Of course Trudeau is promoting HATE and Unrest in Canada even if in reality there is none. It's a divide and conquer thing Trudeau plays all the time. I just read that there is talk about Trudeau bringing all those displaced Palestinians from Gaza to Canada as refugees . Trudeau must be having wet dreams about all those new voters for him, needless to say Canadians do not want those Hamas terrorists in Canada.

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The ultimate BAST-TURD.

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This Guy 🙌

WE Are The MANY,

Its time WE Stand UP!

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Trudeau’s lies play an enormous part in his ignorance and lack of understanding about the people of Canada! Systemic Racism was created by Trudeau and the Liberal Party where there was none! He used it to divide our Nation and continues to do every chance he gets! A prime example is the accusation against India! The TRC report without justification! The scandals he created himself which we all know too well about! Lavalin as an example! It his mandate for Canada.…..

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As usual, there's zero data, scientific evidence supporting Trudeau's claims. If Trudeau sees political gain regardless of the impact it has on Canadians or the country he says it or does it. It's nothing but compulsive lying and gaslighting, something he once admitted to Sophie on a hot miche that he is good at. And she told him to be humble. Like that could ever happen 😅

We all know there's no real systemic racism in Canada. We know we aren't racists. We know he's full of it. Yet he continues, and doubles down. We can see it as plain as the shit eating smirk on his crappy fake face. Everything Trudeau does and says is bad for Canada. It's all designed to divide the country in every way that it can be divided. If that means calling people ugly names or funding one side of the country over the other, to make people fight, that's just the ploy, a distraction. Trudeau has an anti-national Globalist agenda that he refers to as turning Canada into a PostNationState, like he said he would. And you can't have a Post Nation State unless you destroy the current nation state first. Everything Trudeau does hurts the country. What else would you expect from your enemy?

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In addition to their many other "phobias" the false notion of "Islamophobia" is another Leftist fiction they like to trot out to win votes from Muslims. Recently we saw mobs of violent pro-Hamas protestors in Canadian cities, some calling for the deaths of all Jews. Did Trudeau condemn that or police stop it? No. Did they crush the Truckers for far more peaceful protests? Yes.

These protests are the result of an unholy alliance of Leftists and Islamists. This alliance exposes the Left as either unwitting dupes, useful idiots, or as knowingly complicit in evil. It has causes Canada's Jewish population to live in fear.

The UK and EU's Jewish population has been under siege from millions of radical Muslims for years now. Canada is going in that direction, as outline in Candice Malcom's book on the topic: "Losing True North."

This is largely Trudeau's fault. He increase immigration of anti-Semites from war-torn nations -- especially Syria -- in recent years. He admitted some were jihadists. He didn't care. "Islamophobia" is Leftist jargon which means you are not allowed to be critical of a violent Jew-hating religion or its adherents.

Leftists have allied with Islamo-fascists for over a century, starting in the USSR, and then in Iran in the 70s. In the end, one side always destroyed the other after toppling the regime they worked together to annihilate.

Communists either crush the Muslims or the Muslims kill the Marxists who helped them get to power (e.g. Iran post-1979). We see them working together to bring down the West.

If China takes over Canada, thanks to Trudeau, the Islamists will be rounded up and purged along with the rest of us; look at what China did to the Uyghur.

Western principles and ideals remain the best in the world. Leftists don't seem to grasp that. They demonize the West. But after it's gone they will learn the hard way. Their "diverse, inclusive" Utopia won't emerge from the ashes. Instead, totalitarianism of one kind or another will usurp it.

If and when the West has fallen, thanks to Leftist useful idiots, Islamists and Communists will move in swiftly and purge the useful idiots who helped them attain power. Trudeau will also likely be purged. He is the biggest useful idiot of them all.

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