Jun 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

Many years from now these past 9 years will be known as THE DARK DAYS OF CANADA.Hopefully we follow Europe's example and oust all this sick woke globalist indoctrination come the next election.If Trudeau gets re-elected then we know for sure that our electoral system is corrupt and undemocratic.Then what do we do to get our country back on track?Did anyone watch the video from the Toronto Sun Lilley Unleashed:What on Earth is wrong with Trudeau? He is either in a manic phase or high on drugs.You pick as to why he is ranting and raving and behaving like a very mentally ill psycho.

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Trudeau has always been mentally unstable.

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Unstable, no. Shameless, yes.

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especially the day he stuck his tongue and wiggled at mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. speaker.

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TO Lilley's assessment is what many of us have concluded for years in particular long time radio talk show host Roy Green who commented several years ago re: justin "I would really of hated to be the one who took his toys away when he was a kid....".

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Trudeau has always treated Canada as if it's his personal plaything.

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Time for A Change 😁

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Part of the problem is that Margaret overcompensated for Pierre's very strict and demanding way when it came to raising the boys.Justin was treated as her precious prince so no wonder he turned out the way he did My way or the highway says the infallible one.

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Jun 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

All 338 are corrupt, by what they have done and what they have failed to do - cowards who fear speaking up

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Jun 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

And not elected.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Seriously, do you believe that voters in Scarborough flocked in droves to vote for hijab-headed current citizen of Pakistan Salma Zahid? NEVER.

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Jun 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

Agree. Who counts the votes makes the votes.

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Perhaps the ghost of Osama bin Laden?

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We need to learn from this for the next time in 2025.Is it possible to prevent election fraud from happening again.?Unfortunately we are stuck in a system where the cheaters make the rules.

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Jun 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

Not just to reinvent Canada! That’s already almost done. It was pretty easy too. Maybe, just maybe the next election will change the reinvention or slow it down. Maybe.

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Jun 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

So far, this is the only newsletter / outlet of its kind that hasn't been premature in its assumptions that Turdeau is headed for a crushing defeat. Smart and realistic, especially given who's running the machine (Butts and Telford) and what other purposes they serve (none at all). Remember that the Eastern time zone (514, 613, 416) is the federal Aladdin and that Quebec has a place to park their votes to keep their seats out of Conservative hands.

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Never count out the ’Lie-beral Commies

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Don't forget about All J.S. n J.T's Kalistanies 🙌

THEY Arnt Going Away Anytime Soon😾

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