Jun 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

I have duo citizenship & I like the policy. If you want to run for office you should be fully committed. OT; Here is a report on Trudeau's progress while in office; https://youtu.be/htRKZJnJ7b4?si=RO1EffqDdbY5WHuL

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Jun 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

Excellent truth in video. Dual Citizenship created dual loyalties. Canada needs to change like Australia.

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Be careful what you wish for.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

I hope not. The plantation owners of Australia are more extreme than ours. In fact, two of them are getting highest civilian honours for their tyranny during covid lockdowns. It’s an urban myth that dual or multiple citizenship create multiple loyalties. A man is loyal to his own greed and greed has no nationality. Both our emperor and Australia’s have nationality of their own so called countries and still create havoc against their so called citizens per their handlers. A dual or multiple nationality is more often used for economic, travel, free welfare and residency purpose these days.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

It's not a fail safe it's just something you have to give up in order to run. We might shake lose a few Jagmeet's.

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Right. Salma Zahid, Iqra Khalid, Ahmed HuSSen, all dual

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Well Jughead has only one citizenship like our emperor. That doesn’t stop them from being leeches. Democracy is a flawed system as it is based on mob rule. Having multiple nationalities is irrelevant.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

Yup. I would never give up my other nationalities. And I would never run for a public posting as well. I am a capitalist and not a freeloader to live off goon money taken without consent.

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Jun 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

This good sense will never fly in this country.The equivalent of Marine Le Pen here is Maxime Bernier and he gets hardly any support because the other parties call him racist and all the other ists in the book.

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Jun 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

I don't buy that. There are two reasons Bernier isn't doing well.

He is a hothead, which is why Scheer was set up to be the interim party leader: to make sure it would never be in the hands of anyone that wasn't a cool head.

The only reason he wanted to become the party leader is the same reason Turdeau did: to make it a vehicle for his ego (and it is extreme).

That's all he wanted, power, and unless the purple tent expels him, what's happening to the Liberal brand now is going to happen to them.

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Media minimize Bernier's chances of being elected. Frankly, I don't believe he could win, and that's not based on votes, but rather political manipulation

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

I agree that Mad Max is all about himself and PPC may be just another extreme right wing party high on rabid nationalism. And I have seen a video showing Sheeer hanging out with Jihadis pandering for votes. Not to mention Pierrre also doing the same pandering of votes with another extremist community as seen in another video. I think I will stick with Libertarian Party of Canada if they are running candidates in my riding or not vote at all. A plantation owner is a plantation owner in the end. I will choose freedom if given a choice but never lesser of two evils. Life, Lucifer and Property.

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Unfortunately, in the rotting carcass of a system we have now, that's just as good as giving it to the Liberals. Sucks, but that's the reality: first past the post.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

I don’t support that analogy. My vote is my individual choice and I refuse to follow a herd mentality. Nobody asked my opinion whilst setting up a mob rule system. And I don’t see Maple Leaf fans giving up on their perennial loser team. I wish individuals would stick to their principles the same way and support parties like LPoC that truly advocate for freedom.

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I don’t agree. The reason Maxime isn’t doing well is because we hope Pierre P improves Canada. If Pierre doesn’t Canada will quickly jump to Bernier.

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Like with turdeau, there will be no quick jump.

Like my mother said you don't fix a man After you marry.

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Your mother is a smart woman.

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I agree. That’s why I am sticking with my libertarian roots and supporting LPoC or no one else.

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Jun 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

Excellent. I see no downsides to this policy.

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But the Lie-berals do, to be certain.

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Jun 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

good for the french, at least they know they made a mistake last time. you will see the difference as for disappointed,s viewpoint i disagree whole heartedly. bernier left very important papers with some broad, its time you got the real story.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

I can see France showing its true colours with their colony New Caledonia. The chickens always come home to roost. They may be a good example of slavery but not liberty. I have heard teachers get beheaded in that country for having difference of opinion.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

I beg to differ. I am not a fan of Mad Max but him leaving important papers with a broad makes him a wrong choice? What if it was his wife? Would that be okay? I would not be surprised if other powers already know what is our emperor’s and his minions’ preference for undergarments. There is nothing secret about Canada as it doesn’t have teeth. Any rogue nation may come and abuse us as they are doing now.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

Our Emperor’s father was the one that implemented multicultural policy in Canada’s constitution. No other country has done this. This implies Canada is communal in perpetuity with no core identity till the policy is removed. And Pierrre was Canadian citizen only. Not to mention no reference to property rights and its defence either. Oh Canada! We are so screwed by our own kind.

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Should have been understood decades ago that Multiculturalism is anti-Anglophone Canadian.

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