Jul 26Liked by Brad Salzberg

This is a brilliant article.

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Thanks...wouldn't it be nice if millions of Canadians read it? Namely, Anglophones, CHristians, Conservatives, et al? It will never happen, because censorship will prevent it. If these ideas moved into the mainstream, perhaps the death of Canadian democracy could be avoided.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

It is very sad to see the state of censorship in this country - in particular, the censorship of views and facts that run counter to the extreme liberal-left-woke religion that has infected our government, private sector, mainstream media and educational institutions. Whenever I find your articles on facebook, I post them so my friends can see them. However, I believe that most of them are very indoctrinated and unable to comprehend the truth. I do hold out hope that one day they will wake up. I certainly did about six years ago when I was told by a female friend that Canada will be much better off when old white men like me have all died. She was white; and that sent me on my journey to find the truth. And I certainly had my eyes opened when I started to do my own research, stop trusting the mainstream media, politicians and corporations - and see things for myself from a critical lens. I started to access non-mainstream websites and thinkers, like you/Cultural Action Party of Canada, Red Ice, American Renaissance, Robert Spencer, Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Thomas Quiggin, Ricardo Duchesne and CEC, Peter Sweden, Katie Hopkins, etc. And did it ever open my eyes. And I eventually came to realize that many of the beliefs that I had held to be sacred without question were lies, myths. Multiculturalism is a wonderful building block of Canada. What a lie! It is responsible for the disintegration of our cultural foundation. Immigration is always good for Canada because it bolsters our economy. Another myth. Diversity is our strength. A very damaging belief that has led to the patchwork quilt of competing races and ethnicities. Islam is a religion of peace. Read the annual Europol Reports on Terrorism in the EU and that blows that one out of the water. And it goes on and on. Sorry about the long-winded rant. Anyhow, thank you for continuing to speak a truth that most Canadians do not want to hear.

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Jul 27Liked by Brad Salzberg

Most of us want to listen, want to see, want to hear, but can't digest it.

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Jul 26Liked by Brad Salzberg

I concur. Well done.

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With thanks

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Jul 26Liked by Brad Salzberg

The way he has "packed" the Senate with so called "independant" Senators (devout Liberals who owe him a cushy job and pension)you won't have to wait 10 years for the Liberals(communists,socialists,wokists,globalists)to be back in the driver's seat.They will have NEVER left.The expert at underhanded moves strikes again.

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Yuen Pau Woo, Ratna Omidvar, Mobina Jaffer-- globalist anglo-bashers of the highest order.

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Particularly since he's deadbolted shut Poilievre's chances of being able to keep his promises to the country. Only way to defeat Trudeau now is to copy-paste everything he does.

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Jul 26Liked by Brad Salzberg

Well written. Since Communism reared it's ugly head in the Maritimes in the early 1920's.....the infiltration is complete.

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it only takes a few seconds one in the east, and one in the west, and its all over.

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They can put their communist agendas or whatever you call them somewhere I don't care to mention!! Oops did I say that😡

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