The absolute treachery with this family of traitors has become evident now after years of being hidden. Where was the CBC news staff during this time are we to believe that they were willing participants, I can see no other conclusion so we as citizens of Canada have been tricked for how many years by a complacent and seemingly willing news sources, may you all rot in hell you bastards.

Up the revolution mates, off with their heads, bring back the death penalty for traitors.

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Hidden for half-century.

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Just back from Barbados. Low and behold there was THE BOOK all tattered but it sat on a shelf. I asked if I could borrow it and burn it on the beach. Unbelievable

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We are a vassal state of China. We belong to China. So, let’s blame Trudeau. And let’s blame Canadians who ruthlessly obey and ruthlessly don’t care. We’re nice.

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We do NOT belong to China!!!

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Hoodwinked by Lie-beral and Media

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Given the long history between the commie Trudeau family and China it makes me wonder 🤔 if they've been planning to implement a China style social credit system of governance all along. Or, are they just such pathetic commie snobs that they can't help themselves and simply do what commies do?

Why do we let this stuff happen? Where one morally corrupt family can decide how everyone else lives. Why don't we do background checks on these people? 😅

We have an advantage, even if the news media won't do their jobs, we outnumber them. It should be like a game of whac-a-mole for these a-holes, we shouldn't be making it easy for them. I don't believe that every single member of our criminal justice system is corrupt. I'm sure there are groups of people, police, military, lawyers, doctors, etc., who have legitimate authority, the good guys, who are working diligently behind the scenes, to save our country. That's my greatest hope.

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"Planning to implement Chinese style system of governance all along" is THE QUESTION in my mind.

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You are correct but the problem seems to be for lack of a better word "balls" which so many men seem to be missing and not to leave out women I would say a distinct lack of moral fiber, fortunately for you that obviously is not an issue.

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I agree. When I look around I see society hailing performers like satanic Smith, probably one of the most revolting things I've ever seen on Grammy night in February. And his latest show was even worse. Society is sick. Parents that stand by while schools invite trans pedos in to read stories in drag to little kids. It's everywhere. We've lost our way (not me or you). We need to go back to God in schools, church on Sunday, more community, more family, less government interference. Men are weak, and don't stand up for women against these tyrannys. Where are all the men? Where's the morality? I think leadership is lacking in this country too. When Canadians have a tyranny in the PMO, well I think that explains alot.

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We definitely lack leadership in all our parties, no one wants to take on these thankless positions except the big ego power seekers who haven’t a clue how to run a country. Canada I believe is the best example of incompetence right across the board in government at the moment, the country is pretty well beyond repair.

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You sound pissed off. That's good. I wish more people were. Im a Pierre Poilievre supporter but even he disappoints and confuses me.

Maybe this Trudeau foundation will blow-up in Trudeau's face.

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