E.v.i.l. Prick he is

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all I can do is swear like crazy and hope it conveys all my thoughts. He broke bonds, BONDS in trust to send to UKR, and it sounds like Canada’s bled dry! now he gifts millions to Cambodia?????? mother 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️

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He's a idiot, plain and simple. But what makes it worse is that he is a DESTRUCTIVE idiot.

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exactly he is purposely doing everything humanly possible to make Canada a third world country under his Globalist communist fantasy.

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Because he believes in what is called "cultural relativism. Even out all countries in terms of wealth, so therefore Canada has to be reduced in wealth, and Syria and Somalia have to come up to the level of Canada.

Its the World Economic Forum model.

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A total fool to say the least!!!

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Who controls how the money is spent in Cambodia ?

Maybe Trudeau should pay out from his family foundation.

He has no right to spend taxpayer’s money on such foreign projects .

He must answer for this . Enough is enough !

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330 million is just a fraction of the total foreign aid being delivered to 3rd world countries.

Upon becoming Prime Idiot, Justin pledged 10 Billion to 3rd world nations over 10 years.

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Thank you for your reply. How much of it is in private pockets now?

Thank you for being a source of information.

Keep up the good work.

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Appreciated, thanks. Apparently, Trudeau personal wealth has skyrocketed.

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All this money Trudeau is handing out will very likely be laundered through various channels and find its way into the Trudeau foundation and WEF war chests just like the Ukraine “aide”.

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He needs to focus on Canada. As though nobody here is hurting? It’s not him and his select elte that are picking up the tab for this ‘generous donation’! He’s a farced faced le… will stetch and call him person as he’s no ‘leader’ of any integrity!!!

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He will focus on nothing but destruction for Canada, and benefit for China and Iran.

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He isn't destroying Canada; he has succeeded in destroying it. Here's an OT. What's this? We don't have Tylenol because of no French on labels? Here's an idea: If Quebec can make French the official language; why can't the rest of Canada make English the official language and forget the bi-lingual B.S.

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too bad that those $$$ don't go back to tax payers and those suffering in Canada eg; homeless & seniors, health care and education

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He has made MAID possible for all those issues......

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MAID targets Cdns of European heritage, while Libs import elderly 3rd world migrants with the Family Reunion program, which they constantly increase.

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Is he recruiting......

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How ashamed many or most Canadians must be to know that their votes established not only a fool to lead the country, but a traitor as well. So, Cambodia was the country he and his idiot henchmen chose to honour on Memorial Day - you know, the day set aside to honour the dead who fought fascism - and died, in the defence of their country. These brave and selfless young men and women left behind heartbroken mothers, fathers, wives, husbands - and above all, fatherless children. Perhaps, if Canada is attacked by a foreign power, Trudeau can call on Cambodia to defend us?

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More than absurd, just criminal misuse of Canadian tax $$$'s. How many Canadians would benefit from $330 million of MRI's???????????

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Nov 13, 2022
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Many of us should cut and paste and send this to our MP, yet most are not doing anything!

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Great letter. Thank you.

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Good move...he is a menace to society

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Nov 13, 2022
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Criminal it is...or should be.

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On GETTR, too.....they are permissible.....

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