So sad. 2 is maybe but 3 citizenship m, especially from Middle East countries is an awful idea and should be abolished. It’s pretty clear what they’re doing, to change to culture and values from within, as politicians. The Trojan Horse is inside the gates and is making the rules. And best of all, they’re getting paid handsomely to do so. Time for common sense, anti woke, morals, pro western civilization values to return. And a leader who isn’t a spoiled virtue signalling clown.
This is a little deeper than just virtue signalling it is an outright betrayal of every Natural Born Canadian's right to control parliament with Canadians being in control of this government! We cannot afford to lose our rights to alien entities to demand how we should live! Look at England and other European countries that have lost control not only of their parliament but their entire countries to foreign rule! WTF UP CANADA 🇨🇦
I think it’s disgusting that anyone holding more than Canadian citizenship is allowed to be involved in Canadian politics, AT ANY LEVEL.
If you can’t let go of your home country, that’s one thing - but you shouldn’t get to have a say in how our country operates.
Justin Trudeau, along with his foreign-stacked government and his treasonous manner of allowing Canadian culture to be destroyed….he’s an evil, despicable POS who doesn’t deserve to live here and they don’t deserve to be governing we Canadians.
And to the stupid, mentally-deficient leftist Marxist treasonous Canadians that support him and his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood to continue this invasion of our country - I hope you’re the first ones to fall when they start demanding jizya or your conversion.
About the anti-Palestinian racism, do they know that that doesn’t even make sense? Palestinian isn’t an ethnicity, it’s a place. So ridiculous. I wish Anthony Housefather got even half the respect he deserves from his fellow MPs.
In Islam, there are only three political statuses: (1) Muslim, (2) dhimma (lit. "protected," in fact, highly subordinate with many restrictions and penalties: applied to Christians and Jews IF THEY ARE OBEDIENT), and (3) infidels or disobedient Jews and Christians (may be killed, enslaved, kidnapped and ransomed, or beaten). In short, Islam, because it is the "true faith," must always be dominant. This Muslim supremacy is upheld as long as the electoral numbers or military capability is sufficiently strong. In Europe, with a birthrate many times higher than Europeans, Muslim immigrants are carrying out an "immigration jihad" (holy war). In Canada, under Trudeau, will we have the same?
I'm not Canadian, I'm Welsh but over recent years I've looked upon Canadian politics with horror. When I was a kid everyone wanted to go to Canada, to holiday there, to live there, now it's become a woke hellscape.
Also if someone holds dual or more citizenship they shouldn't be allowed to serve in the House of Commons, whether Canadian or British. These people can royally fuck things up and then fly off to another land and live there permanently as is typical of the globalist class who never, ever seem to be able to live amongst the mess they created.
lets put them on a plane and send them back. especially khalid and the the guy with the big mouth, arvani, or third world shithole name, come president trump , put boots on the ground and clean this shithole upand i still hope that alberts ays bye bye to the shithole for good, let sings people fight against the punjabis. this is just sick. all because of one frenchman.
Islamists in particular are a serious threat to Canada and western civilization. Every western country that imports large numbers of them experience social upheaval and chaos. Multiculturalism is an abject failure.
How can a country function cohesively when there are dozens if not hundreds of self identifying groups all speaking their own languages and demanding THEIR interests and religion be afforded "special privilege". NO. Everyone is equal under the law, no special status for ANYONE OR ANY GROUP.
Sadly the woke virtue signaling school boy Trudeau has destroyed common sense in Canada. One only need look at his idiotic, acquiescent pandering posture in the photo with Salma Zahid. He's buying all the bullshit she's selling.
I am very disturbed by the fact that we still don’t have the names of 11 past or present politicians who committed foreign interference yet we’re supposed to vote in the hopefully soon election without knowing those names.
Our laws are antiquated and badly need reform also in relation to removing some power from the prime minister, Trudeau’s teaching us that!
Citizenship belongs to those born in that country. If I, a Canadian, were to immigrate to Sri Lanka, would that make me Sri Lankan in 3 years? Fk no, nor should it. That is an affront to that country, its people and its culture imo. The reverse is true for those who have immigrated here. You are not and never will be Canadian. That isn't racist or phobic, it's a fact.
You cannot originate from more than one country so the very concept of dual or triple citizenship is proposterous. Multiple citizenship needs to be abolished. Simple. That being said, if immigrants do come here to stay as permanent residents, they should be given the right to vote. As for becoming members of Parliament, that should remain exclusively for Canadians.
So sad. 2 is maybe but 3 citizenship m, especially from Middle East countries is an awful idea and should be abolished. It’s pretty clear what they’re doing, to change to culture and values from within, as politicians. The Trojan Horse is inside the gates and is making the rules. And best of all, they’re getting paid handsomely to do so. Time for common sense, anti woke, morals, pro western civilization values to return. And a leader who isn’t a spoiled virtue signalling clown.
MPs should only have one citizenship, as all Canadians. You left and moved here, give up your old country if you want this one.
No special laws for special groups. One law for all or it will be meritless.
Unfortunately that's not Trudeau-family brand Liberalism.
This is a little deeper than just virtue signalling it is an outright betrayal of every Natural Born Canadian's right to control parliament with Canadians being in control of this government! We cannot afford to lose our rights to alien entities to demand how we should live! Look at England and other European countries that have lost control not only of their parliament but their entire countries to foreign rule! WTF UP CANADA 🇨🇦
I think it’s disgusting that anyone holding more than Canadian citizenship is allowed to be involved in Canadian politics, AT ANY LEVEL.
If you can’t let go of your home country, that’s one thing - but you shouldn’t get to have a say in how our country operates.
Justin Trudeau, along with his foreign-stacked government and his treasonous manner of allowing Canadian culture to be destroyed….he’s an evil, despicable POS who doesn’t deserve to live here and they don’t deserve to be governing we Canadians.
And to the stupid, mentally-deficient leftist Marxist treasonous Canadians that support him and his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood to continue this invasion of our country - I hope you’re the first ones to fall when they start demanding jizya or your conversion.
About the anti-Palestinian racism, do they know that that doesn’t even make sense? Palestinian isn’t an ethnicity, it’s a place. So ridiculous. I wish Anthony Housefather got even half the respect he deserves from his fellow MPs.
Exactly, but as mentioned ad nauseum, Liberalism has nothing to do with logic.
Palestine isn't even a place. It is a claim.
Rule of law by definition means one law for ALL. No race or group gets special privilege over the rest.
If this fails so will OUR country -CANADA!
NOT Trudy Castro-brand Liberalism.
In Islam, there are only three political statuses: (1) Muslim, (2) dhimma (lit. "protected," in fact, highly subordinate with many restrictions and penalties: applied to Christians and Jews IF THEY ARE OBEDIENT), and (3) infidels or disobedient Jews and Christians (may be killed, enslaved, kidnapped and ransomed, or beaten). In short, Islam, because it is the "true faith," must always be dominant. This Muslim supremacy is upheld as long as the electoral numbers or military capability is sufficiently strong. In Europe, with a birthrate many times higher than Europeans, Muslim immigrants are carrying out an "immigration jihad" (holy war). In Canada, under Trudeau, will we have the same?
Unless he is removed
I'm not Canadian, I'm Welsh but over recent years I've looked upon Canadian politics with horror. When I was a kid everyone wanted to go to Canada, to holiday there, to live there, now it's become a woke hellscape.
Also if someone holds dual or more citizenship they shouldn't be allowed to serve in the House of Commons, whether Canadian or British. These people can royally fuck things up and then fly off to another land and live there permanently as is typical of the globalist class who never, ever seem to be able to live amongst the mess they created.
Exactly and it must end
Rather than fly off, they prefer to stay and take over.
Thats it and the government paves the path
How can one serve multiple masters? This is madness bordering on treason....throw in creeping Shariah...and you have it.....
Foreign born should be prohibited from participating in the political process completely...including voting.
Yes they should. It's entirely logical, so you know the Liberals will never make a legislative change of this nature.
lets put them on a plane and send them back. especially khalid and the the guy with the big mouth, arvani, or third world shithole name, come president trump , put boots on the ground and clean this shithole upand i still hope that alberts ays bye bye to the shithole for good, let sings people fight against the punjabis. this is just sick. all because of one frenchman.
Islamists in particular are a serious threat to Canada and western civilization. Every western country that imports large numbers of them experience social upheaval and chaos. Multiculturalism is an abject failure.
How can a country function cohesively when there are dozens if not hundreds of self identifying groups all speaking their own languages and demanding THEIR interests and religion be afforded "special privilege". NO. Everyone is equal under the law, no special status for ANYONE OR ANY GROUP.
Sadly the woke virtue signaling school boy Trudeau has destroyed common sense in Canada. One only need look at his idiotic, acquiescent pandering posture in the photo with Salma Zahid. He's buying all the bullshit she's selling.
What a fool.
I am very disturbed by the fact that we still don’t have the names of 11 past or present politicians who committed foreign interference yet we’re supposed to vote in the hopefully soon election without knowing those names.
Our laws are antiquated and badly need reform also in relation to removing some power from the prime minister, Trudeau’s teaching us that!
Only total allegiance to Canada for any politician. Or go the fuck home
Making being an MP eligible for Canadian citizens only, with dual or treble citizenship a disqualification, is a very interesting idea.
It’s the only logical idea.
Citizenship belongs to those born in that country. If I, a Canadian, were to immigrate to Sri Lanka, would that make me Sri Lankan in 3 years? Fk no, nor should it. That is an affront to that country, its people and its culture imo. The reverse is true for those who have immigrated here. You are not and never will be Canadian. That isn't racist or phobic, it's a fact.
You cannot originate from more than one country so the very concept of dual or triple citizenship is proposterous. Multiple citizenship needs to be abolished. Simple. That being said, if immigrants do come here to stay as permanent residents, they should be given the right to vote. As for becoming members of Parliament, that should remain exclusively for Canadians.