Aug 16, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

If it wasn’t for Anglophones and Christians there may have never been a Canada. His father and he are a big part of Native suppression. No integrity or conscience. All about money and power. I will always be proud to be white and respect other cultures. His jealousy is juvenile!

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Aug 17, 2022·edited Aug 17, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

We all know there two sure ways to save democracy and free speech from the filthy clutches of Trudeau. One is to eliminate him from the political system, and there are a number of way. The second is the separation of the Western provinces. I would rabidly cheer the first, and will strongly support the second. Ottawa desperately needs the West, our hard work and resources. The West has no use for anything Ottawa or the portion of this country East of Sudbury has to offer. NOTHING.

I would definitely like to see Canada divided.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

The only reason he brings in anyone but white immigrants. Can manipulate them easier and counts on their vote. My best friend of 50 years is French and even she sees him as a dork- which he is. His manipulation of immigrants is disgusting and abusive! To even smack down traditional religions? He will pay the price- soon!!!

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Aug 17, 2022·edited Aug 17, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

History Lesson: After the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1759 when the British under Gen. Wolfe defeated the French under Montcalm the corrupt Catholic church taught hatred of the English up to the 1960's Quiet Revolution. The Quebec government took over this vile teaching from then on.

The treason (Official Languages Act, more accurately named the Frenchification of Canada Act) and desire to implement the communist Great Reset. and the genocide, cultural (undermining institutions & removing symbols) & physical (through mass immigration) and multiculturalism by the Turdeau family is a direct product of this 200 year schooling.

We must never again vote for a political party led by a French Quebec native.

Note: Front-runner Pierre Polievre was raised in Calgary and may have hopefully little or none of the taint attributed to the Turdeaus above.

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Justin and Jagmeet, both enemies of Canadian continuity. It doesn't get more immoral than this.

We should ship both of them to the north pole and leave them there as a warning to others.

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The source of the problem is extraordinarily obvious, but you must first want to know the Truth.


Testing of Intelligence (aka IQ Scores) began in 1917. They have been studied extensively since then, and a great deal has been learned about them and other related Human Characteristics. It is recognized that the following 3 characteristics are embedded in our DNA, and tend to occur in a Cluster, and individuals typically either have all 3, or none of them.


 High IQ score

 Ability to work well in teams

 Less aggressive


Mass Immigration from parts of the world where the average IQ score is 70 or 80 has numerous implications for the host country.


Average IQ Scores by Country





Noble Prizes by Country




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