May 28, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

By nature, we prefer to be with our ‘tribe’. This is seen when each culture often forms communities specific to ‘their’ culuture after immigrating. We can mingle, appreciate, respect others but return to our securities- those of likeness, our tribe. Respect and love cannot be mandated by idealistic, political laws which only create more division amongst people. Politics thrive on ‘divide and conquer’- exactly what we are seeing from current Canadian leadership or more accurately, the dividers. They are the REAL problem!!!

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It actually reminds me of Kings of the past, they were disconnected from the harm they inflicted on their people. These politicians are so narcisistic and self righteous that they don't know the harm and suffering that was done to hard working, blue collar people.. So when they are confronted by angry mobs, its no emotion to them. They have no empathy they are empty soul less persons. How rude of them to not be aware of the harm they have done, if you beat a dog, you are emotionless on his cries...really your are such a inhumane empty person that your not aware of suffering you caused. That is how disconnected they are in their privileged life, right, just like Marie Antoinette who never suffered hunger said 'let them eat cake', when she fully knew they were starving! These politicians should be banned from running, they are soul less empty , privileged persons...whom never clearly had dirt under their finger nails to earn a proper living!

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Divisionist hate has been created by the Trudeau regime. Agenda to divide and separate Canadians making them discontent using fabrications, lies and spin. Evil people manipulating public opinions.

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Wow. Perfectly said

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Turd & Singh need to be removed from office ASAP, tried, convicted and imprisoned for life for crimes against Canada.

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Singh openly states that Canada is a horrible, racist, hateful place. He would obviously be happier in a different country. An NDP leadership review is justified.

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