So why do Aboriginals get away with that and a whole lot more by Trudeau and other Premiers?

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Not only Aboriginal ls, Muslims and Sikhs are privileged beyond belief in Trudeau's Canadastan

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So very true in CanAboriginastan!!

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So WHO is Going to Challenge This,and WHEN?

Old Stock Christian's

Better UNITE or ELSE,




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CAP has said Christians must organize politically.

It's the difference between Islam and Christianity, and why Islam is taking over

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We as Canadians should declare 2024 " We want Trudeau Gone Year " Trudeau says it is understandable that Indians burned down Catholic Churches in response to the Indian grave news. It's just another Trudeau lie , Trudeau lied to the Indians in order to get this response from them. In any criminal court Trudeau would be found guilty of Arson . Hopefully Trudeau some day will pay for his many, many crimes against Canadians and Canada.

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Wouldn't that be sweet

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Everyone afraid to point the finger, the burning of churches in many cases is done by the indigenous themselves, there I’ve said it! All this unrest and accusations has been brought about by none other than Trudeau himself, began with his apology upon apology and lowering of flags for all the world to see. We, white Canadians, are a shameful lot.

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Will not accept’ ‘his’ shame. Stand tall Christians!!!

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Organize politically or die, but Christian leaders never do

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If it is understandable that the Indians burn down the church's, then It would be understandable that Canadians burn down the government. So then it would be understandable that Russia bombs Ukraine since 2014 Ukraine has been bombing the Ukraine's, it is understandable that Israel bombs Gaza and continues to genocide people, lordy lordy lordy, lets hope that trudeau burns down from the inside out with 5g frying his brain also

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