
I was a 1st generation (1952) immigrant from western European country (France) and we were absorbed into the melting pot in becoming a CANADIAN....I have now 4 generations all born here. Schools never differentiated whether you were black, white, beige, yellow, brown or red. All got along, enjoyed their unique differences in spite of predominately white Anglo Saxon educational system. I remember getting strapped because i didn't know how to ask to go to washroom, OCCASIONALLY.

Bottom line, existing educational system is not teaching rudimentary requirements to survive with basic skills but catering to political sociopathic direction back to TRIBALISM..

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Neo-Marxist war on the western world.

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Not to be left alone with children and get the hell out of school!

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anyone else notice how the Liberals are always after our children? LGBT, CRT, systemic racism, transgenderism. It's a sign that they are in reality, communists and fascists. Stalin, Mao and Hitler did the same, no?

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Isn't it time White People just stood up and said enough is enough? They built this country and have nothing to be ashamed of. Yes they did. Stand up and say so white people!

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Where is Ontario's useless Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce in all of this? Either he approves of this race baiting nonsense or he's allowing the education system to destroy itself and is then 'forced' to bring in a voucher system. If it's the latter, no doubt schools would empty in favour of the private system where standards are still applied.

Either way, he's managed to preside over the demise of Toronto's public schools.

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Trudeau just gave the northern territories autonomy. Australia just tried this with the recent The Voice vote.

I swear it’s a back door for China to make private deals with corrupt northern leaders to access resources that they shouldn’t have. They could possibly lease land for telecommunications? Put secret military here? The possibilities are now endless.

Colonialism is a ruse for China to abuse.

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Trudeau only likes Houseless people because he put them in this situation. The man has really gone off the deep end and he is making a problem that didn’t exist until he became PM. I went to school with First Nations, Black skinned people, Chinese, Ukrainians, Jewish, English, Irish, Scottish, People whom like their own sex, people who didn’t like anyone. There were rich kids, poor kids we were a melting pot but I don’t remember anyone hating anyone because they were white, black, red, yellow, orange or albino. You like people for who they are or aren’t. Color doesn’t affect how nice you are, it is how you treat other people no matter what color you or they are. Trudeau must be the most racist person in Canada as he is the one that points it out all the time. Did he have a black friend or did he dress up like what he thought a black person looked like to make fun of them. I believe that man has a problem and he really should seek help coming to grips with himself. He is trying to blame everyone of racism but himself. I believe he likes to flaunt his wealth and his entitlement and it makes him feel like a big man and makes us lowly Canadians feel beneath him and if we don’t, he finds ways to degrade us by calling us racist. Canadians on the whole like to help people who are going thru crisis no matter who they are or what nationality they are. All Trudeau does is degrade us to make himself look more godly! Pardon me while I excuse myself.

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Canadians really need to ask: Is Trudeau Mentally Competent To Hold Office. Today he changed the name of ' Homeless People ' to ' Houseless People ' . he said it sounds better. There the problem of homeless people is fixed. Trudeau is a complete IDIOT.

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Right on! Is he competent to hold office?!?! Seriously, house less people sounds better? Because he says so?!? He has created the homeless situation! He is the biggest idiot and full of guilt that he “black faced” how many times, and now he has to project his guilt on us citizens of Canada?!? Really?!? I’m sure he’s the biggest antisemite because his real father, Castro and maybe his step father, Pierre probably hated Jewish people he again has to project his guilt on us! Grrrh is right!!

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I experienced this stuff for years and the recent woke transformation was truly terrifying. What was once normal, common sense are now called bad, racist, other guilt mumbo jumbo. The normalization of weird and the justification to treat others badly who disagree. Racists calling other people racist.

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I hate that word…. Colonists. Colonialism. Grrrrr

We are all brothers and sisters. If you follow the science….. every person in North America migrated here. From Asia. Possibly Solutreans from France 26,000 years ago. So who in reality are the first colonizers??!!

From there we joined together to make an imperfect country. We should be happy it’s not china running the show here. Lol. Not yet.

Colonialism is just another Marxist myth to keep us divided.

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We need not guess who is behind all this disharmony. I would like to see Ontario and Quebec separate from the rest of Canada, so many problems would then go away.

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It looks like the Ontario Ministry of Education has hit a new level of disturbing. It is so sad that Canada has fell into the grips of Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050. It is also very disturbing that many are lured into this ideas thinking that it is about something g positive.

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Funny thing any B ED education student I've talked to says all the non whites get hired first. Whereas white guys get to move to places with no roads or other countries because of the buckets of priviledge.

Clown world....

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We should adopt the way that the Japan education system is structured here in The North American continent

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1984 vs Brave New World - How Freedom Dies


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The PC'S are trying to pass a Bill which would prevent underaged children from watching PORN on-line. Trudeau is against it , he says he doesn't agree to collecting peoples information on-line. lol. He says children have the right to watch porn on-line . Trudeau must of been sexually abused as a child and mentally scared to even say such things. Trudeau is MENTALLY DERANNGED and is unfit to hold any PUBLIC OFFICE in Canada.

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This is nothing less than a slap in the face to our forefathers who built this country and fought and died to preserve it!

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