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Brad don't you think you're being a tad too soft on Trudeau? Canada with 1% of the worlds carbon emissions does not equate to forcing us to PAY $$ and they BLAME us for any deviation in the weather. A first world governments scam so the rich get richer. Politicians knowing the laws they will enact are as insider traders investing in green energy scams. Govt has demonized nuclear power for decades while knowing it is the only energy source for a growing population. They have kept CHEAP energy from us and milked our population for all it can get. Computer age they know every nickel of disposable income and aim to STEAL it from us. This IS an assault on most Canadians. They know Canadians fail to resist and will fall inline.

Taking advantage of good people MUST END. However playing nice is what will end since the vultures will always pick to the bone and then some. Never let a pandemic go to waste, use the FEAR to control and condition Canadians to accept the assault on OUR FREEDOMS. Most Canadians have NO IDEA what's coming and it's coming because we are passive and comfortable so most are not critical thinkers. We are led to the slaughter.

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