Flying the rainbow pride flag is blatant mockery of our Canadian flag. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and all other countries in the world do not do this. Trudeau is an obedient puppet and puppy of the WEF. He is a fucking clown, just like his father.

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Why is that extreme ideologies appeal so much to the unsavoury characters among us? Certainly there are fewer restraints at the margins of society; maybe that is where they flourish; maybe that is why they flourish especially when societies break down.

What is it in certain family backgrounds, from which our narcissistic neighbours emerge, that compels their behaviour? Close contact with such people reveal them as being consummate actors. They have a different face for every situation. Give the average person is trusting, often to a fault, they are easily seduced by the viscously calculating monster lurking immediately below the surface.

Their ability to disguise and hide and shape shift is undeniably seductive. Watch Trudeau give people the focused attention and gratuitous body attention — the hug, the two armed grip, the arm squeeze, the arm around the waist — which to the wise and experienced he is nothing more than just another oleaginous snake.

But people are drawn to these types. They seem to embody characteristics which invite envy. They seem confident to those of us with a seat in the audience. But often these actors are so racked with inner doubts they are sick to their stomachs before their public appearance. Despite their bodies reaction to the possibility of being exposed as the nothing they suspect they might be, their need for social approbation will not be denied.

Still these types are never reassured. The monster within gradually consumes their souls. Worse they are not able to contain the envy projections. There is no sincerity in such relationships. The envied often despise the envious. Often one notices a little dance, each resents their craven neediness. The envied crave something they never had and no doubt the envious crave something as well.

The envied and the envious resent the embrace. It is not a mutual admiration relationship. It is needy at its core. Herein lies the tragedy. Normal people are not consumed by envy neither are they envied.

It appears that being Prime Minister is not enough for Justin Trudeau. He has something inside which will never be sated. He knows being the Prime Minister is the pinnacle of political success in Canada. But of course he knows only too well that he is laughed at by his peers. He is a lightweight. Donald Trump simply brushed him aside at the G20 Summit. No doubt he envies Trump his easy comfort in his own skin. And Trump is hardly envious of Justin Trudeau.

Furthermore, as likely as not Trump is not a champion of the current social engineering stuff which seems to attract Justin Trudeau. Justin Trudeau seems inauthentic beside Trump. And what is much worse my impression of Trudeau is he doesn’t really care for the causes he espouses or their claimants. He is a complete fake. My brother in law calls him an empty suit!

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If it walks like communist, talks like a communist, it is a communist..f..k Turdeau..am really getting p’d off, for lack of a expression..what he doing is pure nepotism..all his Turdeau Foundation affiliates..I want Jody Wilson -Raybould to head a independent inquiry into the China’s election interference investigation..a true honest patriot Canadian who has Canada’s best interests at heart..not some communist pukes aka the self serving Liberial Communists Party of Canada.

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Like all radical religions in history people are killed for disbelief. Notice the pivot from covid madness to gender madness. And it is all madness.

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Skippy never met a lens he didn't like.

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Wow the Turd's pile just gets higher, time to clean the stalls the old way with a pitch fork, wow did that hurt, time to wake up to some senses lib clowns

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There isn't a chance in Hell that anyone from any of the traditional political parties will ever help with this, but it is not a 'nice to do' thing, IT IS ESSENTIAL. Until traditional balances of wealth are restored the ordinary citizen has a gun held to his head.... WEALTH = CONTROL.


I found the full story of the original theft buried in a text entitled 'The Great Devaluation' by Adam Baratta. He was able to get it printed by breaking the text that described currency manipulation by the Central Banks into 5 pieces and embedding in other text within the first five chapters.


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A couple of elderly Ladies knocked on my door this morning handing out Christian pamphlets . I wonder when Trudeau will make that a crime?

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It is very possible to get back all the wealth that was stolen since 2009 by ‘printing money’. That was the year when despite typical increases in average GDP per year of 2-3%, the wealth of the Middle and Lower Classes just stopped growing. Since 2009 the only ones who accumulated wealth were the Billionaires.


The solution is one that will surprise you.


This can be accomplished BY CONTINUING to print more money with one small alteration in the strategy. This time the profits would be deposited into the bank accounts of ordinary citizens, not the Elites.


As was the case previously, cooperation among most if not all the Western nations would be needed to dissuade the Elites from moving their money into other currencies. It took the Elites 12 years to steal half the world’s wealth and it will take just as long to reverse that.


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He hasn’t got mine!!!

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