Well, if I had a child in PUBLIC SCHOOL, and the school board decided to introduce Islamist Religious Concepts, my child WOULD NOT be in ATTENDANCE! PERIOD!!!!!!! END OF STORY!!!!!!!

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First and foremost we are a country based on Christian and Catholic values. You came to Canada for a better way of life. Why do you think it's ok to push your religious values on our children especially when we have taken the Lords Prayer out of our schools as not to offend anyone. What makes you think you can attempt to push your religious values on our children and other children who have their own religion and aren't allowed their religion in our public and catholic schools or any school for that matter. Keep your religion to yourselves because we all know if we went to your country we would not be allowed to do as we please or push our values on your people and expect your government to accept our values. In fact in some of the muslim countries even though it's not our religion women have to cover their heads! I suggest you take your radical ideology and perhaps go back to a country of your choosing that'll allow you to teach it!

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Call me what you like! in 1962 I went to a PUBLIC SCHOOL, if my parents, who were Catholics, wanted me to learn Catholic Teachings we were sent to a Catholic School after 330 pm to be taught by nuns

(i didn't like going of course). We had other children that were Jehovah Witnesses, and they were excused from class (stood in halls because their parents would not allow it) during the LORDS PRAYER and singing of OUR NATION ANTHEM) first thing in the morning so I say to all these IMMIGRANTS why the hell did you come to CANADA???? If you don't like our (CANADIAN) ALREADY co-existing cultural ways GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!!!!! My husband was raised in Brampton and as a child the conversation around whether you were Catholic or Protestant and If you didn't know what religion you were "Well you must be Protestant" true story

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well well brad, i see another cheque coming for the little general legault, he is always whining, and the king of the lgbtq community, doesn,t care about the money, but will make the little general fill his coffers. i have always said, quebec will either help us, or kill us. lets see where this goes, btw where are the parents.???????????.

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It's not difficult to figure out who is behind all this , Trudeau has been destroying Canada ever since he was elected. I agree , my kids would never attend these pervert schools.

Don Cherry is back and he has a Pod Cast , I bet he will have something to say about this , before he is silenced, again!

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"It's all about Shariah!" John Guandolo.

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It is a good thing this is happening in Quebec, they can get away with taking measures other provinces would receive criticism for addressing!

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at last a story with something for EVERYONE to be offended by! Got to say, the image of a teacher "praying over a child lying on the floor" just takes the cake, don't it! It's downright "diabolical," I'd reckon! Right in the presence of children who are supposed to lbe learnin modern, civilized stuff = like, err

- correct 'pronouns,' gender 'diversity,' the importance of killing babies in the womb, BEFORE they cang grow into troublesome malcontents & recidivists... take potshots at white privilege or toxic maleness...

you know, the stuff that THE MAJORITY OF CANUCKISTANIS FULLY SUPPORT - BECAUSE THEY VOTED FOR THE redacted BEHIND THAT redacted! Spare us further diatribes bout "christian values, anglo-saxon heritage," and so on, because you are INCORRECTLY projecting onto the sad sack people of freakistan north what they actually want and believe in. Save for some *redacted) (redacted)uslim types who wanna roll back all that "progress" all the way to the 'middle ages!"

The day that boy near OTTAWA was thrown out of school and then ARRESTED ... for daring to claim that 'there's only two genders' was the very LAST DAY you bleaters had the right to complain about what's comin down the pipes. NOT A PEEP, not a sound outta ya's, save for a few of them same (redacted(uslim types... just like every other 'red line' occasion when it was finally time to stand up... or fold.

YOU bought this mess - you own it suckas. Go ahead n rag all ya want. But be damn careful that illicit thoughts like this here one be carefully EXCISED from your daily reading materials. Tender sensitivities of our readers Must TAKE PRIORITY over "free speech!"

If Brad was to let scurrilous truths and dangerous honesty confront his crew of whine n cheesers, there'd be blown gaskets' all over de 'internet highway!' Even BEFORE PRESIDENT KAMALA announces the pre-arranged CAN/MEX/ERIKA crack down on WHITE CHRISTIAN EXTREMISTS/NEW GREEN DEAL human waste fertilizer management program!

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