Mar 9, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Mr. Salzberg: Please can this article, as well as the articles written by CAP regarding The now murdered Sherman's fundraising for Justin Trudeau that if investigated may well be the icing on the cake. If brought to the attention of the Canadian public demonstrating further, China's interference in Canadian elections. Criminality, corruption and mysteries continue to implicate Justin Trudeau in a barrage of secretive, corrupt events.

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There are many stories surrounding the death/murder of Michel Trudeau.

It’s hard to understand how an avalanche occurred when it was too early for such a thing to happen, meanwhile those with him were rescued. Some have stated that this was a message to Pierre from the FLQ.

We will never know but to be sure there was foul play involved!

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Another rumor is that Pierre was getting too cocky with the globalists and they showed him what happens when he gets out of line. Justin was groomed for his spot and Michel was expendable to teach Pierre a lesson.

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One would think that Trudeau would of had a submarine searching for this brothers body, He well could afford it. On the other hand it could just be a case of Able and Cain , we all know that Justin Trudeau doesn't share the limelight with anyone.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg


Please get around the banning of content with the following:

Advise your followers to take a picture to post it on social media.

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Great Article

Good Luck spreading the good reports.

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I cannot bring myself to put the Trudeau family of little ole Canada in the same category as the Royals or the Kennedy family who are infinately more intriguing and historically influential then Justin and his clan of communist misfits .The similarities of people within their circle having unfortunate ends and the nefariousness of the Trudeau Foundation are perhaps more likened to the Clinton's .I'm sure there are other similarities between Bill and Justin yet to be fully disclosed. Does our Minister Joly perhaps own a blue dress .

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Maybe Michel never died?

Could Michel be his brothers fat faced body double? The plot thickens in this mystery-spy novel in the making.

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I wouldn't put any sort of corruption by Justin past him.

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Did you know that our loveable CSIS, destroyed documents on Diefenbaker, Mike Pearson, and PET?


The assumption is that Mike Pearson was a card carrying member of the Communist Party, he shepherded PET into power. No speculation on why Dief's files were destroyed.

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Trudeau is at it again , working to remove your only defense you have from a corrupt Liberal Government

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typical bloodline behaviour, usually the 1st child is sacrificed

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They should open the case up again and search the lake. I don't believe it myself, they probably had him put away. No wonder with that and the way Pierre ruining Canada that Margaret became depressed and put away. That son probably heard. Pierre, Justin and his brother with their plans.

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So many issues our urinealists won't cover! For instance: https://www.ummid.com/news/2014/October/23.10.2014/canada-shoot-out.html

Apparently the news reported that there were something like 300 bullet holes in the body, yet no bullets.. so that means he was shot 150 times - but none of the bullets stuck in any bone or organ. Yet they claim he was killed by a brave sargent at arms with a pistol Do you smell something fishy?

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Ron DeSantis Sister was Killed in London... only 3mins

Inquiring minds would like to know why this young woman, who was working on special projects that included the Queen's Coutts Bank, dies so young. It matters because she was Ron DeSantis' sister.


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Please do! That info that could widen the scope of their current knowledge and investigation that is presently ‘cold case’.

Canadians deserve the real truth of the Trudeau’s corruption, fundraising schemes, and . . .

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