Trudeau needs to go resign he is no good for Canadians

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The Liberals have taken the 'moral high ground', believing somehow, that they are best equipped to manage authority. That authority has expressed itself as tyranny. Oppression does not serve the people. Free thought, free discussion, and free enterprise have been kicked to the curb. Justin Trudeau, as ill-equipped as he is to manage just about anything, has 'Niche Marketed' himself. The worst kind of 'snowflake' imaginable. Let's hope he melts on the sidewalks of Ottawa.

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Trudeau is Freedom-A-Phobic

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For its entire existence, Canada's social and political philosophy was founded, to a great extent, on a combination of two major forces: (1) 18th century Enlightenment rationalism, which gave us universal moral principles and the idea of individual rights and egalitarianism; and (2) Judeo-Christian values and tradition which also include universal principles such as love of neighbour and charity and respect for family, respect for God. Now, the CCP and globalists want to take over and impose their form of state autocracy and collectivism - which does away with God, family, nation and rights. It creates a two-tiered society through technocracy. The truckers and working classes are standing in the way of this Utopian vision, so the state-run media are trashing them -- which is shameful and grotesque. I'm glad to see the resistance form and to see people stand up for freedoms, and to witness patriotic displays and a celebration of Canada by these good people -- but as you all know, this fight is far from over. The one good thing that's happened is that the enemy of Canada (our governments and the media) have exposed themselves. Trudeau has sided with the CCP and Big Pharma and the corporate monsters against Canadians. We see him clearly now. We will never take freedom for granted again, now that we know how easily they can rob us of it. From now on, we will have to fight for freedom. The old days of enjoying free and prosperous nations are over. In this NWO, our enemies are intent on destroying us. But we have the moral high ground and truth and God is on our side. Never underestimate the power of truth and the moral law wiithin.

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well, I say this we have America, to the south of us, do you think they will allow Canada to become communist...we just need to get everyone to go and become like the courageous lions we should be...and that is don't wear masks, don't visit restaurants that support vaxx pass, call out those that love communism.

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We've always been communist - Tribal. We are now coming to grips

with it as individuals. Unify and validate one another. And enjoy the process.

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Great coverage. Thank you!

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Well, remember what sometimes happens to royalty. Revolutions despite eating cake and wearing cod pieces in their pants.

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Crimes Against Humanity - Grand Jury. Trudeau is named as one of the complicit leaders. This video shares many layers of the corrupt elite.


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I agree but the world around us, is and always has been, a morphing tribal experience. Communism exists to passify the average person into complacency with the present ruling class. For all it's successes, the US has demonstrated many short comings and is disintegrating. They are decades steeped in socialism/communism. Where did the cavalry come from with respect to the USA? From our trucking brothers of the North.

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