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We are more than angry under the collar, we are INFRURIATED, with his allegiance to China, and taking away our freedoms, UNDER A FAKE VIRUS!! what we have been subjecated for the past 16 months is torture and human rights violations! the woman in Aurora was shoved and thrown down on the ground!! how deporable..this Trudeau is LUCKY this is not Europe or America.. because Canadians are not equipped for this.. we are not like Americans or Europeans, they would have his head on a platter. The fact of the matter is that Canadians are not equipped nor are as bold as other countries, with tyrants, this is new to the cottagers of Canada. People came here for freedom, luxury and above all our milk and honey, as Don Cherry said...and there it is NO ONE AS FIERCE CAN CHALLENGE AND GO OUT AND BE ENRAGED AT PARLIAMENT HILL OR QUEENS, PARK, we are MASKING, FIGHTING, MASKING THE RESTRICTIONS are so infrurating and frankly demeaning...I asked my doctor for mask exemption, and she flatly refused, this asthma sufferer...I have had people attack me as i'm maskless and lose my son to depression, my daugther is suffering, and we are supposed to see rainbows and unicorns, THIS IS A LOSS OF TWO YEARS, OF MILESTONES, OF BEING THREATENED TO NO CELEBRATE FAMILY EVENTS.. THE THREAT OF DOUG FORD, HIS FACE, MAKES ME WANT TO GO AND JUST IS UNACCEPTABLE!

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