"Trans" is a lifestyle choice--and sex-change operations are simply personal radical body modification. If adults want to do that, I suppose that is their choice--but they should be paying for it. It is an outrage that a country that cannot provide its citizens with doctors is yet somehow able to provide and pay for sex-change surgeries and hormone treatments.

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An important observation, perhaps govt are neutering the white Cdn male

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I have an idea, let’s celebrate people who are straight, let’s have our flags and parades, a flag with a male and a female and a baby, reproduction, as Mother Nature meant us to be!

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Oh, Trudy hates this kinda thing...

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I have known many ‘gay’ people, couples and single and one transgender. Simply was not a problem. They were intelligent, likeable and loveable. They never exposed or pushed their sexuality onto others. Today, with all the exposure of today’s world and its demands for this very low percent of population that are being shoved down the populations throats, I find my anger rising. I don’t accept Trudope pushing his agenda of soliciting votes, as he does with different cultures(Muslims) Would not be surprising to find he is one of the group. I have never been rude to them but stop saying everyone has to accept them. Which means exactly what? I cause no harm but you want to control my thinking?🙄 There are many straight people I would not accept, but nor would I strike out at them unless interfering with my life. The insanity of warped logic and lack of understanding in this Lib gov’t is based on what Trudope appears to be!!! God help us - Libs first, please! We don’t have enough psych hospitals to fit them all in if they don’t get help!!!

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People were discreet about their sexuality at one time and I remember 50 years ago when a coworker asked if I wanted to see his wedding photos and I said of course, luckily I kept my composure when I saw him and his male partner in the photos, I had worked with him over a long period and did not know he was gay! Why then, all this flaunting today?

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Govt brings homosexuality to the forefront of society, why?

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June 05, 1940....The Canadian Encyclopedia reports....."Communists Declared Illegal!" Nazi, Fascist and Communist groups were declared illegal in Canada and their leaders jailed!"

Can't wait for history to repeat itself!

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If she wants her children exposed to adult genitalia, that’s her choice. Show them pictures and stop trampling on other people’s choices!!!

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What must be understood today, when the Marxist Cultural Revolution reaches its climax, is that the quality of education has suffered greatly, mainly those related to human resources, social sciences and others which will along with socialism, wokeism and what have you. So even PhD certification for such subjects might not be worth the paper it is written on. Wastage of tuition fees for the benefit of institutions.

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Aug 6, 2023
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