Somehow I think Trudeau had a hand in the mayor resigning and I bet the next mayor of Toronto isn't WHITE.

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Always a fear imo. Not because dark equates with something bad, which it doesnt.

Its the globalist political ramifications that count. The larger woke globalist machine.

Jagmeet Singh, Gondek and Sohi are examples. They represent a lock in of the globalist ethos. They always support bullshit climate change and the rest.

In this, they are all Liberals.

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Edmonton mayor was a former Trudeau cabinet minister!

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A plant, obviously

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Very true , I had no intension of equating that non-white equals bad . It's just that I have not mastered the art of the English language . lol.

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Understood, no worries there.

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Is it realistic to expect the CBC or any Canadian main stream media company to report facts which would undermine the Globalist Agenda? Globalists already extract from Canadians pockets a premium of billions of dollars interest payments for borrowing from the Bank for International Settlements. The CBC promulgates a pro Liberal agenda. The Liberal agenda is a Globalist agenda.

The Globalist Agenda is equally harmful to immigrants. Do immigrants really want the same slugs sitting in Canadas parliament that they came to Canada to escape? They should be voting for a nationalist agenda. But Canadas main stream media is owned or run by foreign interests.

The only way to reveal the truth is through the power of the anti-Mass media. The truth is not broadcast. The truth is Canadas economy is handicapped by being manipulated to benefit not Canadians’ but rather exogenous parties whose agenda is legalized theft.

Your Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is compromised. As was his father, Pierre E Trudeau. Do you own search. Are these people you’d have home for dinner? Would you introduce these types to you children? Why do you vote for them?

Yes, even way back in 1974 the MSM were lying. Many Canadians were happy to have a man popularized as cool and charismatic as Prime Minister. His masters owned his soul. He divided Canadians while distracting them from his machinations. He was involved in a scheme to sell Canadas water to California? Why do you vote for Trudeau? Because you trust what you see on the TV. Because governments spend millions on professional public relations experts. Look up Edward Bernays if you want to understand what the Government pays for with your money.

If you knew the truth you’d get out you grandfathers pitchfork

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The only way Justin can live with himself is if he is mentally disturbed, which he so OBVIOUSLY IS.

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I’d suggest everyone reading here ask a simple question. “Did I not understand living in a socialist country would mean giving my individuality and Liberty up to a vague group of powerful interests whose interests were not mine; but instead theirs?”

The CBC is run by communists! The CBC broadcasts propaganda. This did not begin recently. Generations of Canadians have been manipulated to believe the Government of the day has your interests in mind. Not so!

Why would you believe them? When has that ever been true? Why did the Government permit Canadas newspapers to be consolidated and monopolized and bought by an American company? Does that not strike you as subversive? Do you really expect a company owned by an American Company headquarters in New Jersey to promote Canadian interests?

Canadians do not know their history or understand that their knowledge of Canadian history is so minimal as to be meaningless; exactly as planned! Is Justin Trudeau an honest broker or a lying manipulator? The Liberal party have a long history of pretending to be a party of nice guys. The truth is they are merely puppets. Here I mean the politicians. Your elected politicians are either stupid, ignorant, or liars.

In 1974 Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau — Justin Trudeau’s father — made the decision to stop using the Bank of Canada for our money, and instead borrow it from a private bank outside of Canada (the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland) and pay interest to that private bank! Obviously that is not in the interest of Canadians. Instead of just printing the money to cover debt as we could have done, our government began borrowing money (usury).

From confederation to 1974, Canadians created and printed our own money. We need a Prime Minister who will take back the power to create our own money.

Is it realistic to expect the CBC or any Canadian main stream media company to report facts which would undermine the Globalist Agenda? Globalists already extract from Canadians pockets a premium of billions of dollars interest payments for borrowing from the Bank for International Settlements. The CBC promulgates a pro Liberal agenda. The Liberal agenda is a Globalist agenda.

The Globalist Agenda is equally harmful to immigrants. Do immigrants really want the same slugs sitting in Canadas parliament that they came to Canada to escape? They should be voting for a nationalist agenda. But Canadas main stream media is owned or run by foreign interests.

The only way to reveal the truth is through the power of the anti-Mass media. The truth is not broadcast. The truth is Canadas economy is handicapped by being manipulated to benefit not Canadians’ but rather exogenous parties whose agenda is legalized theft.

Your Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is compromised. As was his father, Pierre E Trudeau. Do you own search. Are these people you’d have home for dinner? Would you introduce these types to you children? Why do you vote for them?

Yes, even way back in 1974 the MSM were lying. Many Canadians were happy to have a man popularized as cool and charismatic as Prime Minister. His masters owned his soul. He divided Canadians while distracting them from his machinations. He was involved in a scheme to sell Canadas water to California? Why do you vote for Trudeau? Because you trust what you see on the TV. Because governments spend millions on professional public relations experts. Look up Edward Bernays if you want to understand what the Government pays for with your money.

If you knew the truth you’d get out you grandfathers pitchfork.

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Good points, one of which is what commie Pierre Trudeau did to the Bank of Canada.

Basturd son is the same....internationalize everything sovereign in Canada, with the exception of Quebec, their home province.

The Trudeau family are Anglophone haters and Canada haters.

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I have family that have left GTA area and their happier than pig of poop their out and once they settled here they tell me they made the right decision, some came to Southern Ontario and some went to Newfoundland, they're happy on their decision, they have years of experience, knowledge and common sense and had no problem getting a job

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At this moment, Vancouver has an over abundance of rain, cloudy days and migrants from India and Middle East.

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We are being replaced. At some point government policies will no longer support our traditions and culture? We will have no voice. Imagine being a minority in your own country.

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As I have said many times, imagine being an OPPRESSED MINORITY in your own country.

This is where bast-turd Trudeau is taking Anglophone Canada imo.

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We are being replaced. At some point government policies will no longer support our traditions and culture? We will have no voice. Imagine being a minority in your own country.

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We must stand together against his intentional divide. English, scots and Irish played a huge part in the development of this country. He lives for power because brain is lacking.

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If Justin gets his way, English, Irish and Scots will be our future oppressed communties.

To do so, he has libed up a team of religious Middle Eastern supremacists to lord it over our society.

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There’s a reason why declining numbers of our immigrants are not coming from white nations, they see what’s happening in Canada and want no part of the mishmash of ethnicity and resulting disharmony. I consider myself pretty tolerant but can also understand why there there are so many under lying reasons for the increase in intolerance, hate, crime and just plain chaos in our big cities. The world wants to come to Canada to get away from the corruption in their countries but that will also soon become the same problem in Canada.

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Yep, Trudeau is stacking the country with intentional chaos!!!

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Intentional chaos: Climate change, Immigration, LGBT, Transgender, Euthanasia, Multiculturalism

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I live in Toronto and plan on moving out soon. White flight from this socialist hell

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DAVE RUBIN – Best State of the Union Speech ever


This podcast by Dave Rubin is one of his best ever. He begins at the 4-minute mark with a description of what is going on in Canada with Justin Trudeau and Bill C-11 .




This article by Brad Salzberg explains how things got to be so bad in Canada …




I have been watching the slow march toward Civil War for some time now and I recently stated that I believe it is no longer just possible, but likely. The thing that triggered this change in my opinion was the observation that despite the growing dissatisfaction of Canadians with how things are proceeding, rather than backing off the federal government has doubled down.


Here is what I believe is going on. The Freedom Movement and conservatives in general in Canada recognized that they’d make more progress by being peaceful, while continuing to fight for their Rights and Freedom of Expression in particular. The Marxists among us have taken note of what was happening, and they have decided that it would be in their best interest to trigger violent confrontations as soon as possible.


A means of avoiding Civil War in Canada and the US may become clear in the next few years, however today it is not in the least bit obvious. This map suggests a possible and perhaps even a likely outcome.




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Feb 12, 2023
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At least Ford believes in Democracy and probably hates Trudeau as much as 80% of Canada's population.

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I don't think he does. Have you ever tried to call his office to get a substantive response to any of your concerns? The staff listen. That's all. They don't answer questions. They say they will pass concerns along. Then Ford does what I feared he would, and became the worst one of them all. At one point during the lockdowns Ford gave police the authority to stop anyone who was outside, for any reason, including pulling people over in their cars. The police rejected those powers, refused to do such a thing, and Ford came back crying 😢 😭 saying he was sorry 😞. Well he's a tyrant at heart and did everything Trudeau wanted. 😉

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Feb 12, 2023
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The plandemic is China, and bast-turd did exactly what he was instructed to do...to set up a prototype for Communist Canada.

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Because China will play a major role in the political realignment of the NWO. That's why Biden and Trudeau have both sold out to China.

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He had to follow and obey Federal Laws whether he liked them or not!

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