trudeau must be feeling confident because it was announced today that he intends to spend $200 Million on a headquarters building for his new ‘Ministry of Censorship’. He gets away with this INSANITY b/c we do NOT HAVE recall laws and also the disgusting partnership with Singh.

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Ministry of Protecting religious fundamentalism he imported.

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Jul 5Liked by Brad Salzberg

Yes. Exactly. He won’t object to anti semitism, which is alive and well on the streets and campuses across this country.

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look at who his Ugandan-import Attorney General just hired as head of Canadian Human Rights commission. A co-religionist who also comes from Uganda to LORD IT over CHristians, Jews and Anglophones. We witness the turning of Canada's political tides in this, not that our still Anglophone media would ever say so. The whole thing is ONE GIANT TRAP.

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Yes, it is and the so-called media, bought off by Trudeau, is useless.

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They're raw power. They respond only to bribes.

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And still they think they are and will be immune from Sharia and all that goes with it, they don't understand what infidel means...

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Subject: How did we get so disgustedly immoral!

Date: July 6, 2024

To: All female ministers of the Federal Liberals

Cc: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, don.davies@parl.gc.ca, jean-yves.duclos@parl.gc.ca, jagmeet.Singh@parl.gc.ca

Dear Liberal ladies,

So your unstable narcissistic mentor erases women's rights in the name of "inclusivity" by eliminating all single-sex spaces, e.g. washrooms, etc. to appease the bowing down to the vulturous trans lobby.

I wonder how many of you will submit to the humiliation or make sure you poop/pee completely before reaching Parliament Hill, or fight?

If that wasn’t bad enough, Trudeau will allocate over $100 million to the pedophilia defence movement!

Ladies! Will you submit future generations and your children whom you hopefully raised with proper morals and values, to these perverts? Or do arrogance and fake “honourability” take precedence regardless? That can’t be a mother’s instinct! You do not want to tie your legacy to Canadian history's worst and globally hated Prime Minister, do you?

The mentally ill man is dangerously sabotaging what is left of our damaged nation and must leave yesterday. After all, there is much more poison to eliminate in your woke party!

Ladies! Remove the handcuffs and show some responsibility and courage to serve Canadians truly honourably.



Peace, Order and Good Government

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And all we do is let out a collective yawn.

Which I firmly believe was their intention: deceive the heavens and cross the ocean.

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Please point out our politcal vehicle to stop it. There is none.

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Against a luxury prime minister, anyway.

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deletedJul 5Liked by Brad Salzberg
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Inclusion is exclusion of Anglo-European Canadians.

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