The majority of the poor are white because most immigrants who enter legally need to have money to move here.The immigrants who enter illegally or ask for asylum are housed and fed and are covered for health care courtesy of the Canadian taxpayers.Hence the majority of poor people in Canada are white.

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The kind of truth that mainstream media has no interest in.

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They only care about power.

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Trudeau is the most racist PM this country has ever encountered against our White Heritage in the history of Canada! The same people that created this Nation to be proud of our freedoms and loyalty to each other!

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The sad thing is that those with the greatest degree of power are those who promote social discord, often in the name of media profits.

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Yes, and the non-white poor will join the middle class with subsidies inaccessible even to poor white taxpayers.

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Trudeau dreams of a poor white class of Canadians

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DEI Didn't Earn It is and has Destroyed Educational Institutions and those they indoctrinate, as part of 'the long march through the institutions' to destroy the 'West', Canada is their favoured testing ground as the population is largely disarmed and too widely spread to fight it, the reaction to the truckers convoy shows just how desperately they need to keep it that way...

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Transitioning education to anti-white institutions

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Trudeau now plans on turning Canadas' Health Authority over to the WHO. Great now we can get locked into our home from Europe. Just another plan to control the population , it won't work.

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He was in the vast minority, with Biden and Macron being among the others.

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The plan actually flopped, but they'll be back...

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Trudeau's hypocrite health minister wants to ban everything

Your freedoms are once again under threat from the Trudeau Liberals.

No, they haven't cooked up a new censorship scheme or tripled the carbon tax again... That will come later.

This is more about the simple things in life.

On Thursday, Trudeau's health minister Mark Holland declared that he wants to ban ALL flavored vaping products, nicotine pouches and multiple other forms of nicotine replacement.

His reason? He says it's dangerous for kids.

This is from the same guy who supported decriminalizing FENTANYL!

This is from the same guy who thought LOCKING PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES for two years would be a good for their health.

Under this health minister's watch, nearly ONE QUARTER of Ontario high school students have reported using opioids this year.

But nicotine replacement is the problem? Give me a break!

But it get's even crazier.

Because later that day, Mark Holland declared that it's a GOOD THING that Canadians can't afford to take road trips anymore.

His reason? Because your road trip is apparently killing the planet.

He also bizarrely claimed that road trips involve locking children in cars for ten days with no bathroom breaks.

Is he smoking some of that crack he wanted to decriminalize?

Of course, it doesn't bother Mark Holland whatsoever that his boss spent over 28 hours flying on his private jet this month alone.

These are the kind of authoritarian hypocrites we're dealing with.

Censoring you isn't enough. They have to control every single petty aspect of your life, from how you choose to quit smoking to the vacations your family takes.



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as long as he is walking, nothing can be done.

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As long as he is walking, he will be a robotic automaton for socialist reinvention of Canadian society. Whether Pierre Trudeau or Fidel Castro, it's in his blood.

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Well there’s more Media screwing with us. The fact is based on stats can, 69.8% are white anyway so if only 64% of those in poverty are white they we, the whites (I am white), are slightly better off than all the rest. Stop distorting facts. Yes, white’s are being blamed for everything recently which is absolute crap but everyone need to know actual truth in reporting not twisted lies to fit an agenda.

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Auslander Raus




It is not just a song … EXTRACT


“Ultimately, the actions of the German state and media have backfired. In a great example of the Streisand Effect playing out right before our eyes, Ausländer raus! has become the cry of the unheard. All over Germany, and thanks to social media, all over the world, full-throated and joyous chants of Ausländer raus! are the response to decades of oppression, persecution, and lies. It is years of frustration finally unleashed. If for some it was just a bit of fun to sing ‘‘foreigners out’’, for many, many more, it is now a genuine rallying cry. Wir Schaffen Das, meet Ausländer Raus.


Action, meet reaction. Did they really think they could ethnically cleanse entire nations of Europeans, subject them to the horrors of rape gangs and terror attacks, reduce them to hated minorities in their own cities, and there wouldn’t be a backlash? “




Remember the tune, you will be hearing more of it.




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