It is all about Agenda 2030 regardless of party.

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Which got hit with an extreme curve ball nearly three years ago, thanks to the blabbing of the Number One and Number Two. If the Forum had any working brain cells between them, Turdeau and Freelandrescher would have been quietly dealt with overnight.

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The only way to stop MSM like the CBC and CTV from ignoring the truth or not informing the public for what is in their best interests is to ight back by helping True North and others that want only unbiased reporting with integrity not Left Wing Liberal/NDP PROPAGANDA

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German citizens are migrating to Russia , they have had enough of the Woke agenda.

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You know the western world is messed (and I'm being polite) when Russia & Putin look like good alternatives.

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Fight back now!!!

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No poll shows an anti immigration party winning.

Sad times


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Your assessment excludes significant victories on a provincial level in Europe, as well as parties within coalition governments, in which the power has transitioned away from globalism and toward nationalism.

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