No referendum? No vote? Just give our tax dollars away? Many of our veterans are still waiting for their disability pensions. Despicable!

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Canada is so much leSS democratic than most would believe.

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Why are we allowing this asshole to giveaway billions that don't belong to him without the Canadian Taxpayers having a say as to how our money should be donated? He was voted in as PM not the banker of our money!!!!

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We have no choice.

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simply put, we know he has no balls, but either do the canadians, what does canada want, to give in to this pos, as i have said many times, something major has to happen. take a look in toronto, they found a guy, the only the media would say was this. alot of people would have been killed or injured. end of story. so you people on here give this old timer a solution.

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Marxism has surpassed its expectations within Canada as they knew exactly whom to pay off starting with Trudeau, Liberals and NDP followed by the MSM like the CBC, CTV and just about every newspaper in our country! Promoting propaganda like never seen before in Canadian History!

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this idiot knew all along what he was doing, a person who is ruining a country, should be jailed, as a matter of fact the whole liberal party should be banned from canada forever. its the only way you can get rid of the stench.

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Born and raised mentally ill communist

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The ones that want to fight aren't necessarily afraid to.

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then we need a leader who will take us into battle. first of all to get money back, cut off quebec, trudeau is always calling out alberta with his dirty oil comments, so lets save billions and not send any money to quebec, that alone would be enough to upset the apple cart, seconly remove the bloc from ottawa, thendrop 200,000 haitians in quebec, now the shoe is on the other foot.

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The Point B to being driven completely out of power.

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Thanks for keeping it real. Well said. We need to think causality… why is this happening? Canadians have no idea how widespread the oppression is. Why do we pay personal taxes since ww2, now at crazy rates?? Why? No reason at all. Our progress has been deliberately impeded and regulated to the max since Bretton Woods, only with a few breaks and shots of hopium, then back on track. We should easily be the richest gdp/capita sheeple on the planet. Hands down.

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Good article Brad. I have to give you much credit for being able to write about the sad state of our formerly great nation, its truly stomach churning and tragic.

They should no longer be referred to as the “political class” but instead as the “protected class”. They can do no wrong.. sexual assault charges,money laundering through trust funds and partnerships in biomedical and biotech, foreign interference in elections, law fare against citizens,forced/coerced medical treatment resulting in death or long term injury and I would hazard to say even murder. If there’s too much public outrage, they form a committee to investigate and conclude that there’s been no wrongdoing. Soon they will have a bill passed to stop the questioning or speaking out against the protected class as well as the forbidding of protest whether in public or online. The bill for the criminal prosecution of thought crimes and pre-crimes as well as past-crimes is in the pipe as well. Silence all dissidents. The admiration of the basic dictatorship is coming to fruition in his own land for Trudeau 2.0 and he’s relishing every second of it. His wet dream becoming reality… Both Daddy’s would be so proud. Democracy has been dead in the west for decades, it’s just taken us this long to figure it out. The 2030 agenda to which Harper signed us up for in 2015 has been accelerated to 2025. They head faked us with the timing to keep us half asleep, thinking that time was still on our side. We are now out of time with the ratification of the UN pact for the future.

Remember that all this started with a mask four years ago just to “flatten the curve”. Here we are now on the brink of the enslavement to a one world government, while the “protected class” gives away everything we worked for and do guest appearances on the the late night talk show circuit to gloat about what a great job he is doing for Canadians and the world.

No matter how mad you are at this point, I assure you it is not mad enough!

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I appreciate the kind words, yet as we both know, it's a sad and destructive situation.

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canada is now ran by the muslims, not the french anymore. go into brampton, in reality you would think you were in a third world shithole, and now the haitians are coming, and that so called is laughing all the way to the bank.

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Remember how gleeful Freeland was at the fact that the bank accounts of the convoy supporters were so easily frozen? She'd just written the groundwork for what is fast becoming an inexhaustible catalog of permanent reference points.

We are not doomed yet.

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Rich people spending our money, what's wrong with that picture?

And how much gets filtered back to trudeau in considerations?

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He is out of control, like his mother was in 2017!

One thing we CAN do is call our MPP’s and Premiers as they are the ones that can STOP Bill 293 from going through the third reading in the senate! It has to happen NOW! People, we WILL lose our sovereignty and the politicians will be pushed aside so the UN and the WHO can fulfill their policies set out by OUR government that are so vague and far reaching we will have no voice. Please consider watching: https://rumble.com/v5fo1x1-wch-canada-press-conference-bill-c-293-and-un-summit-of-the-future.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Dr%20Mark%20Trozzi

Also, consider subscribing to Dr.Trozzi’s substack and World council for health Canada to get the latest direction needed to do the people’s part in this mess we call Canada. It is a matter of our very existence as Canadians

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Globalist bipolar fanatic commmie a-hole

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Buying himself his next job with our money??I love the way democracy now works in this country.He decides everything and we the people have no say.We can't even get rid of him even tho most of us would love to see him go.

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And he was being propped up by Jugmeet now the Bloc are propping him up. You will see how he will mud sling at the CP and PP over climate change and abortion. As far as I can tell most Canadians think that carbon is a big problem and we need to tackle it.

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Even if carbon was a big problem( I am not going to argue this right now) he is not going about tackling it in the right way.His method is both ineffective and economically disastrous

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$5,000,000,000.00 / 40,000,000 million give or take a million illegal immigrants ...$125 per person. I think the WEF led mayor 'GondeX' of Calgary and woke council win the 🐷 award this time - $2,100,000,000.00 / 1,400,000 for green line train 'plans'.

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Trudeau is also sending Millions if not BILLIONS of Canadian Taxpayers dollars to fund the USA PROXY war of aggression in Ukraine against Russia. He doesn't care if Canadians are going hungry or homeless , he just wants to look like a BIG PLAYER IN WORLD AFFAIRS.

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100% self interest

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Hmmm! Nailed it Brad! I guess the last time he was eyeballing a Position with the UN and was turned down he didn't PROMISE/PLEDGE enough money. He couldn't empty the coffers enough, because he still had a few more years to distribute WHAT we don't have $$$$$$$$$$$. Trudeau KNOWS he is DONE, goose is cooked, Days are numbered! How much did he promise Zalensky, we know he was there and he and his wife were trolling Bidens! I wonder WHO else was on their HIT LIST! I've truly had my fill of the TRUDEAUS, and I pray Justin is NOT GROOMING Xavier for his kick at the can as PM!

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Xavier would be best to watch his back as he grows older

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Need a few other emojis

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🤦‍♀️It’s sheer madness.

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Bill C-293 was brought to us from an Old Stock Canadian From the GTA, Nathaniel Erskine-Smith. This legislation seems like it was written by the Communist CCP. It makes one wonder if Erskine Smith from thr GTA is one of the 11 Traitors to Canada working for the CCP. The Great Replacement Of Old Stock Canadians Continues.

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Trudeau claims that the world is "plagued by the erosion of women's rights, LGBT+ rights and indigenous rights." Of course, as with so much Trudeau says, the opposite is true. In fact, his government have mandated active discrimination in favour of women, LGBT+, and First Nations, and active discrimination against the white majority of Canadians and especially against men and heterosexuals, oh yes, and Jews. This is blatant in government, education, and academia, and encouraged in industry and elsewhere. Bigotry is the first rule of the Trudeau liberals.

This has been true in the US, pushed by the anti-white, anti-male Democrats. But recently it has been slapped down in education by the US Supreme Court. Then, in another case, the Court said, oh yes, this bigotry is outlawed in industry and business as well. The US has civil rights laws that apparently mean something. Canada has the far left Supreme Court and....Trudeau.

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Absolutely not accountability to the voters, none!

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