Glad to see Singh called out by ‘his’ people! Charest needs to be called out too. Another plant?!?!?!?

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All three-- Trudeau/Liberal; NDP/Singh; Charest/Conservative.

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I agree it is time these 3 remove themselves from our country. We need to be-able to be proud of our country again.

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"Proud of our country"-- you speak of something the PM of Canada hates. So too the NDP Party leader. For what purpose do our political leaders promote hatred against theor own country? Does the President of China do this? How about leaders of Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and every other Middle Eastern, African or Asian country? NO ONE DOES IT...except Canada. There must be a purpose in doing so...

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Excellent article and I applaud you for pointing out the reality of our two leaders at work. I suggest you get as many facts posted as possible before Trudeau passes Bill C-36. Canadians need to be reminded that we must vote out Trudeau and his his cabinet in the next election, hopefully before then.

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That is awesome! "sell out Singh"


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I didn't invent the term... Sikhs did.

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You are right Brad. This is a big ploy to discredit the Conservatives as they vote to choose a leader. Jean Charest would be exactly the choice of the WEF for Canada-a closet Liberal and a WEF puppet. I actually wonder if Pollievre is not a closet WEF globalist as well - despite his (weak) protestations that he is not. Actually I would like to see all political candidates across all spectrums sign a declaration that they are not part of the WEF or affiliated in any way as a pre-requisite to running for any office. Last night the CBC NewsNetwork chose to rebroadcast a Feb 2022 Fifth Estate episode which investigates the rise of "white supremacist, racist, right wing insurrectionists" in Canada and the role that these groups played in the Trucker Convoy in Ottawa. Many of the statements that were alleged in that episode have since been proven untrue, but no where was there any retraction or correction during the broadcast. This, in my opinion, is broadcasting hate and disinformation by the CBC, which is using Canadian tax dollars to promote a purely political agenda. If the censorship bill is passed, this is the only kind of information Canadians will be privy to and is certainly not what a true democratic country behaves like.

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It's hate for certain. CANADAhas been hijacked by an ideological agenda.

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Singh is standing in the way of Canadian democracy. He has perverted it beyond belief. The NDP will pay dearly for this by losing most of its support. It's a perfect storm for Conservatives to rule for the next decade or more.

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So absolutely true.

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Never Charest

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CBC = Pravda.

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