Iv'e been saying that for a long time now. A buddy of mine says the Turdo is brain dead. I disagree. He's been smart enough to pull off his aim to ruin the country and turn us into a Communist dictatorship.

Isn't anybody concerned about our finances; Jeez more than doubling our lifetime debt in just under seven years. The young of today have a tough road ahead.

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I don't believe Trudeau is brain-dead. His brain is functioning, but imo it is on serious auto-pilot. There is an end goal in all of this, which he understands while media hide it from the public.Justin is a globalist revolutionary, not a prime minister in the traditional sense.

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He’s not calling the shote, just doing what his handlers tell him what to do.

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 Justin Trudeau is not recognized by those who know him well as being a Deep Thinker.

 His Father was a Marxist.

 He grew-up hearing his Mother constantly referred to by Old Stock Canadians as a Whore.

 In 2015 Canadians elected this part-time Drama Teacher as its Prime Minister.




 What could possibly go wrong?


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Everything. A brain-washed thinker is much of the problem, with so many more problems contributing to Canada's downfall.

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I am afraid we are at the point of no return so long as this individual is holding the reins.

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A unfortunate, but fair assessment.

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I say the tipping point is just ahead! Once the 'chugga-chugga' Liberal train reaches the top of this unprecedented ride, it will crest the apex, and there will be a screamer of a downhill run. There will be Liberal bodies everywhere, and Singh won't be singing anymore, either. I think a lot of us are stewing about how to express our smokin' hot anger without being arrested by the 'in-my-pocket' RCMP, that Trudeau has so cleverly enveloped like the cancer he is. A day of reckoning is coming fast. Don't despair, don't give up the faith, or the hope that the manchild will be eviscerated like the chicken he is.

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Yes, I would agree but Canadians need to open their eyes and see it happening. So many wishy washy, ho-hum sleepers out there it is nauseating!!!

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No previous PM has used their powers in such a way as Trudeau has. Seems our Canadian laws don’t prevent this abuse. Canadians need better laws to limit powers of the PM’s office. Last quarter of the 1700’s the French got it right and decisively dealt with the problem. It seems protesting and all currently used forms of disagreement with Ottawa has failed miserably and a much stronger method will only work to save Canadians. We have a rogue government trampling us.

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Trudeau doesn't adhere to democracy so much as he dances around democracy, locating the cracks in the system and exploiting these things. It's just one reason why eye hate him so much.

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The most important people to recognize Turd as a dictator are Trump supporting Congressional members. I do not see Trump after 2024 tolerating a communist regime next door. Remember Grenada in 1983?

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Your being nice about a dictator, he's a sick greedy spoiled selfish little boy and if he was my son which I'm glad he's not, I would of taken him behind the wood pile and the rest assured would either he agreed to come to his senses or he'd be on the high road to hell and not be my son

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You are spot on. I can’t understand how people can’t believe what this corrupt government and media are doing to achieve there goal. Please people wake the hell up before it is too late!!!!

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