Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Wish our Canada Day gift was him out of our sight! 💗🍁

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Would be ideal.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

exiled , his whole party, now that would be a gift for thr the real canadians, i would love to soros puppet freeland riding in the desert dunes on her bike, or mr. wiggily walk prancing around arabia, better still the gaza strip, he wouldn,t last 5 miutes, as those people hate the gays. happy canada day brad.

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Thanks Alan, words can't describe the disgrace Trudeau truly is.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

We Canadians need a real Canada Day today, and that is for Trudeau to disappear.

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There is no "real" Canada with a commie Trudeau family member as PM.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

You have that right Brad.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

He is not the only problem, his masters have their claws tightly gripped around a whole lot of people of all political stripes & positions in parliament, nat'l assemblies, corporations, banking and unelected/appointed gvt offices from coast to coast to coast.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Yes there are the elites, taking down these puppets is a start, the more that fall the better, right now he is our biggest problem. It will be a start and you have to start locally to get rid of this evil.

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Start with Trudy, and the rest may fall like dominos.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Watch out if Carney becomes the next Liberal leader though. He might have a bit of a halo left for Canadians at his masterful guiding of the Canadian economy through the 2008 economic meltdown, but since then he has moved into scary territory. He would probably triple any of Trudeau's carbon tax plans.

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Carney is Trudeau "light" more than likely.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

There is nothing "light" about Carney. He has honed his globalist skills.

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I don't know. I think he has the potential to be even worse than Trudeau, if that's possible.

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Carney is Trudeau with brains. Scary thought!

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with WAY more brains. it is totally scary.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

I agree, one goes down then the domino effect. Either that or we can hope they will start killing themselves off including the royals and monarchs. They have already started. They will fight among themselves who will be king of the world.

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Take Down the Top,then to the Municipalities.

Build,Back,Better is a Grass Roots Blight!

It Must b Eradicated at ALL COST.

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Do not go after him directly. Target his supply lines and support lines. Start with what he holds dearest to him.

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Jul 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Great. Just like Geert Wilders, I don't know how Le Pen will do it since they are so polluted with Islamism and wokeism but it's to be watched. Once Canada clean up its act, Trudeau and Macron can become lovers.

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Trudy is mentally ill

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Yeah, you’re right. If someone is elected in a supposed democratic country… it’s the people’s will. So, yeah, nothing “went wrong” … it’s working as designed… too many years of tyranny of the minority, I guess, so they got too comfortable. I don’t think JT holds as much sway with Muslims as he thinks he does. The LGB/T +++ thing doesn’t go over well with heavily religious, family oriented, conservative people… and telling them what their kids should or should not be exposed to is a big no no.

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It looks like Macron is about to French Kiss Trudy Fruits .

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Jul 1·edited Jul 2

The audacity of writers writing biased pieces for mainstream is similar to cancel culture. It is doing it by swaying ppl with their unwanted opinions. Ppl are waking up, and France has had enough. It was about 6 months ago a French woman’s son was murdered by an illegal immigrant and they just lost it, Ireland the same happened. Zero tolerance by the ppl. The French are brutal and definitely not oppressed sheep. They are blunt and persistent and aggressive when necessary.

The French need to take France back. It was turning into middle east 2.0 there. Just like we all need our countries back. The Globalist prime directive is to dissolve culture, religions and make a mixed soup so one government can govern. And let us fight among ourselves to distract from their corruption. Its never going to work so long as ppl scream and fight for freedom and make noise.

Trudeau did not even wear a Canadian flag pin I think today. It says a lot. I guarantee he has rainbow socks on though.

His interview on CBC was scary today. I caught the part about his defeat. He said he will “have many more Canada Day’s in the future there will be a 10th 11th, 12th Canada Day and so on”, (he did not say as PM), but it was implied. When he was asked about the defeat in Toronto this week. He thinks he still will be PM forever… and ever, unless it’s so rigged, he will force his stay on, and or rig elections again indefinitely despite that the majority of Canada doesn’t want him. His own MPs are turning on him but there is a pressure, where they cannot say much without consequences. Be it job loss or other.

Snipers were everywhere during his presence. He must be getting fan mail again.

There will be a civil war no doubt should he attempt this agenda. What happened in US; burning things down pitchforks in hand, will be the only way they understand what “no” means. And still they will bring in military ( foreign to boot), to enforce his shariyah, DEI, WEF, commie dictatorship fantasy. Not trying to ruin Canada Day. Just seeing what his evil self can cook up.

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This is a very unhealthy person. Should be on the same medication as his mother. Not that that would help his immoral character. A complete waste of the Greatest*Gift he was given. ~*Life*~

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Trudeau MELTDOWN! ERRATIC Night Market Dancing After Liberals Seek To OUST HIM!


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