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Despicable, but there you have it. There's no stopping Dictator Justin Castro.

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That's the cruel reality of this government that continually assimilates its own population into the 3rd world conditions, to guarantee their agenda is on par, through this manipulation creating their own 3rd world regime. I say get the King' s Monarchy to over rule this governmental mania and help the struggling people who worked their asses off to make Canada all that it was. Its absurd even when this liberal government is preparing its new population with the funds stolen from its people and those same people are struggling in every possible way, while this dictator provides new cars brand name clothes an finances their life to make their new population advantaged in comparison to its own people so sad for their karma if there is such a thing. The liberals make laws and pass them unilaterally for Canadians to check out using assisted suicide because they are homeless so very sad this is our new norm.

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The Liberals fund our communities demise with our money.

Another despicable act by Trudeau’s Liberal Communists

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The day Justin became PM was the day Canada was headed for destruction

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King? Monarchy? Who do you think is part of the evil elites. The Royals are partners with wef, gates, Trudeau, vanguard, black stone plus many other elites. Destroy them and Canada has a chance. Do your research, it’s out there.

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We try our best

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I am extremely frustrated with what truturd💩 is doing to my country. I pray to God every single day that something happens, that the authorities, the Official Opposition Party, someone, stops him before it is too late.

The world is transitioning to a WEF/UN dominated system of world governance that is essentially a top down autocracy that will become permanent. We will be owned by what is essentially a private company.

When truturd💩 said, "Canada would become a Post Nation State", the media was silent.

The term "Post Nation State" can be defined as a State that is passed and a Nation that is no longer. Once Canada is no longer a Nation, there will be no requirement for national security, national identity, borders or sovereignty. Once these protections are gone, Canadians are left with no claim to any natural resources, property, and personal rights. The New World Order will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of our once proud Nation of Canada.

The free world is being hijacked by a few greedy people. Who seem to believe our, national identity, culture and heritage mean nothing. So jamming everyone into one big pot, regardless of borders, will benefit their needs.

Truturd💩 not only has no regard or respect for Canadians, he despises Canadians and everything we stand for.

The exact same exercise is taking place in the USA via the Biden administration. Look at what's happening at their Mexico border, yet Americans appear to be unable to stop the invasion. If the USA falls, Canadians are doomed. But if Americans stop the Biden Democrat agenda, there's a good chance people will be impeached, charges could be played, if Republicans can muster up the numbers. So far Republicans have the House, but not the Senate. Elections have been stolen, Arizona comes to mind, and are currently in Court to fight for election integrity asva result of the latest election interference by Democrats. That Senate seat should have gone to Republicans. Democrats are stealing their way through. Like Liberals they use mainstream media to cheat, lie, and steal.

We're up against a huge machine that threatens to take everything, including Russia. Even if it brings us to the brink of a nuclear war. Most people don't realize that we are in the midst of the biggest geopolitical restructuring. Putin doesn't want to play New World Order. The USA is pushing Russia into war over the battle for their New World Order, their One World Government.

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The entire Trudeau family have always hated nationalism in Canada.

Not a problem in China or any Muslim nation, of course. Just Canada their nemesis nation

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The COWARD Trudeau will succeed if we let him. We have to refuse to listen to his unCanadian rhetoric and destroy his character with actual facts. All of his scandals have to be exposed on the national level and every Canadian must stand up to his corruptness, dishonesty and arrogance before our children have to fight him all over again. C'mon Canada, we can do this. Canadians have never lost a war and we can't afford to lose this one.

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How do we not let him succeed?

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The corrupt media are just as guilty of treason & genocide as the Turd!

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Something along those lines, yes

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Past history addressed population issues in Canada to maintain proper levels of indigenous citizens by providing incentives to increase birthrates such as Quebec/Duplessie issuing $10000 dollars for every birth to maintain sustainable future population without resorting to immigration.

However consecutive liberal prime ministers deferred to immigration in an attempt to establish control through multiculturalism....big mistake and a huge cost to existing taxpayers .

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Accurate observation

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Its so sad this assimilation of a country's people, while the numbers of immigrates are record high and seasoned Canadians herded like cattle at the slater house wow its awful that this continues.

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So sad to see media support our demise

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Given enough rope and JT believe me is nearing the end:)

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Now is the time

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Wonder if ALL the peeps who sent them email & gotta response from them & attended meetings & spoke will receive a copy of the report this month, without having 2 ask 4 it ? re the above article ? https://twitter.com/GTAOntCanada/status/1605310284360724480

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GTA holds the key to Trudeau's pending 3rd world dictatorship.


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Just watch your back! Trudeau is worse then the Chinese. He knows better but will proceed with his own agenda. He is one of the leading tyrants of our age.

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This is what we should be talking about with our friends and neighbors over the holidays-BUT it isn’t going to happen because most have been brainwashed to believe that you can only believe what the CBC tells you and our PM and his NDP wannna be PM have told them that if you hold thoughts that do not align with what you are told, you are a white supremacist, racist- possibly mentally ill and in jeopardy of being radicalized into a domestic terrorist. So instead, we will eat our turkey dinner and “pretend” all is “normal” while the asleep recount how awful it is that so many we know are “suddenly” developing aggressive cancers or dying of heart attacks and strokes. Oh, and how scary is that climate change - it’s so cold and snowy, but the airfares are so high to go on their sun destination winter escapes this year! Literally handing over their savings and sovereignty over to a corrupt, tyrannical regime with ZERO consideration for the children and grandkids futures. If my baby boomer generation would have had to go to war in WW2, the Nazis would have accomplished their goals a whole lot sooner.

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"A nation that turns its back on God....is turned into Hell....."

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I am going to ask no- beg Elon Musk to expose Canadian backdoor deals and scandals from Twitter after their scandals are all exposed. We need lies exposed. No bigger platform right now to expose TURDEAU. And before Musk steps down. I guarantee they had media, vaccine, suppression campaigns with Twitter police.

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Growing up in Quebec was the opposite but similar. Even if I am born in Canada, my name is not french, so I never got hired until I worked for a Scottish owned company. In hockey it was the same. If you had a french name you moved up the ladder towards NHL if not you sat on the bench. I know because I knew a few ppl who were discriminated in Quebec in hockey leagues.

I would see and still see every non native poor english speaking or poor french speaking person in high positions, but no Anglo Canadians who are qualified. Only Quebecois or immigrants get the best jobs here. Its a ZOO. That is what it all is now.

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Whites are beginning to realize that the power they have, is their capacity to synthesize and make new. … rather than copy or duplicate. At the end of the day government gives nothing. The best manifestation of resistance to the state is to simply walk away. Not physically but something else? Turn off the TV. Do not subscribe to newspapers. Refuse to pay for on line content from main stream media. Why? Because government relies on media to shape a certain reality. Stop watching sports. But do gather in communities sympathetic to the emerging consciousness beginning to transcend government overreach. Refuse to believe anything government projects. Just accept everything government spokespersons say is a lie, an obfuscation, an inducement to mass psychosis. Stop voting altogether! Why? Because voting is a Hobson’s choice. Voting legitimizes the establishments grip over your and my reality. Stop looking for government as a solution.

Bureaucratizing community and society is a dangerous appropriation of you free will. A few days ago in Oshawa a women was ticketed for handing out clothing, toiletries, and food to homeless people in a park. Why? Because bureaucrats i.e. the state, does not want you taking responsibility for yourself or your community. Bureaucrats skim the top 70% of monies intended for the poor and inform.

Before one begins to act freely one has to realize the extent of the brainwashing. Governments serve the powerful but their agents are the middle class bureaucrats. More and more these middle class bureaucrats are immigrants. The ‘successful’ ones have good memories. Rather than make new and resist the brainwashing they are good memorized. They are imitative. Most of our degreed neighbours have good memories. Imitative memorizing serves the bureaucracies, the state, and the powerful. Walk away! It is daunting to walk away. Educate your children. Don’t send them to school. School intentionally infantilizes you children. A child cannot learn to think in school. Eliminating resistance by making the classroom experience a variety of cocoon is about as harmful as you can imagine something dangerous could be. Pampered children become pamper seeking adults.

We all need encouragement which is in the nature of a healthy society. But the encouragement extant today is dangerous to you individual integrity. Think “…free health care,” Canadas health care is more or less non existent. When you need gas, milk, a dentist, a plumber, the wait is the time it takes to pull into a gas station, a grocery store, a week or so for a dentist — unless you tooth pain is an emergency, then the dentist will fit you in. Maybe the wait for a plumber is a week or two — unless your pipe bursts, then the plumber will see it as a legitimate emergency and come almost right away. And the dentist offers preventative maintenance, and even suggests you eat fewer sweet confections.

Health care in Canada is a bureaucratized disaster. In fact is a hazard to your health. The recent response to COVID being a prime example of the cure being worse than the cause!

I hire people! Either they can or they cannot!

If they can they are valuable. If they cannot they are not valuable. Hospitals staffed with ‘cannots’ are no help if they cannot diagnose or fix my broken leg. If a plumber is a ‘cannot’ the result may be a disaster.

Bureaucrats are trained to resist anything like the normal response to the public’s requests. Bureaucrats know far more about temporizing, getting back to you, providing wrong information, castigating you when you act on the bureaucrats advice while never taking responsibility for their serious mistakes. Bureaucrats are nothing if not good at protecting their prerogatives, pensions and entitlements, you and I pay for.

Politicians and bureaucrats stay up late at night figuring out how to reenforce their prerogatives and thus enslave the public.

Freedom begins when people stop believing and begin to think for themselves — and finally begin to act for themselves. Use cash for one example (if you can.) Buy fewer things. Buy better things which will last. Turn off social media. Join a book club.

Share you concerns. Speak up. Do not forgive the lie. Inform yourself. Believe nothing. Verify. Ask questions. Look after yourself. Trust you.

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He will pay for his evil ways. It’s not about immigration or keeping people safe. It’s allabout HIS ego and money!!!

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