Amazing what support from foreign powers and organizations can do.Their psychological assessment of Trudeau was right on.They picked a guy who holds immense contempt for the citizens of his country , who never independently achieved anything meaningful who totally relied on his name and family fortune to have any kind of social status and who is capable of vicious deeds due to his lack of morals and his love for revenge.
As I commented yesterday I weep every day watching Trudeaus destruction of our country and after reading your article today Brad those tears are turning into crocodile sized ones!
We are rapidly becoming a" 4th. World country". Some of my children moved to Tennessee back in 2021. Should Trump be re elected, I also may plan to move south.
You are welcome. We witness the irony...while the woke warriors scream white supremacy, myriad forces are working to strip whitey of his power in Canada.
I see Trudeau has invited a once Nazi Unit leader to a rally in Toronto to honor Ukraine's PM Zelensky . It's the some Nazi that Trudeau brought to Parliament recently. Trudeau reminds of of Hitler in a way, Hitler hide in his bunker when the Worlds Democratic forces destroyed his evil empire and I bet Trudeau will be hiding in his mother basement when he loses the next election.
This won't be easy to reverse but it must be done. It's a reverse take over. 5% of the population with a veto based on they happened to live here first. Times have moved on, should the anglo's demand reparations from the Romans? And what qualifications do they have to use this veto?
Brad...great expose' regarding the Justin/Jughead collaboration destroying Canadian heritage and future international recognition as a nation. Justin recognizes every past injustice requiring an apology, restitution or resolution because his Marxist ideology is similar to NDP misfits.
However, all is a disguise to divert party intentions that is truly sinister in that Multi Culturalism is a precursor to reverting back to tribalism. If all ethnic, religious groups were a melting pot they wouldn't be able to manipulate or have control. By allowing each group to be provided a say in their evolution independent of others creates animosity amongst rest of the population.
Liberals have identified the low hanging fruit being indigenous population and illegally transferring land rights without consultation or approval of Parliament. Now ,BC is setting a president to establish native land rights which will have a domino effect across Canada. Trudeau knows what he's doing and cashing in on every opportunity .Keep your eye on TRUDEAU FOUNDATION contributors, it wouldn't surprise me to find a long list of indigenous band members, multinational (Chinese) resource co.
It appears Trudeau has/is completing which is relinquishing our sovereignty as collateral for Justin election guarantee in 2015. Canadians better get off their collective assess and vote these treasonous griffters before all is scattered in every direction.
There is also the Canadian Pipeline that Trudeau doesn't own , but is selling anyway? I think there will be a Spring or summer election than we can correct those insane undemocratic laws that Trudeau has passed. I wonder if the New PM of Canada has the power to arrest Trudeau and put him in jail, forever?? No such luck for Canadians.
I think this is a way for Trudeau to sell out Canada to China, with these first nations people having power over their natural resources!!!
With China being able to step in and promise the world to these undereducated people when it comes to making resource deals with China!!!
Like the gold mine that China tried to buy a couple of years ago, which was giving China access to the Northern Passage and allowing them to send military troops and equipment, to Canada's North to protect China's investments and opening the door for any military attack they might be planning on Canada!!!
Once you open the door you NEVER get rid of the problem, thanks to the TRAITOR TRUDEAU!!!
Brad...justin is doing up north what they did in Alberta...just back from Resolute & Prudeau Bay and all first nations are giddy about Trudeau handing over land rights in perpetuity however the real indiginous Inuit aren't included to participate and this is a major blunder by Trudeau. Expect conflict that Ottawa can't contain and prevent. Trudeau is setting up companies to take advantage in new shipping routes in anticipation of melting northwest passage with Chinese & American companies to divert shipping due to Panama Canal drying up.
When will this stop? Canadian Parliament Nazis Was Invited by Trudeau to Toronto Rally
What's one more authoritarian to a party, right?
"Yaroslav Hunka, the man at the centre of the controversy surrounding Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's September address to Parliament, was also invited by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to attend a Toronto rally honouring Zelenskyy during his visit to Canada."
Mr. Rota, the house speaker, took the fall for this, another honourable minister thrown under the bus to protect Trudeaus many colossal mistakes , the man is untouchable!
It's unbelievable how a simple drama teacher attained so much power to destroy our country in just eight years…..
Incredible, eh?
Amazing what support from foreign powers and organizations can do.Their psychological assessment of Trudeau was right on.They picked a guy who holds immense contempt for the citizens of his country , who never independently achieved anything meaningful who totally relied on his name and family fortune to have any kind of social status and who is capable of vicious deeds due to his lack of morals and his love for revenge.
As I commented yesterday I weep every day watching Trudeaus destruction of our country and after reading your article today Brad those tears are turning into crocodile sized ones!
Still, it's good to expose these things as much as possible. Media won't do it
Well he has the WEF behind him
Thank you for this information Brad.
We are rapidly becoming a" 4th. World country". Some of my children moved to Tennessee back in 2021. Should Trump be re elected, I also may plan to move south.
You are welcome. We witness the irony...while the woke warriors scream white supremacy, myriad forces are working to strip whitey of his power in Canada.
I see Trudeau has invited a once Nazi Unit leader to a rally in Toronto to honor Ukraine's PM Zelensky . It's the some Nazi that Trudeau brought to Parliament recently. Trudeau reminds of of Hitler in a way, Hitler hide in his bunker when the Worlds Democratic forces destroyed his evil empire and I bet Trudeau will be hiding in his mother basement when he loses the next election.
This won't be easy to reverse but it must be done. It's a reverse take over. 5% of the population with a veto based on they happened to live here first. Times have moved on, should the anglo's demand reparations from the Romans? And what qualifications do they have to use this veto?
Canadians living today are in no manner responsible for the sufferings of First Nations.
But they are targeted to pay the price by vengeful leftists and their various partners.
It's a crazy agenda. Virtue signalling gone wild.
Brad...great expose' regarding the Justin/Jughead collaboration destroying Canadian heritage and future international recognition as a nation. Justin recognizes every past injustice requiring an apology, restitution or resolution because his Marxist ideology is similar to NDP misfits.
However, all is a disguise to divert party intentions that is truly sinister in that Multi Culturalism is a precursor to reverting back to tribalism. If all ethnic, religious groups were a melting pot they wouldn't be able to manipulate or have control. By allowing each group to be provided a say in their evolution independent of others creates animosity amongst rest of the population.
Liberals have identified the low hanging fruit being indigenous population and illegally transferring land rights without consultation or approval of Parliament. Now ,BC is setting a president to establish native land rights which will have a domino effect across Canada. Trudeau knows what he's doing and cashing in on every opportunity .Keep your eye on TRUDEAU FOUNDATION contributors, it wouldn't surprise me to find a long list of indigenous band members, multinational (Chinese) resource co.
It appears Trudeau has/is completing which is relinquishing our sovereignty as collateral for Justin election guarantee in 2015. Canadians better get off their collective assess and vote these treasonous griffters before all is scattered in every direction.
First Nations, Islam, China, UN, WEF, Punjab, WHO.
The True-Dope family sold out Canada to these entities.
And the Liberal Party in general. Traitors all.
There is also the Canadian Pipeline that Trudeau doesn't own , but is selling anyway? I think there will be a Spring or summer election than we can correct those insane undemocratic laws that Trudeau has passed. I wonder if the New PM of Canada has the power to arrest Trudeau and put him in jail, forever?? No such luck for Canadians.
I think this is a way for Trudeau to sell out Canada to China, with these first nations people having power over their natural resources!!!
With China being able to step in and promise the world to these undereducated people when it comes to making resource deals with China!!!
Like the gold mine that China tried to buy a couple of years ago, which was giving China access to the Northern Passage and allowing them to send military troops and equipment, to Canada's North to protect China's investments and opening the door for any military attack they might be planning on Canada!!!
Once you open the door you NEVER get rid of the problem, thanks to the TRAITOR TRUDEAU!!!
Unfortunately, that makes sense.
Trudeau for ever the China patsy.
Guy Fawkes was right. We need a successful Guy Fawkes to save Canada. Both houses, and the supreme court. Capitals withheld to show contempt.
Brad...justin is doing up north what they did in Alberta...just back from Resolute & Prudeau Bay and all first nations are giddy about Trudeau handing over land rights in perpetuity however the real indiginous Inuit aren't included to participate and this is a major blunder by Trudeau. Expect conflict that Ottawa can't contain and prevent. Trudeau is setting up companies to take advantage in new shipping routes in anticipation of melting northwest passage with Chinese & American companies to divert shipping due to Panama Canal drying up.
When will this stop? Canadian Parliament Nazis Was Invited by Trudeau to Toronto Rally
What's one more authoritarian to a party, right?
"Yaroslav Hunka, the man at the centre of the controversy surrounding Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's September address to Parliament, was also invited by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to attend a Toronto rally honouring Zelenskyy during his visit to Canada."
Mr. Rota, the house speaker, took the fall for this, another honourable minister thrown under the bus to protect Trudeaus many colossal mistakes , the man is untouchable!