Trudeau and his clownish caucus is underestimating the final outcome...it won't end well for him...example is the hit list of 52 deck of cards by veterans in Iraq. Saddam was hanged

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Go Conservatives, bring our country back to common sense and charge the guilty, wish the election was tomorrow, I'd be in line with the first to vote for them

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I really beginning to believe that change will only come about if Canadians march on Ottawa and take back what is ours: " Democracy" . If not we better get used to living in a Trailer Park and fighting over a dead dogs carcass if we want to eat because once Trudeau becomes King all those divine monthly cheques will soon disappear .

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we are all forked, farked, screwed every which way by these basterds, unfortunately not enough people have the balls to confront and depose this arse head so we are all doomed.

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