Mar 27, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Canadians are next, this Trudeau agenda is far from over. You don't go to all the trouble of paying off Canada's main media without expecting results as a dictatorship. The boiling frog comes to mind, and it will be too late once the temperature rises.

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As I rant on about, it really is an historical pattern. In my opinion, Multiculturalism fits into this in a big way. Originally positioned as a method to create equality among various ethnic groups, the policy is certain to end up transfering whitey to second class status.

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Does Trudeau take points from Hitlers and Stalins playbooks? History has taught us what works, people being in general quite easy to manipulate. We have a dangerous party in Ottawa

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I definitely believe that Team Trudeau are leveraging communist and fascist methods to manipulate Canadian society.

It isn't implemented by Trudeau himself, he is merely an automaton tasked to implement an agenda he doesn't fully comprehend.

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Exactly, JT is the "useful idiot" of the globalists. Remember years ago when the Liberals had their leadership race and the person in top position magically stepped down allowing Trudeau to win? They could not control this person so they paid him off or threatened him, either way he left.

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There is no question that 'intersectionality' and the entire 'social justice' lie are a big part of this. The Woke lexicon is itself a basic language of victimhood and is absolutely foundational in the cultural Marxism we've watched metastasize over the past several decades.

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just look at television shows, they pack diversity in tight and certain actors put into characters that in reality they never would be. They try to normalize perversion by constantly putting it in our faces, by making it appear normal and nice. They use good scripts and then twist them to include people that make no sense in the story. This constantly on your TV is meant to normalize and make you accept such things. This is complete divisionism of preference and race. I just saw an RBC ad that stated they have $100 million for black entrepreneurs only. Strange how we were once recently all integrated and doing well until Trudeau and his gang stirred the pot, penetrating radar that to date have not found one body, however they use language like "potential graves" and then stir a frenzy to give our tax $ away. This nonsense across the board must end. Canada was a functioning democracy until Trudeau became dic tater. (little dic tater as the Chinese call him)

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The television degeneration was witnessed last night in the Woke Lie-beral Academy Awards.

A trope of Hollywood bullshtye

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Everyone groaned when we were assigned to read Gramsci my Sr. year in College in the early 1980's, but I read it for the assignment, just to get through it. Only in the last 2 years has what Gramsci wrote finally resonated with me: that radical social change takes a very, very long time. Hell, it's taken my lifetime, but it's clear now that we're at that end game across the West. I believe it was Dutschke who called it 'the long march through the institutions' (your 'boiled frog' analogy) vs. Gramsci's description as a 'war of position'...but I digress.

I honestly don't see how Trudeau - or any of the other WEF 'graduate' dictators can, or will be swayed with reason, or logic, or ballots or Constitutional Law - that would be to convince them of an alternative reality.

They have no interest (or ability) to debate, only to intimidate. It's a feature, not a bug. People like Trudeau know that the *only* path forward for them to 'victory' is to for once and all destroy freedom of speech, and freedom of thought.

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Good point about Gramsci. I have no doubt that the Liberals are cooking up internet censorship as we speak.

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We won't let them destroy freedom of speech and thought. If they thought the trucker rally was bad if they don't cease and desist next time won't be so chipper.

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The Truckers appear to be continuing on.

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Singh has sold himself for a few pieces of silver. 2022 years ago he would be called a Judas. Today would the media would refer to him as a sex worker.

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Both Singh and Trudeau have whored out our country to the highest bidder.

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Good questions. Inflation will hurt the sweet mental isolation and tea time daydreaming of how isolated we are from the evils of the world. Sharp poverty will “wake” the sheep. I hope.

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The most important country to take notice of Turd as a dictator is the USA, specifically Trump-supporting Republicans. I do not believe Trump would tolerate a communist regime next door. I also doubt that the Lieberal-NDP coalition would have happened if Trump was in the WH.

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When the money runs out the sheep will be back.

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Trudope will not stop until the money runs out and the payoffs stop.

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