The Liberal Party is owned by their financial backers, their party members are still singing Trudeaumania songs and recalling Pierre, and the NDP are sheep who are led by Jagmeat Singh who for some reason has convinced them he is the reincarnation of Tommy Douglas. Singh is likely the highest money earning politician in Ottawa with back door payments to off shore bank accounts. His lunch bucket supporters are naive and foolishly keep Justin in power. I shake my head.

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A disgrace without doubt

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Does the NDP still have "lunch bucket supporters?" My dad, a trucker, a shop steward and lifelong Dipper, voted PPC in 2021.

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The Leader of the NDP is a Khalistan Independence advocate who wantas to destroy Canadian sovereignty. Say no more, say no more...

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he needs to be hauled off

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For dictators outrage from others just reinforces their narcissism. It proves they are powerful. Of all attention, hate, disapproval, and criticism feels the best! Really! “Oh, look at me! I can do anything, and I will!!!!!!” Sound familiar???? And no, outrage by others and Canadians will not remove him. Only an election would, and that’s not going to happen, maybe ever.

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Narcissists don’t usually have discernment, too big of an ego. It’s all about them and them only - whether positive or negative it’s attention. He is a little boy starving for attention and will do anything to get it🙄

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Smells like mental illness.

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Why does Trudeau behave as he does? Remember his father and his insouciant shrug — his pirouetting behind the Queen — his finger to Canadians in the west. Justin behaves in the same way, as though he has an agenda; one unseen, and unreported, which he is secretly promulgating with the support from powerful interests he serves. …As though he knows he is altogether untouchable. What does Justin Trudeau know we don’t know? There is something about that smug faced grin I for one do not trust. He is up to something. The business with the NDP sharing a marital bed with the Liberals seems decidedly peculiar.

Trudeau Sr snuck in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms at the same time the Constitution was being patriated. He knew the Charter was the only way Bilingualism could be used as a wedge to ensure Quebec and Quebecers could restore their power in Confederation they had in 1867. Thus instead of presenting parliament with the proposition that every single important and powerful role and position should be made bilingual, including of course the Supreme Court, the Charter provided perfect cover for such an outcome. Parliament would never have passed such a proposition.

As far as I am concerned both Trudeau’s are traitors. Neither of them served or serve the interests of all Canadians. Canada is not a confederation. It is a federation. Why are the provincial premiers not attending to Canadians interests? They could cause a constitutional crisis and a precedent! They could demand Prime Minister Trudeau be “impeached.” They could assemble in Ottawa and after agreeing among themselves on the legalities could demand he be relieved of his position.

They could implore the Governor General to use the powers of that position as alluded to in the Constitution to act with the support of the Premiers. This is no precedent for such an action, however the Governor General has a number of legal powers which could be explored. The Govenor General may dismiss an incumbent Prime Minister and Cabinet, an individual minister, or any other official who holds office “during the Govenor General’s pleasure.”

The Constitution says nothing specific about removing the Prime Minister or impeaching the Prime Minister. But in my view Pierre E Trudeau did immeasurable damage to Canada's federation; in the process harming many Canadians. The imbalance cannot be expected to be rectified by imagining enough bilingual speakers could emerge from the English speaking provinces to rebalance the unequal distribution of power in Canada caused by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Canadians invest their Constitution and their Parliament with trust. Certain expectations are born of an idea that one of the responsibilities of their government is to insure Peace, Order, and Good Government. This has come to mean a certain expectation of fairness and probity. Strong moral principles, honesty and decency are all aspects of probity. It seems as though these virtues have become subordinated to expediency in the assignment of rights. There are so many rights admitted today one wonders what isn’t a right. Does Justin Trudeau enjoy the Devine Right of Kings? He is an elected member of Canada’s Parliament. Canadians do not elect prime ministers. The members of the Liberal Party in a separate process nominate a leader.

Is a Prime Minister in Canada untouchable by any means except a confidence vote in the House of Commons? How is it that some guy can ride roughshod over certain expectations Canadians’ have of their Government and their representatives without a means of expelling him?

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Step down? I wish him a good trip off a tall balcony. He's oblivious to his clown antics because he refuses to read or listen to the news. He's a legend in his own mind.

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Totally agree.

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In 1923 prior to the Holodomor most people in the Donbas Region were Ukrainian-speaking. According to UN sources the Russians have re-located 1.6 million people who were not supportive of Russian objectives from the Donbas Region to Russia, presumably where they will be ‘re-educated’.


In 1993, when the West convinced Ukraine to give up its Nuclear Weapons, it incurred a significant obligation The Russians broke the agreement with the West when they invaded Ukraine. The simple solution to the current situation will be to re-arm Ukrainians and give them enough Nuclear Missiles to defend themselves.


Most of the troops in Ukraine are not from Western Russia, they were brought in from Oblasts in the East. If Ukraine were to begin by bombing a location close enough to some place like Grozny Chechnya, the Chechnyan troops in Ukraine would quickly withdraw.


Ukraine has the potential to turn this into a No-Win War and inflict huge losses on the Russians. That does seem to be where things are headed. The US needs to stop trying to be the world’s policeman and provide both Ukraine and Taiwan with e large enough quantity of Nuclear Missiles to defend themselves against Communist aggression. The ideal quantity would be more than Iran has, but less than Pakistan.


Russia's minister of defense Sergei Shoigu also delivered a nationwide TV address, in which he said that the battlefield conditions in Ukraine as "difficult. "We are not fighting with Ukraine, but with the collective west " he said, noting mobilization will be gradual, not one-time. He also added more nuclear threats: "All types of arms, including the nuclear triad, are fulfilling their tasks.".




The attack on the West is multi-pronged.




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Russia has long been a rich prize various invaders thought to invade and subdue. This goes back centuries. Russia has always been seen as a storehouse of wealth others would like to appropriate. Of course would-be invaders denigrate Russia to their home populations, claiming Russians have evil designs on world conquest, and thus they are “our” enemy. Yet, is it not the U.S. fleets sailing the words oceans making the world safe? And before that was it not the Royal Navy fleets sailing the worlds oceans making the world safe? Google Russian wars in chronological order. I’d list them but there are to many to list.

Russia is more or less impregnable. Look at a globe. Mounting an invasion is only ever going to end in failure. But any decent strategist ought to realize that it’s neighbouring countries can, and have been, and are being used today in the Ukraine as possible staging grounds useful to mounting an attack.

There is no chance that other nations fleets can support an invasion. Wars cannot be won without troops on the ground. Air power is rendered moot by the distances bombers would have to fly. Russia was never conquered. Though it is vulnerable to subversion. The Jews are most apt to be the subversives. And, Jews are a tribe, so support within Russia for Jewish impudence can be garnered anywhere in the world. Jews occupy powerful positions throughout the West and it is their dispersal which makes them dangerous. Any countries armies can be employed by Jewish interests as proxies for Jewish interests, which of course is the case in Ukraine.

Almost the entire communications medium throughout the west is owned or controlled by Jews. This is easily verified. Seriously, do you expect say, the editorial component of a newspaper owned by Jews to be objective? Would they lie to you? Which members of the tribe was it Putin more or less expelled from Russia after the Yeltsin debacle? The oligarchs were supported and lauded in the West as free marketers; while they took advantage of having finally subdued and sabotaged the Russian economy, to pay pennies on the dollar for Russian resources. This was supported and celebrated in the West by the ideology of neo–liberalism; mostly of course in the Jewish owned and/or controlled media corporations.

Neoliberalism: Google it on Wikipedia.

Neoliberalism is a useful rubric with which to measure the manifestations of its presumed success throughout the extant economic literature. It is one of those, sound good at first glance phrases, few ever question.

It is though, a veil for the Communist/Financial Capitalist/Progressive/Fascist Globalism forces which are seeking in Ukraine to seduce or force Russia to concede.

Fascist Globalism is anti-human and anti-Liberty. (Liberty is not a word we hear much any more.)

The individual is swept away by so many neologisms today he or she can hardly make hide nor hair of their meaning. The individual is swept away by forces controlled by international bankers, corporate monopolists, and tragically by the acquiescence of those whom we expect to protect our interests — our politicians and bureaucrats. Those paid by us have in fact hijacked it. Admittedly this sounds extreme but once the reality is understood thinking people will clammer to have their country returned to them.

Resisting Fascist Globalism is going to require that those resisting the Fascist agenda must carefully parse the accompanying dialectic and erect a countervailing one. Putin is arguing for a multi-polar world rather than a uni-polar one. A unipolar world would be the end of Liberty.

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Sep 21, 2022
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Valid point

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