Jul 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

There's too much time left for the narcissist to complete Canada's destruction. Why, when a criminal nullifies the Constitution, can't the great minds of this nation remove the threat?

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you have to start in quebec, lets be honest here, if quebec knew what goes on the basturd mind. he is the devil 100%.between him and mr. rolex, they should tell quebec what is really going on, i want to see the both of them pee in their silk panties. its a very sick situation to what is going on. however one day it will be to late for quebec, they will long for friendship of les anglais, by then it wil;l be to late. they still believe that trudeau is their saviour.

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This is what I keep telling those that think Poilievre is a shoo-in at the next election.

The Bloc quebecois is a third-option party, in the only province in which there actually is one. Anyone that doesn't want a Conservative anywhere near the levers of power while wanting to unload a Libtard or Dipshit can park their vote under the cyan tent for a term or two.

If you want to become or remain prime minister, you have to get in good with their Boss Tweed. That province has been the kingmaker for 45 of the last 57 years.

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well at least we know where mr. blanchette stands, he is forwaard, does he understand what the muslims will do to the french. really i cannot understand it.

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Popcorn, beer, and a few deck chairs, and sit on the mountaintop and watch the tigers fight.

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Next government : a Conservative minority with the Bloc Quebecois as the official opposition.They will pull a Macron underhanded trick and the coalition of Lib/NDP/Bloc will run the country.Should anything reach the 90% Liberal Senate none of the Conservatives' legislation will be approved.Trudeau will rule even if not elected.How unfair and sad is that.

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Not far off the mark. Sockboy made sure to fill every single vacant seat and leave nothing to chance.

Best thing to do now is leave the ruins untouched and leave the mess for the next Liberal caucus to clean up. Might as well have some fun.

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

" Not In My Back Yard " Canada needs a Government that places Canada and Canadian Values First " .

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Liberals place Islam Sikhism and homosexuality first

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

Be aware of the evil that wants our country without firing a single shot! Trudeau and MSM are assisting in our own destruction! WTF up Canada, stop this vile nonsense today! Now!!!!

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When they’ve had more time to think this matter through, they’ll recognize that it was the WOKE LEFTISTS who are responsible for the kid’s deaths in SOUTHPORT UK.




“It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late

With long arrears to make good,

When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show,

When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,

It was not taught by the State.

No man spoke it aloud,

When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,

It will not swiftly abate,

Through the chill years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date,

That the English began to hate.”

- Rudyard Kipling, ‘The Beginnings.’

DAY ONE - https://rumble.com/v593e5d-southport-b.html


DAY TWO - https://rumble.com/v593dxe-southport-a.html




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The turd et al will always be remembered as members of the Canadian University Netball Team. PET also took away the voting rights of Commonwealth citizens who were previously voting and paying taxes. Replaced with a demand to become a Canadian or continued taxation without representation. All thanks to a Francophone/CubanLovin/Commie with a drugged up psychotic wife...who wore a rose for the ladies. Insert barf emoji here. ...and emoji people - again - a 🤡 with a turban on is required

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A hedonist and a slut have a baby...

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Heads or Tails on the hedonist responsible...and for C$10k, you can have that same slut speak at your special event! (Discounts available)

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The criminals in Canada will be caught and jailed. We can not co-exist with them. The Sovereign's Petition

No whining, begging or bitching.

In a democracy such as Canada, the sovereign are the people. In this petition, we the people are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his M.P. to be arrested for treason.

Our Sovereign's Petition here:


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